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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. That's sadly a compact disk system and will only run CD's. The problem is that the CD version is very hard to get hold of, I've searched high and low to find one without any success. Pete
  2. If they're too stretched then many tyre fitters won't touch them. Pete
  3. Not great, but I don't think its a complete disaster. Pete
  4. I heard about the possibility of this earlier this year and have come to the conclusion that there are nothing like 60 aircraft involved. I don't see the logic of burying huge loads of what at the time were modern aircraft and were sill in service with The R.A.F for a further 10 years. Until I see some more evidence I remain unconvinced . It reminds me of a rumour that was around in the late 60's that British Rail had mothballed around 20 steam locos, shunted them into a tunnel on a disused line in South Wales, then sealed it off. However if it is true then I'll be delighted to see some Spitfires returning to flight status, I think there are only 3 or 4 airworthy examples nowadays. EDIT, O.K, I got the location wrong but here is the story http://semaphoresignals.blogspot.co.uk/2006/01/strategic-steam-reserve.html Pete
  5. Although the police haven't said so they are now almost certainly searching for a body. They have told me that driving up and down the lane is O.K, but I'm not allowed to walk within the search zone which really excludes me from leaving the house by foot. They have a fairly large area to search, 2 quarries , 2 large wooded areas plus a couple of abandoned farms and a disused railway line. One of the quarries has a very deep pond which will be the centre of the search when a specialist team arrives. The lane remains blocked at both ends with a 24/7 police presence and only residents of the 4 houses in the lane are being allowed in and out. Pete
  6. Its very sad really, police have confirmed its the missing ladies car and are searching the quarry and surrounding area. They have warned me that the search could take some days and to expect some disturbance as they will have the helicopter up from time to time. Pete
  7. Oh dear, can't leave the house without permission as my lane has been sealed off by the police in the hunt for a missing woman. They found her burnt out car at a quarry a couple of hundred yards from my house and the area is swarming with police and forensics. I also spotted a few camera crews in the area too. Doesn't look too good for the missing woman sadly. http://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/116930/latest-police-find-car-in-hunt-for-missing-catherine-gowing.aspx Pete
  8. Azure was discontinued in 2007. There's several ways to spot a 296, Headlights don't have an orange strip down the side, rear lights are LED's and the front bumper has 2 plastic strips in the grille, the older models have 3. Pete
  9. I'm using 1920 x 1200 on a 23" monitor with a GTS 250 graphics card. I need to try the site out on my laptop really. Pete
  10. Very happy with the new site. The only minor issue I have is that scrolling through the pages is a bit jerky, but this may be down to the high screen resolution I'm using. Pete
  11. If you don't SORN it you now get an automatic fine, seeing as the tax ran out 3 months ago I'm guessing the owner has in fact SORN'ed it. You used to have to fill in a form but presumably you can do it on line these days? Pete
  12. Already got that one... I did think of a few others though Vehicle................The Ides of March Cool The Engine.....Boston Rollin down The Highway....Doobie Brothers Pete
  13. The date of liability is the date the tax ran out, so not currently taxed I think. Pete
  14. Hmm, I can't get that link to do anything. Pete
  15. 8 Miles High by The Byrds, I'm guessing it was 1965. Pete
  16. New style forum looks great but what are those green squares with numbers on on some members profiles? Also, some of the joined dates and last visited dates are out by years in some cases! Pete
  17. Big huge video covering the logon part of the sign on screen. Pete
  18. Spotted on Monday in the car park by The British Legion. Pete
  19. It was a rush job, the 350Z was designed as a coupe and the roadster was something of an afterthought. Pete
  20. Mine is one of the last prefacelifts (Jan 2006, 55 reg) and is reprogrammable. Pete
  21. As stated 5C is the minimum but we've found that it doesn't work properly until around the 10C mark. Pete
  22. Try here. http://www.satnavi.com/nissan.php Pete
  23. They just keep on coming... Up Around the Bend.....Creedence Clearwater Revival Fly on a Windshield......Genesis King of the Road..........Roger Miller Long Distance Runaround......Yes Davy's on the Road Again.......Manfred Mann Street Fighting Man.......Rolling Stones Pete
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