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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Good point, I pay around £550 for my Zed, max no claims, but I actually pay more, some £600 for an 8 year old Renault Clio (also with max no claims) just because I have my 23 y.o daughter as a named driver. Pete
  2. How big a job is it to fit them? Pete
  3. Fair enough, but I know they can be fitted (somehow), for example Martinmacs Zed has them . Pete
  4. I thought they were pretty much a straight swap. Pete
  5. My tolerance is sadly exceptionally high , although to be fair Blades don't seem to show the dirt as much as other colours. One thing I can't stand though is a dirty, smelly or untidy interior! Pete
  6. Yeah, the problem is that I'd have to win both of them and there's no buy it now price, if he was selling them as a pair then I would have been very interested. Pete
  7. Not to worry, fossil fuel will be history in a few decades time . While it'd great to maintain the current climate conditions, history has shown us that just 10,000 years ago most of The U.K was covered in an ice sheet almost a mile thick. With Global warming there'll be winners and losers although if recent summers are anything to by then you can list us among the losers. With Global Cooling there are just losers and this is what scientists fear most. However, if we are going to have Global warming then so be it but there will be some justice when Florida and The Eastern Seaboard of The U.S vanishes below the waves . Pete
  8. It was disgusting, covered in green slime and mud so spent a pleasant couple of hours removing it all . Pete
  9. I don't see Neil's name on that list, anyone informed him yet? Pete
  10. I knew the rear lights were different but they're clear not darkened as I said before . http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/56379-rear-led-clear-lights-for-swap-north-east/ I also think that there's no rear spoiler fitted as standard to the JDM version, that black one certainly lacks one. Pete
  11. I think you are talking about the 35th anniversary edition which is very similar to the U.K only GT4. I don't know what the differences are but there's a write up about The U.S version below, JDM's will have a similar spec (I think they may have had darkened rear LED's though?) http://www.caranddri...-take-road-test Welcome to the forum! Pete
  12. Same here, I use mine a fair bit, does look better without it though...if only I lived in California . Pete
  13. Is that what you think was on it? or what I should use? Thinking about it, it did look like a type of thin tape but seeing as the car is 7 years old (today in fact) I guess it would have set rock hard by now. Cheers, Pete Either or... i cant think of any semi-permanent bonds other than tape so would have imagined this is what they have used... and you can safely use it again in. If you need to get it off, you'll need to get some bug and tar remover or similar and scrape it off with your nail... or just tape straight over it. Thanks Pete
  14. Is that what you think was on it? or what I should use? Thinking about it, it did look like a type of thin tape but seeing as the car is 7 years old (today in fact) I guess it would have set rock hard by now. Cheers, Pete
  15. That's weird, I've had mine from new and it was definitely bonded on, I had a hell of a job pulling it off in fact. The bonding was cream coloured and was mainly on the underside of the plate, you can clearly see the remains on both the bumper and the plate. I guess it must have been slightly out of shape? EDIT, there were of course the 2 bolts as well. Pete
  16. I removed my front number plate and surround to fit a Zunsport grille yesterday but had to break the bond to get the surround off. What is the best bonding material to fit it back on bearing in mind it may need to be removed at some stage. I need something fairly quick drying as there's a 3mm gap now at either end of the surround. Thanks, Pete
  17. I've seen the MT54 one several times around Chester and once in Sandycroft, never got a wave either. . Pete
  18. I agree, somewhere in the region of £7.5k as it stands or £7.7k if he sorts the problems out. Pete
  19. Hmm, I love XMas cake . Pete
  20. Yeah, happy new year to everyone! Pete
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