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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yeah a 2 minute (if that) DIY job to advance or retard your ignition to suit the fuel you were using. Cost you £500 these days Pete
  2. I find it quite difficult to assess just how popular the colour was as the production run of 313's was so limited. For sure, Rosso Red, Pearl White, Temper Orange and Midnight Blue Zeds are a rare sight on our roads. The other 3 colours available were either identical in the case of black or almost identical to the previous model colours, ie Universal Silver/Blade Silver and Twilight Grey/GM Grey. As an ardent spotter of Zeds I've actually seen more Midnight Blues (3) than Universal Silvers (2) Unless you get a good view of the front bumper/lights they are really difficult to tell apart and of all the Zed colours Silver shows off the bulge bonnet the least. Also, the dynamics of Zed sales changed completely in 2007, previous to that it was pretty much impossible to buy a new one off the shelf. The 3 main dealers I went to in 2006 were all singing from the same hymn sheet. Chose your colour/spec, give us 2 grand and we'll phone you in 3-4 months when it comes in . After the bankers crises in 2007 there were brand new Zeds to be had almost on demand, of course, you could still order one to your exact spec, when I enquired for Caroline in early 2008 I was told "a few weeks delivery" but as long as I wasn't too fussed about colour/spec then they could get me one within a week Pete
  3. Midnight Blues are pretty rare and although in poor light they look black when the sun comes out they look fantastic Pete
  4. Here's mine, limited to static shots from The Waterloo. It's awards time and Colin looks pretty pleased, not to sure about June though Early arrivals at The Waterloo are greeted by sunshine Lunchtime!! Pete
  5. Well, you certainly can't replace it with one of the top range cards....but, your PSU will run an Nvidia GT440 card as they require a minimum of 300w, although 350 or 400w would be better. These are obviously not hard core gamers cards but the one I fitted in my daughters PC (similar spec to yours) runs all of her games without any issues that I can see and is well above the minimum spec required to run the formula one game. One thing to keep in mind is that older motherboards like yours MAY not run a higher quality card than the X40 series without a Bios upgrade, even if one is available. It would seem that motherboards are outdated in an ever decreasing period of time so you probably need a complete rebuild at some stage in the near future. Pete
  6. Welcome Almost impossible to say if it's a GT from those photos, but those seat look very much like the Frost Grey leather seats to me Pete
  7. There's a lot of Liverpool fans who would like him back, from reading through some of the threads on some LFC forums I'd say 70%. The owners won't be pressured into taking him back though and I'd rate his chances as slim. The Martinez story is I reckon a smokescreen, I'd be very surprised and somewhat gutted if he got the job. Pete
  8. Somewhere around 2.00 I would think. Colin has the drive down as just under 4 hours and we'll all be pretty hungry by then . See you there maybe? Pete
  9. Never park in the main area, try and find a corner without any other vehicles about and enjoy the extra few yards you have to walk. A couple of weeks back I saw a young girl slam her door into another car so hard it not only dinted the other guys car but left a 3 inch line of white paint. In fact the bang was so hard that several people turned around and looked. Anyway, she looked at the damage she'd done then got back into her car and moved it into a different space. If I'd have had a pen and a piece of paper handy I'd have taken her number and left a note on the guys car (it was a 3 year old Pug) but in a supermarket car park there's little you can do anyway. Pete
  10. I'm popping up for a couple of hours this afternoon so see you all shortly Pete
  11. He almost stalled it at the lights too. Pete
  12. No, of course not , but it could be bad news for pre 2006 car owners.
  13. Could be a bit of scaremongering but.... Read the full horror story below. http://news.sky.com/home/politics/article/16228241 Pete
  14. A few years ago the rear wiper motor failed on Caroline's MGZR, phoned up the garage doing the MOT who said we don't test that. As recently as March this year the Clio passed the test with a perished rear wiper blade. Of course with more and more regulations each year it may well be mandatory for them to work at some stage Pete
  15. Under the new rules the rear wipers/washers are still not part of the MOT. Pete
  16. Pteromerhanophobia Pete
  17. Sorry, but we won't be attending this meet now. Pete
  18. He was surprisingly good . Camilla was a bit wooden though. Pete
  19. Hosepipe bans are a joke, you simply fill buckets up with water from your tap and water your garden/plants from the buckets. Washing your car with a jet wash uses much less water than filling 10 buckets and throwing them on your car....ever tried filling a bucket from a jet wash, yeah, it takes ages. Pete
  20. About 20% of the time. I only ever use the one garage (Shell in Mold) and it doesn't always have V-Power. I never go to ASDA or Tesco as there's usually a 5 or 6 deep queue at each pump. Pete
  21. I guess we should call them squarer plates as they are nowhere near square in reality . While I was researching the legality of these plates I came upon a law that says all cars that can support a U.K plate should have them fitted, in other words fitting an aftermarket bumper with a square holder is in fact an offence. I found several threads on various car forums where people got a £60 fixed penalty, even on JDM imports as some JDM models will actually take a U.K number plate. Here's an example, this guy was fined £60 and told to put U.K style plates on. How stupid . Pete
  22. I use mine quite a bit, especially in the winter . Would have been good if you could lift it up more than a few angstrom units though Pete
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