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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I'm noticing that there's a problem with my quotes. The first line of the quote is O.K, but the second line onwards has much smaller letters, almost unreadable in fact. They look O.K when I'm composing the post and I'm not doing anything different, any ideas? Pete
  2. True, but if there's to be an election every 4 years and assuming the next election also costs £100 million that's still 750 permanent police jobs . The report in The Telegraph indicates that the £100 million figure is far from the truth, although where they get these figures from is anyone's guess. Pete
  3. Yes, it was in their manifesto but I doubt that it would have swung too many votes in their direction at the last general election. If they were determined to push through these elections they should have at least waited until April or May next year. TBH, I'm not really sure what these commissioners will be able to achieve really, the government set the police budgets and the chief constables are well aware of what the priorities are. We now have elected commissioners, what next, elected sheriffs, judges...... Pete
  4. JetSet

    Hot cop cars

    Love The Capri . Around here you only see Volvo's, our neighbouring force, Cheshire also have Volvo's . Pete
  5. I have had exactly zero information from any of the candidates so I'm not voting. I was against the idea from the start anyway. Pete
  6. That's what I did when I got a summons for failing to pay the last instalment of my Rates back in 1980. I actually wrote them a letter a month in advance explaining why I would be unable to make the payment. The council were well aware that the Steelworks I worked at had closed down and that the redundancy payments had been delayed....8,000 people lost their job on the same day, the biggest ever redundancy in Europe, but the council didn't even bother replying they just sent a summons adding that for each week I delayed payment the costs would rise. I would certainly go through the other stages first but from experience of dealing with our local council I'm afraid I wouldn't hold out too much hope. After all Flintshire County Council were the council that clamped a Post Office van in Mold while he was delivering his mail. Pete
  7. It's the first few miles that kill the M.P.G and driving in bumper to bumper queues when it warms up. Unlike most people I prefer to know my overall M.P.G over an extended period so my computer never gets reset, however, I always leave the computer displaying DTE and I've seen that drop around 10 miles in the first couple of miles on a really cold day. Pete
  8. +1 If it was me I'd also consider talking to the local press. Pete
  9. As Sarnie said, the Nismo was only sold in Japan and The U.S.A. Back in 2005 Nissan brought one over to The U.K for the car mags to test out. The intention was to sell The Nismo in The U.K as well but the price was to be an eye watering £50k . BTW, The factory fitted Nismo body kit was £2495 back in 2005. Pete
  10. I would prefer the word replica to fake really . I only have the rear spoiler and you can tell it from the real thing as Nismo's are smooth, replicas are kinda wavy. Pete
  11. Post of the day . Pete
  12. There are lots of online backup solutions that'll give you 5 gigs for free. I use Mozy on my main machine and IDrive on my laptop. Pete
  13. My 370z HAS tyre pressure monitoring or is this a different type system to what is required for MOT? As long as there's some kind of low pressure warning light or gauge then you'll be O.K. Presumably the monitors are inside the wheels? I believe that all new cars sold from 2012 onwards in The E.U are fitted with TPMS by law. Pete
  14. I think you need a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (or a warning light) to get run flats through the M.O.T . Could be wrong though. Pete
  15. I've only had one car longer than 8 years, my RS Turbo and the original battery on that lasted 3 years, and I was on my 4th battery when I sold it. My Zed was 13 months old when I bought it in 2007 but was on display in a showroom for the entire time and I suspect the battery had been left in as it only lasted until mid 2008. 8 years is phenomenal really but if we have a bad winter you'll wake up one freezing morning with a dead battery for sure! Pete
  16. Welcome along . Sorry but you won't find a 56 plate at the lower tax rate. In theory at least, it is possible to find one on an 06 plate but the car would have to have been registered in the first couple of weeks of March 2006 and this was around the date of the crossover from the original Zed to the facelift models then very few were actually registered in that period.. Pete
  17. Good point, this isn't model related, I guess is was introduced sometime during 2005. AFAIK, this was the only change made on the pre facelift. Pete
  18. You can reprogram the fob to open both doors at the same time or put the locks into anti-hijack mode so that just the drivers door opens on the first push of the fob. Can't remember how its done but I'm sure someone can . That's all the U.K fobs do as far as I'm aware. Pete
  19. All those cars would be wasted on me . I'll probably take a look at the new Zed comes when out in a couple of years time. Pete
  20. It's lasted well for a an 04 plate the one on my 55 plate failed in 2009. Pete
  21. Yes, it can be done. I've seen a couple of Zeds with it done, looks pretty good. If you find any then keep in mind that the facelift has slightly different shaped reflectors. Pete
  22. It'll be the battery, mine had exactly the same symptoms. How old is the car? Is it still on the original battery? Pete
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