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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I used to use it at no more than 20%. It won't damage anything on the body but at very high concentrations will eventually perish your wiper blades. Pete
  2. U.K E-Types never had a front number plate holder, they had to be stuck on the bonnet. U.S E-Types did have a number plate holder under the grille but the number plates used were different, a U.K number plate wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes under there. There may be other cars like this from that era. Pete
  3. Iso propyl alcohol, used to be the main ingredient in washer anti-freeze and it wont go solid till at least -50. It meant that the washer bottle and pipes never froze and maybe more importantly that none of the pipes split or came away in the headlining . It does evaporate at the nozzles but it's relatively easy to unfreeze it. Pete
  4. Funnily enough, I'd never used screenwash until a couple of years ago, just plain water with some IPA added in the winter. Pete
  5. Doesn't seem to be any regulations regarding height. Don't some vehicles like vans and trailers have them really high up at the back? Anyway, as long as they're visible to the numberplate recognition system that cameras use I guess you're O.K. Only thing I did pick up on was that number plates should be as vertical as possible. Pete
  6. They certainly don't have to be central or every Alfa would be illegal . Pete
  7. . Yeah, I did get the Penta's off E-Bay a couple of years ago, second hand mind you from a private seller. I'm very open to suggestions but obviously have to run it past Caroline first. If nothing turns up I'll put the rays back on and have the Penta's refurbed or possibly painted. Pete
  8. There's no great rush really, but would expect to have something sorted out by Wales . I'll probably have The Penta's refurbed at some stage........................and stick them on mine Pete
  9. Looking to replace the wheels on Caroline's roadster,.The 20" Axis Penta's on there at the moment are in a bad way with both severe corrosion and kerbing. Complete refurb will cost at least £200 per wheel, more than I paid for them with 4 new budget tyres. Looking to spend about a grand for 20" wheels or, might stretch to £1,500 for 19" with fitted falkens. Caroline likes these, but any suggestions are welcome. Car is Twilight Grey roadster 08 plate. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-x-20-WIDER-REAR-Lenso-ES7-Alloy-Wheels-Only-1360431587-113-/400410451938?pt=UK_CarParts_Acc_Wheels_tyres_Trims_Car_Rims_ET&fits=Model%3A350+Z&hash=item5d3a529fe2 Thanks, Pete Car with current Penta's
  10. Yes, but reading further down. Pete
  11. Thanks for the info, was wondering that myself.. don't recall seeing many 'Z' plates around or any when I was looking for a plate for the car.. Pity I bought a plate (generic, not Z related) before finding the car.. have to sell one of them now! Thanks! Don't take this as gospel but I think The DVLA relaxed its rules a while ago. maybe 15 years or so. I remember around then I starting seeing a lot of private plates ;like KAZ and DAZ all of a sudden. If memory serves me correctly the old style U.K, pre 1963 plates were limited to 6 digits ie ABC 123 but those KAZ, etc plates usually have 7 digits. Pete
  12. When we bought our Z4 fully loaded in Jan 2009 it had been pre registered by the dealer and we paid 19k for it. They had a showroom full of Z4's (well 5 actually) that they'd pre registered, the dealers were going through a bad time and had to buy their own cars to meet the targets set by BMW. They had 2 of the 2.5's both in black for 22.5k , fully loaded but after a 5 minute think we went for the 2.0. Not bad cars at all but watch out for excessive corrosion on the alloys especially on the inner rim, our was peeling off in chunks after 18 months. Pete Thanks for the advice, i'll look out for it. Meant to say my car is not the new model Z4 which was realised in 2009. It's the last of the old shape! Did you enjoy the car? Yeah, ours would have been the old shape too, part of the reason the car was knocked down in price. As to the car, it was Caroline's but of course I drove it frequently. My main niggle was that I found it difficult to get comfortable despite all of the seat adjustments available...I could spend 10 minutes making changes and still have a back ache after an hours drive. Caroline had no problems though. We had the car for 20 months with a fair few warranty jobs funnily enough two of them involved broken seat adjusters but I guess the car was O.K. Pete
  13. When we bought our Z4 fully loaded in Jan 2009 it had been pre registered by the dealer and we paid 19k for it. They had a showroom full of Z4's (well 5 actually) that they'd pre registered, the dealers were going through a bad time and had to buy their own cars to meet the targets set by BMW. They had 2 of the 2.5's both in black for 22.5k , fully loaded but after a 5 minute think we went for the 2.0. Not bad cars at all but watch out for excessive corrosion on the alloys especially on the inner rim, our was peeling off in chunks after 18 months. Pete
  14. I guess you mean The Irish mainland? No U.K mainland plates ever had the letter Z in them until they changed the registrations back in the early 2000's. "Z" used to be unique to the Republic and "I" to Northern Ireland. EDIT, Just found out that some Northern Ireland Cars used "Z" as well. According to The DVLA you can use any Northern Irish plates in The U.K, but not Republic plates. Pete
  15. Looks like the genuine thing to me, rear spoiler surface looks really smooth in one of the photos, my (very good) replica is kinda wavy. Pete
  16. Looks like it , guess he managed to sell the plate on. Pete
  17. Welcome . That car belonged to a former forum member, remember seeing it up at The LakeZ in 2011. Those wheels are very rare, unless I'm mistaken they came off Hugh's car. Pete
  18. Weather forecast. Friday dry 25 degrees Saturday 40% chance of Thunder Storms, 21 degrees Sunday 40% chance of rain, 20 degrees. Pete
  19. It's part of the aero kit (including the rear boot spoiler) that comes fitted as standard with all U.K 350 Zed's. It was an option on JDM's, and you see quite a few without them. Pete
  20. Welcome Red looks great on the Zed, one of the best colours IMHO. Pete
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