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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Agreed. Mine is 7 years old with just 15k on the clock and I don't have any lights. Pete
  2. Obviously a member as it was parked sensibly well away from the hordes of Chelsea tractors in ASDA . Reg was (I think) LY O4 *** , Blade Silver with Rays,clear reflectors and tinted quarter windows. Pete
  3. Yeah, they have previous. http://aviationknowledge.wikidot.com/asi:aeroflot-flight-593:child-in-the-cockpit Pete
  4. Whether I'm in The Zed or The (now gone)1200 Clio I've not noticed any significant difference in attitude by other drivers. I've been tailgated, cutup, overtaken in dangerous places in both. Real idiots don't differentiate in my experience. Pete
  5. Bloke/Woman in the car was daydreaming and broke the golden rule of pulling out at a junction while another car pulled across it, partially obscuring his/her view. Mistakes like this are all too common these days. Very, tanker could have pushed that car into oncoming traffic, doesn't bear thinking about really. Pete
  6. Hmm, maybe resprayed in Twilight Grey by error, very similar colours. There's definitely a marked difference between the bumper and the bonnet. Pete
  7. Mini 1275 GT, almost bought one of those . One of the Morgans has U.K plates on it I think. Pete
  8. Yeah, does look like the bumper is a different colour. One of the problems is that body parts made of varying materials do tend to look a bit different to each other...even on brand new Zeds at certain angles you can spot differences, the petrol cap filler is a classic example. Yours does however looks like its had a respray at some stage. Pete
  9. Just a quick footnote. I was interviewed by the Evening Herald of Dublin over the weekend and took the journalists down to the spot where the car was found burned out. They had been driving up and down the lane trying to find the site without success, it's that well hidden. Pretty sad place as small bits of the burned out Renault were still in situ . As you may have seen on the news today the guy had already been to prison 3 times and has got a 37 year minimum jail sentence which means he'll be at least 83 before he gets out. A little column about it here. http://www.herald.ie/news/couple-speak-of-evil-as-sharp-jailed-for-life-29092586.html Pete
  10. Yes, we like to get to the bottom of things . I turned up this from another forum. posted some years ago. The poster was also active on this forum at one time. However, I've heard stories of these plaques turning up on EBay so who knows. I was unable to unearth a brochure for The GT4 so unless someone has one handy there's no definitive answer. Pete
  11. Hmm, interesting, says it has the original plaque 107 and Grand Tourismo 4 on the V5 document . What else was unique to the GT4? Pete.
  12. Could be Luke's car, he has or had an 04 GM and lives in Rhyl. Pete
  13. Lovely looking car but designed for long straight wider roads without potholes. Don't think I could live with LHD in any case. Pete
  14. Yes, noticed he hadn't had it for long. From looking at his posts it seems like he was a compulsive sort of guy though. Pete
  15. Bad accident in one of the support races. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/motorsport/9890538/Daytona-500-Horror-crash-injures-30-Nascar-spectators.html Danica Patrick on pole . Pete
  16. This was ours. Sounds strange but the build quality on the BMW was higher but reliability lower. The only very minor problems on the Zed have been cold related, sticking headlight washers and headlights left switched on buzzer failing to work. We think that something in the door mechanism had frozen up. Pete
  17. They're aftermarket reflectors and you are correct, they are orange from the factory. That one is a 300, the easiest way to tell at a glance is by looking at the headlights, the 280's have an orange strip running down the side. Pete
  18. Did very well for a player who couldn't tackle, head the ball, never had any pace and his left foot was only there to balance his body. Having said that he was one of the best free kick specialists and crosser of the ball I've ever seen. Pete
  19. Hmm, somehow I missed this thread . Anyway, Welcome to the forum. Will is correct we used to own a Z4, a 58 reg 2.0 so obviously a major power difference. Not a bad car by any means but it just didn't do it for me. I found it uncomfortable on runs of over 20 miles, made my back ache and had a very poor ride, probably down to the run flats. We bought it from a main BMW dealer pre registered but with only delivery mileage and sadly it spent a few days there being repaired on warranty but I guess that's just the luck of the draw. The Z4 we had was a limited edition with Red leather seats and 18 inch alloys which corroded more in the 2 years (and a mere 7,300 miles)that we had it than my RS Turbo alloys which I had for 11 years. Held it's price pretty well though, dropped less than 5k in 2 years. Pete
  20. Well, they are not legal and an MOT tester who is on the ball will fail the car. I believe that someone on here was pulled for having a Z logo, hmm maybe one of the mods/admin. Anyway logos outside of the following are not legal Flags, symbols and identifiers Flags and national identifying letters You can display one of the following flags with identifying letters on the left-hand side of the number plate: Union Flag Cross of St George Cross of St Andrew (also known as the Saltire) Red Dragon of Wales The letters, or national identifiers, you can have are: GREAT BRITAIN, Great Britain or GB UNITED KINGDOM, United Kingdom or UK CYMRU, Cymru, CYM or Cym ENGLAND, England, ENG, Eng SCOTLAND, Scotland, SCO or Sco WALES or Wales
  21. Talking of personalised number plates I spotted PB 1 (my initials) on a large 4wd type vehicle towing a trailer with some sort of machinery on it. Well, I say towing, but it was actually stopped on the side of the road with some sort of trailer malfunction. Plate was almost certainly worth a lot more than the vehicle it was on . Just checked and the Reg PB 1 is on a Toyota Landcruiser. Pete
  22. Is your 2007 an HR 313 with a bonnet bulge? The illuminated ignition cylinder was unique to this model. Pete
  23. Welcome Be aware that one is an import and the SatNav won't work. Front spoiler is a GReddy BTW. Pete
  24. Depends on which blue it is I guess, if its an Azure Blue then its just the facelift version, if its one of the rare Midnights then yep its a 313. Pete
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