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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. A few more... The Long and Winding Road.....The Beatles Accident Prone....Status Quo Highway Chile.....Jimi Hendrix Cul De Sac.........Genesis Ride, Ride, Ride.....Jo Jo Gunne The Day the Lights went out.....Genesis Higher Power......Boston Race with the Devil.....The Gun Turn, Turn, Turn.....The Byrds Hitchin' a Ride........Vanity Fair Pete
  2. Beneath The Wheels....Rush Red Barchetta....Rush Baby you can drive my Car....Beatles Kraftwerk....Autobahn Janis Joplin...Mercedes Benz The Boys in The Bright White Sports Car...Trooper (Obscure but a Top 10 hit in Canada ) Bus Stop....The Hollies Little Deuce Coupe....Beach Boys Rev on The Red Line...Foreigner MotorBiking....Chris Spedding Back on The Road Again....Canned Heat Roundabout....Yes Cadillac Driver...Fandango (Joe Lynn Turner) Pete
  3. No, mines fine, plenty of pressure. Pete
  4. Of course VOSA don't want to damage your car, but running the test on one wheel sends a load of torque through the LSD which gives a false reading. Pete
  5. Stolen/Recovered often means a certain amount of damage. When my RS Turbo was stolen at 21.00 and recovered the next day at 07:30, 30 miles away there was about £1200 worth of damage, lock was forced with a screwdriver which was hammered into the lock, creasing the door somewhat.... steering lock was snapped and the whole column had to be replaced together with all the locks. However, the problem is that if the insurance have paid out and its been recovered later then it could have been stored in a garage or it could have hooned around for a few weeks on false plates Pete
  6. U.K GT has 6 buttons on the steering wheel Pete
  7. JetSet


    My 55 reg has done just 14k Pete
  8. Way, way overpriced, you can get an 08 low mileage for that sort of money. Pete
  9. Americans are very much into their history, it's pretty easy when your country is only 200 years old though . Where they really suck is their complete lack of knowledge of anything that takes place outside of The U.S.A. Pete
  10. Goodness me, that must have been one hell of a gust as that car was sheltered by a larger vehicle, although that had shifted position a bit too. Must have been 120mph+ Pete
  11. Having to watch Downton Abbey Yeah, same here! 13-12 now Only need one more point. Pete
  12. Ken has a database of all known GT4's. try dropping him a PM Pete
  13. One of the (very few) good things about living in Wales is that you only pay 3.5k per year in tuition fees, the Welsh Assembly will make up the difference for any uni in the U.K . My daughter wrapped up her MA today and has now officially left UWIC Pete
  14. JetSet


    Yeah, those were the days, the whole game fitted onto a 1.2 mb floppy . My favourite game from back then was "Lemmings" .. Most of the old DOS games are now available for free legal download and provide hours of fun Pete
  15. Not keen on tolls but would prefer it to go on the petrol. It's not really fair that Caroline should pay £450 a year when she only does 3k a year, when a car driven 12k a year with £150 road tax would actually produce more pollution Pete
  16. JetSet


    Most sidewall blowouts are caused by under inflation, the tyre overheats until it bursts and blows out through the weakest area...the burning smell is a pretty good clue as well. Here's one I suffered in Colorado a few years ago, the car started acting strangely about a minute before it blew. Pete
  17. Yes, it's possible but as long as you make The M.O.T tester aware that your car has an LSD there shouldn't be any problem. A diligent tester will bring up on his computer any special requirements for the car he is testing anyway. Now then, my mate owned and ran an M.O.T garage for over 30 years and he told me that he only used the Tapley for vehicles with permanently engaged 4wd. For cars with LSD's he simply ran the test with both rollers running. He said that using a Tapley for a road test is pretty worthless as this only gives you an overall braking efficiency test on all 4 wheels whereas running on a rolling road (with both rollers running) gives the tester a lot more information on the rear brakes . Pete
  18. Yes, Jap imports are certainly worth less than a U.K car, especially to dealers. One of the problems is that on many of these imports you can never be sure of the correct mileage or service history. Some sellers either have no idea of the true mileage and will come up with all sorts of stories, excuses or just tell lies. However as Zed's get older I'd expect the price gap between U.K's and imports to narrow gradually. Pete
  19. Caroline has had her roadster for 2 years and apart from some minor kerbing hasn't had any problems keeping it on the road. She drives faster than me (who doesn't ) but has excellent awareness and very few faults. She was more mature than most when she learned to drive, 42 I think and completely avoided the hooligan stage that people who pass their test in their late teens or early 20's go through . She can drive my Zed any time she pleases really, I trust her 100% Pete
  20. I wouldn't have thought that would have been an option if you already have 6 points....however, as I understand it, some police forces are now or will be shortly forcing serial speeding drivers to go on an advanced speed awareness course, costs more than an ordinary course and you still get the points Pete
  21. I'm guessing Denbigh moors would be the best place in North Wales. Light pollution from the south and from the Merseyside area would be minimal. Llandegla would probably be reasonable too. Pete
  22. Holy cow, does he live on Mount Palomar Seriously though they are stunning pictures, I can't even imagine the equipment needed to get photos of that standard Years ago I used to get that sort of view of the Milky Way but the light pollution from Deeside, Chester and even further away has built up to the extent that you just don't see it in its full glory now. Pete
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