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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yes, I paid around 10k for a brand new Capri 2.8i in 1985. I got it at a reduced price as the Capri 2.8i Special was out by then, list price 12.5k. Good ones fetch from 12-15k some 30 years later, a Brooklands or Tickford one would probably fetch a lot more though as they are very rare (just like The GT4). Pete
  2. If by classic you mean Tax free then it's 40 years. Pete
  3. I didn't think I had a regional accent until I heard a recording of my voice Pete
  4. I'm rarely in a rush so I let other drivers out (or in) pretty much all of the time. I have once or twice had drivers behind me blowing their horn or flashing their lights because I'm letting multiple cars out though . Pete
  5. He must have said "I really do" at least once a minute. Pete
  6. Yeah, a bit suicidal really. Pete
  7. Tints do make it look a bit odd. Pete
  8. Belgium are ranked number 2 in the world apparently, . Pete
  9. Britain holds all of the aces , words fail me. Pete
  10. To add to that, Caroline phoned me up from work yesterday to say there was a dead cat on the road about half a mile away, one of her work colleagues had seen it on her way to work. The description matched one of the 3 cats that hadn't come in for their breakfast so fearing the worst I drove up there. There was no cat so clearly it had been moved from the road as its quite close to the County Council Highways depot. 2 of the missing cats arrived before dinner time but not the one I suspected it could be. It was 4 o'clock before she came in and I don't think I've ever been so relieved to see her. I still feel a bit sad as I think I know who owned that cat and how they must be feeling right now. Having pets certainly has its rewards but sometimes it can be so painful. Pete
  11. Bloody foreigners . Not bad though is it Pete
  12. I tend to go home so what I don't see wont hurt me Pete
  13. There certainly was a racist element to the campaign but the vast majority was a few notches down from that. When I was in primary school aged about 10 I once called a lad in our class out by the "N" word. I got the cane for that, taught me a lesson in more ways than one. I can still remember the guys name and the incident quite clearly even after 55 years. I came from Merseyside which in the 50's and 60's had a sizeable number of ethnic minorities compared to most of the country and it was fairly normal for children to call foreigners with an offensive name. You know, we all have our prejudices, there is a certain section of our society that I despise and I know that the vast majority don't like this group and also seeing a woman in a full Burka is really spooky (although it's something I've never seen around here). Racism and hate crime will never go away it's just human nature and I think that it's been hyped up by the press to a large extent. It's nowhere near as bad here as say in Russia or The U.S. Pete
  14. One thing's for sure, we will not get a better deal, the best we can hope for is the same deal. Same goes for the rest of the world. I look at it like this, over the years we've had the opportunities but never taken them. Take fast food for example a market that is completely dominated by U.S companies and nothing to do at all with the EU. Why have British companies not stepped in, are we just too lazy? then there's transport, Arriva, a German company run all the Trains and most of the bus's around here, why? I have watched British companies vanish from the scene simply because their products just weren't good enough, British Leyland is a classic example of this. At one time we were one of the powerhouse of industry but they're either all gone or owned by foreign companies. We don't make our own cars, trucks or motorbikes and most bikes, the type you pedal, are imported. Our railway industry once the biggest in the world as recently as The 1960's has shrunk to virtually nothing and it's the same for most things in the world of technology, we invent it, others exploit it. I can remember what was known as "The Brain Drain" back in the 60's when the best people we produced simply went elsewhere, mainly the U.S and I fear we'll see a repeat of this in the next few years. There are still some shining beacons out there like Virgin and BP but a quick browse through Europe's biggest companies is quite depressing, only our banks, BP and Shell make the top 50. The question is though can we reverse the decline of The U.K, we certainly have the people to do it but will they step forward or will they just clear off. That's the main challenge we face, rather than just plodding along as we are now. I'm not old enough to remember $4 to the £1 exchange rate but I can remember when it was $2.80 and devalued to $2.40 with the famous "pound in your pocket" speech. Worth just over half of that now. I'd love to be an optimist and say that things can only get better but I just can't, BTW, I believe that staying in The EU would not have changed the decline, it would just have slowed it down Pete
