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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Black or dark coloured 370Z behind me this afternoon on the A494 near Ewloe, did a U-Turn in Pinfold Lane. Pete
  2. Yes, I would negotiate that price down as it'll include some sort of (worthless) warranty. Do you really need a warranty that'll involve a trip to Belfast . Pete
  3. Not often, but a number of cars that were unsold in Ireland were imported into The U.K in 2008. Some of these were on registered on 08 plates or later. I have a feeling that these were mainly roadsters though. Pete
  4. Not really that much difference in everyday driving really, it's only at the top end you notice the extra bhp. The 2006 oil issue has hit American cars much harder than it has here. This may be in part down to the fact that their equivalent of our 99 RON fuel is quite difficult to find in some parts of The States, especially the mountain states in the west. Over there I've heard of Zeds running 100% of the time on 95 and even 91 RON. Also, nice registration number but the plate itself may well be illegal in mainland U.K. Pete
  5. Yes, While you can fit a bulge bonnet on any Zed you can't fit a flat bonnet onto an HR. Pete
  6. Most likely Factory fitted, but they can be retro fitted and replicas are fairly common. Watshot has nailed the other questions apart from shipping and price. There's a frequent ferry service to Belfast from Liverpool and I'd stick the car on there then drive it home if it was me. Price, hmm, If it's a genuine Nismo kit and it does like it has decent tyres and a recent service then maybe 10-10.5k . Welcome alang BTW. Pete
  7. And that will always be my problem. I'm 7km's away, in fact I'm the last house on the line. My nearest neighbours about half a mile away are on a different exchange, not that they fare any better as they are 11km's from their exchange and get half a meg I believe. Pete
  8. It's all down to the Octane rating. In any case all the fuel around here comes from Stanlow.........Esso, Texaco, Shell, you name them I see their tankers queued up at the terminal every time I pass. TBH, there's very little difference to the fuel made at any refinery in The U.K, they all use the same blend of Crude Oil and the specifications that gasoline is made to are very tight. Fuel additives are also made to a tight spec. Back in the days when leaded petrol was the norm I used to do octane ratings when I was on nights and cetane ratings on diesel too, it was industry practice to round the numbers up so 98.6 would be rounded up to 99. Not much left the plant that was actually 99. Pete
  9. Same as mine, I can't really see a massive improvement any time soon. I think the most I'd ever get would be around 4mb. Personally I'm not too bothered, I'd much rather live out in the wilds with a slow connection than on a housing estate with superfast broadband , but that's just me. Pete
  10. Nice to see they filled the bullet holes in the bumper with grommets . Seriously though, the rear bumper has almost certainly been removed and not replaced correctly, it's miles out, can probably be fixed though I don't see why the dealer can't do this. Pete
  11. If you're set on a change, there are a few here, some O.K, some bad. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=350z%20headlights&_sop=16 Pete
  12. http://www.satnav-up...nissan-20-c.asp Check that you definitely have a DVD SatNav system before ordering. The older CD system discs are almost impossible to find and I don't think they have released an update for several years in any case. Pete
  13. Hi Squee, I use a company called Hydro-Tech based just outside Mold. I'm friends with the owner, Julian, who really knows his stuff, so just mention that you know me if you ask for a quote and he might knock a bob or two off . Pete
  14. Just to give you an idea of how devastating one of these impacts can be I found this estimated damage map. This is based on the impact at The Barringer Crater (also known as The Meteor Crater) close to Winslow, Arizona. The meteor that hit the ground some 50,000 years ago was pretty much the same size as 2012 DA14 which passed close to the Earth yesterday. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/science/kring/epo_web/impact_cratering/enviropages/Barringer/effectsmappage.html Pete
  15. Yeah, that's what I thought, reminded me of Deep impact Pete
  16. I've driven both although I was limited to less than 10 miles on the S2000. Nice car, lovely smooth engine, couldn't really fault it. I had the use of a nearly new MX5 for 12 months while my step daughter served a driving ban. Great fun to drive but very cramped and basic inside. Ultra reliable though, when she sold it a couple of years ago it had 73k on the clock and didn't have a single problem with it. Held its price very well too. Pete
  17. I saw them in 1980 or possibly 1981 at the Deeside Leisure Centre. Moon was dead by then of course and they had just lost that bit extra they had from 1965 to 1974 but they were still darned good. Pete
  18. Caroline had a 58 reg 2009 Z4 roadster. Seeing as this was a 2.0 it's impossible to compare performance but I came away with a number of impressions mainly negative I'm afraid. We had to have several warranty repairs done including a broken seat adjuster (twice), a failed battery and a duff window motor. After 18 months of ownership from new the alloys had corroded to the extent that they needed a total refurb. Despite the multiple seat adjustments available I could never get comfortable and I'm not especially tall or overweight either. The ride was shocking probably due to the run flat tyres fitted. On the plus side, the roof operation was a lot smoother and quicker than the Zed Roadster, the roof was also a better fit . Pete
  19. Owned by a fighter pilot . Pete
  20. Celica was a bit cheaper, I paid £20,200 for a brand new top of the range Celica 190 T-Sport back in 2003. I believe the base model is now around 25k. Pete
  21. Luckily this one was small enough to break up before it impacted , one the size of 2012 DA14 would vaporised that Russian town and that's only about 50 metres across. We are in a position to spot objects of about 20 metres, this one was just too small to spot. Pete
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