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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. They were playing a very poor side last night who were completely out of their depth. Having said that I was impressed with Spain Pete
  2. Yeah, what a bunch of pond life . Someone should be able to identify at least one of them. Pete
  3. Welcome It's mainly caused by condensation, it can be pretty bad in the winter or when there's lots of rain about (like now). It usually clears up after 15-30 minutes. I keep a few sachets of silica gell in the cab , does help a bit. Pete
  4. Quite, I had the same advisory in 2009, used a couple of different MOT stations since then with no further advisories. My car stood for 2-3 months prior to the 2009 MOT, discs look to have cleaned up since then. Pete
  5. Yes, same colours different names. Pete
  6. Nissan dealers haven't got a clue. Pete
  7. Group of death comes alive Pete
  8. Yeah, the heavens have just opened here...Yellow warning out for our area. Good news is that next week looks far more promising Pete
  9. Welcome Yes, the R-Tune was announced and tested by the U.K motoring rags but none were sold here. I think the outrageous price tag, in the region of £50k may have had something to do with it, in any case Nissan pulled the plug before sales commenced. Pete
  10. Gosh, I'm really sorry to hear about this. Hope everything goes well for you . Pete
  11. We've all watched too many episodes of Taggert Pete
  12. Yeah, looks lopsided somehow, doesn't seem to be in proportion Not for me I'm afraid. Pete
  13. I agree, but, I believe it's unfair to compare the two. By the time you've added a few bits and pieces to the basic £48.5 for a Cayman S you're really looking at a car that's going to set you back £55k or probably more....and last time I asked a few years ago the discount for cash was pitiful. A 370Z will set you back £33k with the GT pack, you can probably get a big discount on that too. A better comparison would be 370Z against the Boxster, Cayman S versus GTR. Pete
  14. England were pretty average last night, France were clearly the better side though but didn't have much of a clue how to break England down. I think they (France) will struggle against good counter attacking teams like for example Russia. England should do better against Sweden and Ukraine but TBH I was quite taken back by the performance of Voronin who looked a completely different player than the one I remember struggling at Liverpool. It's early days yet though, lets see what happens in the next batch of matches. Pete
  15. I was born in England too but have lived in Wales for the last 51 years, moved here as a child like you did to Scotland. A bit different for me as this part of Wales has more in common with the North West of England than for example Cardiff or the Welsh speaking areas of Mid and North West Wales. In any case, I've always thought of myself as British . Pete
  16. It's nothing to do with being a mongrel nation, just look at how patriotic Americans are or for that matter Australians. Anyone who's been to rural America will have noticed the huge number of flags not only on public buildings but in peoples gardens too, I mean what's the point, I know I'm in America Its not that English people don't have any dense of national identity its just that they are more relaxed about who they are. Pete
  17. Welcome The 276 bhp ones are in the lower tax bracket, the 300's (296bhp) and the 313(309bhp) are all in the higher tax bracket. The 313's have a taller engine, which is 80% different to the earlier engines and has twin intakes. Apart from the extra power there are possibly a couple of very minor interior updates plus of course the 313 has a different bonnet with a bulge in it to accommodate the taller engine. The 313's have different colours too, some of them quite rare. Pete
  18. Well, the "Group of Death" is more like the group of boredom Pete
  19. Holland....provided they don't walk off the pitch. Pete
  20. Really? Do you need some sort of permit to buy it from a pump? Pete
  21. I don't think any other country in The World could put on a show like that Proud to be British, you bet! Pete
  22. Oh, look what's on my drive Pete
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