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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Not that I know of and I can't recall them ever being an option. Maybe on Jap imports . Pete
  2. Don't know about quiet, the roads are busy, busy, today. Popped out to put some petrol in Caroline's car and the Shell garage had not only run out of V-Power it had run out of everything, including diesel. The next garage a couple of miles down the road had a 20 car queue. Car park in Buckley was overflowing, people parking all over the place, 4 wd's taking up 2 spaces, etc. At least I'm home now and have no intention of stepping out into the last minute lunacy again . Pete
  3. Very rare Q Reg as well , don't suppose you can transfer that though. Pete
  4. The Canadians were (and still are) more fussy about who they took in when the great wave of European migration took place. Yeah, kinda weird walking into a Wal-Mart and seeing guns on display. Gun control in America is a joke, sure, in some States they check if you have a criminal record, so you just get your neighbour/friend/brother to get a gun for you. The figures speak for themselves though, 30,000 gun deaths per year in The U.S, 60 to 80 in The U.K. 30,000 deaths is like having a 9/11 terrorist attack every month or a Jumbo Jet crash every week. I have to say though that I lost a lot of sympathy with the people of that town when they all rushed out like lemmings to buy guns even before the poor children were buried. Pete
  5. I would say yes. If you get terminal understeer then its really just a matter of lifting off. With oversteer the temptation is to keep your foot down and steer into it. Pete
  6. It's safer in the respect that with an FWD you tend to go through the hedge head first but with an RWD you go through it backwards . Pete
  7. Could be the backlight, that or the screen itself has failed. Laptop repairs are very expensive (can be anything from £50 to £100 an hour, plus parts) and unless you can get a warranty repair I'd just remove anything of use from it and get another one as Dave suggests. Pete
  8. Thanks for the heads up Will. I'm waiting for a phone call from my daughter, she's on her way up from South Wales by train and there are apparently problems on the line beyond Shrewsbury towards Wrexham. It's complicated, but she could get a train to Crewe but the Chester to Crewe line is flooded so she'd have to travel up to Warrington then back to Chester......this could be a long night . Pete
  9. From the looks of it I'll have to drive down to Shrewsbury and back tonight (90 miles round trip) , might need a boat though . Pete
  10. Very nice, Caroline was most impressed. I'll get some of ours up soon. Pete
  11. I've met all the mods and 75% of Admin and regard some of them as good friends so I'll not be voting. Pete
  12. It's an interesting move by The BBC and quite a surprising one too. Only 2 years ago she gave up MotoGP because of all the travelling...but maybe the BBC team will only travel to the races they cover live (although I somehow doubt that ). However, on balance I think it's a good move and although I can't find any reference to her ever covering 4 wheel racing I'm sure she'll get up to speed very quickly. Pete
  13. Welcome to the forum . Briefly here are some of the answers, reliability is very good, as with every car there a few weak spots but a well looked after Zed should have few problems. Mine's never needed any work other than a new battery and a few services. MPG in city should be better than a Mazda, around 20mpg is typical. Comfort is excellent, one of the only cars I've owned that doesn't do my back in. Several here are in the 6'3 to 6'7" range and report no real problems. Sound system is average, Bose CD skips when cold and many replace the head unit at some stage. Behind the rear seats there are a couple of fairly decent lockable cubby holes and a couple of smaller storage areas. One of these will be taken up by the CD/DVD if there's a factory fitted SatNav. There's no room for any small seats behind the driver as there's an interior strut bar in the way. However, at least one person has converted a Zed to a 4 seater but the result was not pretty. Pete
  14. Yeah, we've got another 10cm's over the next few days...10cm's of rain . Pete
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20797453 However the windscreen wipers will work underwater . Pete
  16. 1 Normal 2. Around 20 in towns and 26-28 when pushing it a bit. 3. Roadsters look great with the roof down , a bit awkward with it up. Hoods can leak a touch around the top of the window and shouldn't be operated below 5 degrees. Road noise is obviously a bit higher than on a coupe, they are also one insurance group higher. On a more positive note, roadsters are fairly uncommon and tend to hold their value better. Finally, you can get more luggage in a coupe although there is some extra available space in the hood storage area (kinda awkward to get at though) Pete
  17. I have a 55 reg pre facelift Coupe, my wife has an 08 reg Roadster. I drive both cars and find there's very little real life difference. The newer models have some very welcome improvements but its not like they completely transform the car or anything. Sure the clutch is a bit lighter and the steering slightly more precise The only two real differences are the top end power on the newer 313 engine and the improved headlights. As far as registration goes then there were quite a few of the old cars that were left over in dealerships and registered after April 1st 2006 so you'll see a few of them about. However, with regards to these you should be aware that all Zeds regardless of model registered after March 17th 2006 will be in the higher tax bracket £450 or so. Pete
  18. The 300 BHP models went for sale on the 1st April 2006, so there are plenty on 06 plates. Other than the new interior and uprated engine they have bi-xenon headlights, LED rear lights and a redesigned front bumper. Not much difference in performance, the 20 extra BHP was mostly soaked up by an extra 75 kgs of weight gain. Pete
  19. Things seem to have gone downhill since I last read this thread . Pete
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