Exactly, you can have the best tyres in the world on but still easily loose it. Smoothly is the way to go but it's very important that you anticipate junctions and leave a large gap to the car in front, this will also prevent your windscreen getting covered in slush, etc. A few years ago I had a very important appointment at a hospital in Wrexham, it was snowing like crazy, the car in front stopped and I carefully slowed down before stopping. 10 seconds later I heard a series of bangs as the cars 4 or 5 behind me piled into each other. All the signs are pointing to a very cold, snowy and possibly lengthy spell of weather over the next few weeks so If your tyres are still legal but down to 2 or so mms then get them changed, a set of so called ditch finders with 5mms on them will work better in the snow than a set of barely legal super tyres. When you come back from from your drive knock off as much of the slush as possible from around your wheel arches and give your wiper blades and headlights a quick clean.