  15. Its with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that the little kitten passed away late last night. Despite another visit to the vet yesterday and some concentrated efforts to get him to feed he just wasn't strong enough to survive. There was no sign of infection, no vomiting or diarrhea and he didn't have cat flu or anything like that, I'm pretty upset about it. Our attention now has to turn to the remaining 3 kittens, 2 of which are also quite small. So far they all look very healthy, they are feeding off their mum and the large one is eating solid foods, the smaller ones have also started picking at solids. The mother is a very small cat which could be a contributing factor and I'll be keeping a very close eye on their progress. On a lighter note here's another cat in box photo taken a few minutes ago. Pete
  16. Yes, it's possible, very possible that a referendum will be held on the terms of the agreement reached in a couple of years time, if the government of the time feel that it's important enough. Truth is, until we actually leave the EU anything could happen. Pete
  17. This was something the government should have thought about before declaring the referendum. From memory, I believe the first referendum on setting up the Scottish assembly in 1979 was actually won by The Yes vote with around 51% but didn't reach the required 40% of all registered voters. If similar rules had been applied the leave camp would have lost. Pete
  18. Mine's something like 20% but you should keep in mind that lots of members had several thousand posts before the like button was introduced. Pete
  19. Good summary, Roy was out of his depth at Liverpool what made the England management think he could fill the most important role in English football? As to this being the worst performance, well I can't argue with that. We don't seem to have the attention to detail that other countries have, I mean we've done fairly well in some tournaments since 1966 but how many times have we lost on penalties?, we've been unlucky in some too, like the hand of God goal but make no mistake we have been just not good enough. I don't know where we go from here TBH. Pete
  20. If the £ doesn't pick up we'll start seeing some of the effects in 3-4 months time with more expensive prices for imported goods but I wouldn't expect anything too catastrophic. Exporters should see a boost as should the tourist industry and I don't think that large international companies like for example Toyota are going to be pulling out of The U.K anytime soon but they may well delay further investment until the situation becomes clearer. A lot depends on the terms that are agreed on and the time scale. One of the disadvantages we have and to be fair have always had is our geographic position, it must be far more economical to build factories on mainland Europe and save on transport costs, however so far this hasn't been a problem. Let's see where we are in 12 months time, we should have a clearer picture by then. Pete
  21. We once had a grey male cat and when he was about 10 months old he went off his food and one of his eyes clouded over. Sadly it turned out to be feline peritonitis which is always fatal. However, the vet put him on a course of drugs and a weekly steroid injection. He picked up quite quickly, his eye cleared up after a few months and all looked pretty normal. The vet was amazed, he said he'd never seen a cat last more than 6 months but Squeek as we called him lasted 12 months before it reoccured and this time there was no coming back for him. Pete
  22. The kitten has survived the night . He was snuggled up to his mum this morning and looked like he was feeding but I'm going to carry on feeding him with kitten milk for a while longer. If he is feeding then that would increase his chances of survival and it could be that the drugs are kicking in. Fingers crossed. Pete
  23. Bengals . Sadly, one of our smaller kittens is very poorly, just happened suddenly and looks unlikely to survive the night. The kittens Rosie his mum had were very small, except for one and the vet told me that it's often the case that at least one of the first litter will run into serious difficulties. So far he hasn't responded to anti biotics, anti imflammatory drugs or steroids and he's stopped feeding off his mum. I am managing to pipette some kitten milk but TBH I think it looks hopeless. One of the other small ones was also quite poorly but has now pulled around thankfully. Pete
  24. Hats off to Iceland, they played well but England telegraphed the way they were going to play in the previous 3 rounds, ie pass the ball back and forward until the opposition get all their men back. As for the players, Rooney is clearly past his sell by date, a shadow of the great player he once was, Sterling has gone backwards since he left Liverpool and is completely lacking in confidence. It's hard to grant a glimmer of praise to any of the others as well. We are simply still light years behind Germany, Italy and France, Pete
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