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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I read somewhere that once they've operated then they'll only work every 3rd or 4th time the windscreen wipers are used . One things for sure though the covers will push out in very cold weather rendering them inoperable. Pete
  2. Other perks I used to get. Family day out once a year on the last Tuesday in May. All expenses paid day out for the entire family at various locations. Alton Towers was the favourite but we had trips to York, Blackpool, Chester Zoo. Last year I was there the company chartered one of The Mersey ferries for a trip up and down the river. Awards dinners for multiples of 5 years service, you also were invited as a guest at 7,12, etc years. All the women got invited every year . Big boss would come over from The States once a year and take all the lab staff out for a slap up meal, free booze :smile:. Believe it or not, all the women also got a day off to do their XMas shopping . We also used to get petrol at cost price, there was a 24/7 pump on site....really miss that one :smile: . Oh, and when you reached 25 years service the company would put £500 towards a present of your choice. Pete
  3. The company I worked for always looked after us at Christmas. We had a bonus of anything up to 12% of our salary, a Christmas hamper and a party to which you could bring your other half, usually in a posh hotel. Now I've retired all I get is £200 cash from the government towards my heating bill :smile: . Pete
  4. Wouldn't be surprised. Impreza is well past its sell by date. Pete
  5. It took us until mid February this year to get these sort of numbers and there's still quite a few of the usual suspects to sign up. :smile: Pete
  6. Another one today. BBC are reporting quite a number of fatalities at a school shooting Pete
  7. I think the first time I went, 2011, there were 46 cars present, last year just under 40. One year 2010? I think there were well over 50 Zed's. I'm not sure what happens when the rooms are full but there are plenty of other hotels in the area although the rates may not be so favourable. There'll also be a number of people who live fairly locally who'll probably just do the Saturday or the Sunday Pete
  8. Yeah, I've had this problem...big time a couple of years ago. Yesterday I just lightly greased the door rubbers (after failing yet again to get in) , seemed to work O.K this morning . Pete
  9. +2 and because the air is denser there'll be more air resistance too. Pete
  10. Sharp make a 90" one, cost about £7 grand. Give it 5 years and you'll get one for a couple of grand. Need a pretty big room though. Pete
  11. That would be Myshoppinggenie, went bust in June. Pete
  12. Yes, I had an identical choice last year and went for the 50" Panasonic Vierra rather than a 3D TV from LG or Samsung, much better picture. I'll look into 3D's when there is more content available and you no longer need to wear expensive 3D specs. Mind you, I have a 36" Samsung in the bedroom which has a pretty decent picture considering it's not attached to an HD box. Pete
  13. Welcome :smile: . Yes, that's one of the well known signs of Zeditis. There's no cure apparently :smile: . Pete
  14. Typical bullcrap from the insurance companies. If I fit one to my Renault Clio that means it's more likely to be stolen... . Seriously, as long as you don't advertise to the public that you have a tracker how on earth would a thief know. I bet though that if you had an upmarket car that had a tracker system as standard (don't know if such a car exists) and you removed the tracker that they wouldn't knock 10% off the insurance . Pete.
  15. When I got a bit low on Laptop space I just bought a 250gb 2.5 inch USB Hard Drive from ASDA. Cost me about £45 at the time. Doesn't need a power supply as it gets its power from the USB port, weighs next to nothing and fits in your pocket. Pete
  16. Hmm, you describe the bollard as an iron box, did it have ramps on either side? Clutching at straws here but was the A/C switched on at the time, it can leave a considerable puddle and sometimes a bit of steam which is more noticeable on cold nights . Pete
  17. A loose or damaged hose maybe? I had a leaky one years ago and the coolant level dropped quite slowly. Pete
  18. Never been a fan of driving through salt water but certainly interesting . Pete
  19. I found this article about them http://finchsells.co...-it-affect-you/ Reading through some of the various financial forums it would seem that The U.K authorities are on to this. Pete
  20. Welcome . Great forum name BTW (wish I'd have thought of it) Pete
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