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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. You'll need to get a move on then . Pete
  2. Cheers Chris, The worst of it is over thankfully. Of the seven people we had here on XMas day five have gone down with it. Only myself and my daughter remain healthy (up to now). If Annie has had it then she has my full sympathy Pete
  3. You're right ... my bad, I read 123 instead of 176 Yeah, me too . Pete
  4. Or this one belonging to Kaminski, written off in June. Pete
  5. Looks like it. At least he got some use out of it, 15k since June and looking at the rust I'd say it's been off the road for some time too. Pete
  6. A 313 Roadster will be about 150 kilos heavier than a 276 Coupe, so the extra weight will give the coupe the edge on performance. Having access to both a 276 coupe and a 313 roadster, I find the main noticeable difference is that the pull in top gear from say around 50 is considerably better in the coupe, drop it down a gear or two though and there's not much difference. The roadster does make a nicer noise though . Also the 313's headlights are good, the 276's are just about adequate. Leaky roofs are common in the roadster, ours has leaked slightly on both sides at one stage, for us it's just been a matter of pressing the seals around the top of the window back into place every few months as they seem to work loose after a while. Other driving differences, well you have to be pretty careful while reversing in a roadster, I backed into a low wall (luckily at about 1 mph) that I didn't even know was there . Pete
  7. Sorry I mentioned it now Pete
  8. Oh great! Thanks for cheering me up . Pete
  9. Parked up on a street close to the Sports centre in Buckley today. Couldn't see much of it as it was sandwiched between other cars but it was either a GM or a Twilight Grey. Pete
  10. Caroline went down with it last night. At first we thought it was food poisoning but when I looked it up I realised it was the dreaded Norovirus. Dreadful thing, just hoping I'm immune . Pete
  11. Aren't they all, my daughter had a panic attack when she left her charger at my house on XMas day . Today I had my 17 year old step grand daughter around and of the 5 hours she spent here she was playing with her phone for 4 and a half of them, even when she was eating her meal. I'm pretty glad I grew up in a mobile phoneless era. Nice Zed BTW. Pete
  12. There are still quite a few 350 Zed's around. According to the "How many left" site there are some 5,700 taxed and another 200 or so with SORN. It's difficult to know the true figure as the same site lists another couple of thousand from 2006 onwards. You also need to add to that 160 or so GT4's . Now then to illustrate the rarity value someone on here recently had a GT4 up for sale at £13k...it had 3 times the mileage of my 55 reg, was older and had lots of previous owners yet the best I could expect for mine would be in the £9k mark. Anyway, the Zed won't go up in value until the numbers drop substantially, less than say 200. How long this'll be is hard to know, the cars are pretty sturdy and not that prone to rust. As they become more affordable I'd expect a higher attrition rate as boy racers get their hands on them but I can't really see numbers dropping below a couple of thousand until the end of this decade. Pete
  13. Yes, they were upgraded to bi-xenon's. An improvement but TBH the lights on my 55 reg are acceptable, I don't know if this is possible but maybe they degrade over time? Pete
  14. I had to pop out this evening so just a glass of wine and a flagon of Tea. Pete
  15. Downright Boring Abbey on here . Pete
  16. Would you believe that Caroline's laptop broke down today. Double picture on screen straight from bootup, attached a monitor but no picture, suspect graphics card has a fault. Off to get another laptop in the morning. Pete
  17. Some news outlets are reporting that 4 fireman have been shot while attending to a fire in upstate New York. Pete
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