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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Welcome . They handle steep ramps fairly well unless you have it lowered or a very low spoiler fitted. Mine's only bottomed out once and that was on an exceptionally steep drive that levelled out very sharply. Pete
  2. I'm going against the grain here but it seems a fair price to me, provided it drives O.K someone should get several years of use out of it. Pete
  3. I had my Nurrish fitted in 2010 and it's worked perfectly well since then. The only minor problem is that the internal battery needs replacing, but it works fine off the car battery . Mine was one of the last that Dave fitted, I think it was a bit different than the earlier ones. Pete
  4. Getting this again, on the snow watch thread. Pete
  5. Caroline popped out to ASDA ...and made it back safely. Might be more difficult in the morning as its still snowing and nothing has been down here all day. Next problem will be the ice. Pete
  6. A few things, first of all piracy started with reel to reel tapes back in the 60's and then moved on to cassette and 8 track in the 70's. The main problem was that the quality was fairly low, not a problem if you weren't serious about your music but any hi-fi buff will tell you that even the most expensive tapes around at that time had hiss and quality loss. They were O.K for playing in your car, although very few cars had anything more than a basic AM/FM receiver. They also had a nasty habit of unspooling themselves or wrapping themselves around the tape heads. Piracy was quite low really, records sold really well and artists and record labels got very rich. Then we moved on to CD's, at first it was very expensive if not impossible to copy a CD but it's pretty easy and cheap now. However I'm in no way convinced that piracy has had that much of an effect on music sales, for me it just boils down to the fact that music these days is just so bland, uninspiring and without any soul or depth. It's more about image than talent and punters in their 20's and 30's , the great record collectors of the past, just aren't buying albums these days. I stopped buying records in the early 90's, there was nothing about to excite me. Next to go on the highstreet will be book shops, some like Borders have already gone and W H Smith is only existing because of the profits it makes from its Airport branches. Next will be the furniture shops , most town and city centres will be unrecognisable in 20 years time. Pete
  7. Costs a fortune in rent and business rates in huge shops like HMV. Not really a shock though, albums sales including downloads have plummeted from the heydays of the 70's and early 80's, there used to be at least 4 independent record shops in Chester plus an HMV and Virgin in the early 80's, now they've all gone. The downfall began when they stopped making vinyl, half the fun was admiring the art on the album sleeve, CD's are just so impersonal. Pete As someone who has the costs of rent and rates coming off my bottom line, I do realise this, but my point was the fact they encourage customers to shop online with this policy. We match our online prices which gets customers into the stores as hopefully they prefer the experience of one to one service. Also, they will hopefully see something else they like, whether to purchase straight away or in the future. Their free delivery policy, albeit a correct policy, costs them a fortune. They should have matched their online price to dicourage their customers from buying from their online store. You're right about the failing/changing market, they should have reduced the number of stores they have and really pushed the download market more. I don't know where HMV shipped their online purchases from but some companies have or at least had their warehouses in VAT free areas, which I guess would be quite a big saving. Pete
  8. Hmm, looks terrific. Pete
  9. I have to agree, they look a bit chav. Pete
  10. Costs a fortune in rent and business rates in huge shops like HMV. Not really a shock though, albums sales including downloads have plummeted from the heydays of the 70's and early 80's, there used to be at least 4 independent record shops in Chester plus an HMV and Virgin in the early 80's, now they've all gone. The downfall began when they stopped making vinyl, half the fun was admiring the art on the album sleeve, CD's are just so impersonal. Pete
  11. Just replaced our broken Laptop for a Compaq with Win 8 Pro. I was never a fan of either Vista or Win 7 and this is no different. I will concede though that it is lightning fast though. Pete
  12. They look hideous, I hate them . Pete
  13. It looks....dirty, could just need a good detail or the paint may have faded. Pete
  14. Looks O.K, but as it's not a GT I think there's a bit of room for negotiation on the price. Pete
  15. I'll take £ 60 for it but you'll need to arrange to pick it up from Sandycroft near Chester where it is stored. Bear in mind you will need all of the rubber fittings and seals as they were removed and fitted to my newer bonnet. Cheers, Pete EDIT, My inbox must be full, I'll sort it out soon.
  16. I have a pre facelift bonnet in Blade Silver, PM me if you're interested. Pete
  17. Our local council has just decided to impose car parking charges up the road in Buckley..really its a joke as it'll just drive people away, I mean the place is like a ghost town now with hardly a mouth watering selection of shops. That's one of the problems with small towns close to larger towns, like in our case Chester or Wrexham if you don't make the place attractive to shoppers they'll go elsewhere, where parking is free . Pete
  18. JetSet

    fill me in.

    I think he already has a nice set of LED ones, which is why he's looking for a facelift bumper. Ah yes, I remember now. Pete
  19. Not many one owner 350's of any flavour with less than 20k on the clock, looks a good deal to me. Pete
  20. I see that one now and again, owner lives in the region of Buckley common. Pete
  21. JetSet

    fill me in.

    I think the headlight washer jet covers are a different shape.. As RTB has said the reflectors also have a different shape so you'd need to get some off one of the traders on here. Pete
  22. I got my first digital camera from Jessop's in 1999, cost a fortune but it worked out cheaper than buying the same one from Dixons. Pete
  23. I started running in my late 30's and shed just about every pound I could, when I got injured I used to go swimming for an hour 3 times a week. I was 13st when I started and my challenge was to complete the Chester Half Marathon and I had 6 months to train up before the race. I finished it in 1 hr 41 minutes and that was the first of almost 100 half marathons I completed. Pete
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