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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. O.K, thanks for taking a look at it, luckily it's not that noticeable from more than about 5 yards, I'll just clean it up the best I can. Pete
  2. A month back in 2008, when I got back home the battery was completely flat. Pete
  3. Welcome . That would be Cal, used to be a regular on here but hasn't been seen for a while. I'm from Buckley BTW, Pete
  4. The final version of the Ford Scorpio with it's gaping mouth grille one of the ugliest cars ever made. Same for the Ford Escort. Pete
  5. In ASDA car park a few months a go a young woman opened her door into another car. I had actually passed the car but the bang was so loud that I (and others) turned around to see what had happened. She just got back in her car and moved to a different parking slot. Pete
  6. Everything seems to have returned to normal. All warning buzzers are working O.K and the door is no longer making a strange noise on being closed. I just need to check the open door warning light which didn't alert me that the door wasn't closed properly the other night. I'm pretty sure this is related to some frozen moisture that's found its way into the door mechanism. Pete
  7. The first thing I'd check would be the tyre pressures. They shouldn't get hot enough to smell if they are set to the correct pressure which is 35 when cold, smelly tyres are usually a sign that the pressure has dropped and they are overheating, maybe catastrophically. Pete
  8. Thanks Daryl, I'll post some photos in this thread ASAP, the light just isn't good enough now. Cheers, Pete
  9. O.K, thanks for the tips guys . Pete
  10. Managed to lightly tap a small post and have slightly damaged my carbon fibre diffuser. The damage is limited to about an area about 2 inches long and one inch down, just some minor cracking, and a slight depression in the diffuser. I can live with it as it is but I was wondering if it's possible to tidy it up a bit? Cheers, Pete
  11. Clicky rear axle from the sounds of it. Easiest way to tell is to wind down the windows and do a quick start, if you hear a click or clunk then that's what you have. Nothing to worry about, there's an easy fix described on here somewhere. Pete
  12. Facelifts from April 2006 onwards, but be aware that some of the pre facelift models were registered after April 2006. Too many differences to list but the main ones are different Headlights, front bumper, rear lights and on the 313's a different bonnet. Inside a general tidy up, different knobs, illuminated key lock, a couple of switches moved around, updated satnav from CD to DVD (If fitted), document holder net added, plus a bit more. Rays as Standard. Facelifts are 75 kilos heavier so some other undocumented stuff was added too. Pete
  13. They should be changed every 35,000 miles or every 5 years depending which comes first. You may need to ask to have them changed when you get it serviced as for some reason they don't always do it. Welcome BTW Pete
  14. Something I realised the other day, prefacelift cars don't have an audible seatbelt alarm. Pete
  15. Too cold to do anything right now but took it for a quick run and the fault is coming and going. Don't know if this is related but the seat belt alarm has also stopped working. Too big, it occupies the entire passenger seat Pete
  16. Only 3 days ago I learned of a Pearl White 370Z in the small village that I live on the outskirts of. Owner has apparently had it for a couple of years but I've yet to see it. Pete
  17. Welcome along, looking forward to meeting you in Wales . Pete
  18. O.K, I think this is related to the cold weather. I took a quick look last night and the drivers door was making a strange noise when you closed it, the kind of noise you get when the seat belt gets trapped in the door. This morning, the car alarm was going off for some reason, so I'm guessing that there's a sensor in the door that was jammed by a lump of ice because now its above freezing the headlights on alarm is working again. Pete
  19. I'd be concerned about damage from people pushing prams, kids riding bikes etc. Pete
  20. Caroline has reported that the alarm that goes off when you forget to switch your headlights/sidelights off is no longer working. Any ideas? Thanks, Pete
  21. Got bogged down in a flat car park this morning, it just wouldn't go more than a few inches in reverse. Luckily I'd left enough room between the car and the kerb to gradually tun it around. Roads were incredibly slippery, had a few interesting low speed, low throttle slides and tested the ABS out on several occasions. Not much grip on snow is there . Pete
  22. See my other posting in your welcome message, my mate's drive is around 30% (My Clio struggles to get up it) and there's a minor scrape where it levels out. Not sure which part touches, can't see any evident damage. Pete
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