Yikes, you'll need some major arch work to fit them, plus a wide body kit. Interesting car BTW, if your steering wheel has 6 buttons then its a GT.
No, the Post Office man did the correct thing. Your insurance must cover the date you want your tax to run from (same with the MOT). If your insurance for example expired on the 30th March then you won't be able to tax it to start on 1st April.
DVLA , Post Office, if you want your mail redirected. Water/Electric/Gas will need to be informed as will whoever you pay your rates to, Doctor, etc..Lots of work, one of the reasons I haven;t moved for decades
Nothing Zed related this weekend, other than ordering some wheel nuts. She could (desperately) do with a really good clean but I'll leave it until the snow has gone. Tomorrow, I'll be watching The Tour of Flanders on Eurosport and on Monday will start clearing up the fallen trees in our garden.
I had most of my Lambretta Scooter chrome plated in the 60's. Some parts I managed to buy pre chrome plated others I sent to a company in Stockport. Cost me six weeks wages just to get the side panels done . Sadly, the only picture I had of it was lost in the 70's .
Used to be, but not any more. All new models introduced after 1st November 2012 have to have them, run flats or not. From 2014 all new cars will have to be fitted with TPMS. I believe that TPMS has been mandatory on all new cars in The U.S.A for a while which is probably why the 370Z already has them. Older cars won't have to have them retro fitted.
I've done various parts of Route 66 over the years. Last time we did the part from Mohave Valley in California to Kingman in Arizona. Stunning scenery that takes through the old wild west town of Oatman, which is well worth a visit. I've also done the section from Kingman to Seligman, Arizona, plus a few smaller sections in California and New Mexico.
One of the problems with route 66 is that very few of the original services remains. On the sections I've been on petrol stations are rare and expensive and most motels are in a state of disrepair. Further towards the East Coast things are a bit better.
As far as Fly Drive goes are you planning to tackle it from West to East or East to West? What time of year are you planning to go?
Yeah, fully stocked up now. Had an apology from the head of Flintshire Highways no less. Still a lot of things to do. Several trees need clearing by the council and I'll get round to shifting/cutting the ones on my property soon. Still a pretty dangerous amount of snow on my flat roof although at least its slowly thawing.
Update. Unbelievable, you couldn't make this up. They came down with a digger and cleared up to the end of our garden, leaving about 30 metres of uncleared snow on the lane (which they own). After yet another phone call they came down and cleared the remainder so we can get out now (I hope).
Progress....after I had a chat on the phone with our local county councillor the trees that had fallen across our lane were cut down just before darkness fell last night. Road is still blocked with snow though. We've also had a fresh covering of snow this morning but we've got blue skies right now.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the kind offer but my step daughter has just delivered some essentials (Cat Food, Bread, Milk and some Choccies) so we're O.K for now. You would have thought our closest neighbours would have noticed the lack of tracks in our lane and popped over offering some help but no they're a pair of miserable buggers. They haven't lived there long so I don't know them but when a lady in an OpenReach van broke down in the middle of the adjoining lane our neighbour apparently came out and gave the driver a load of abuse.
I'll keep you updated.
Caroline has spoken to Flintshire Highways again...Response from them, "you're not worth the bother".
Hi Chris,
I'm still stuck sadly. Flintshire Highways Authority most unhelpful, I'm on the list but they can't give me any sort of information as to when it'll be cleared. The lane is 200 metres long with 6 or 7 trees down so it's quite a big job really. Add to that both Caroline and myself have picked up some sort of bug with tonsilitus like symptoms then things aren't that great.
Indeed Dave, I'm no great lover of team orders in F1, they do nothing for the spectacle of the sport. I can understand the need for them towards the end of the season when the fight for the championship is really on though. The problem is that when orders weren't allowed we got coded messages like "Philipe, Fernando is faster than you" .
I've never seen three more miserable drivers on the podium today and I would imagine Rosberg in 4th was too happy either. When Vettel first arrived on the scene he was a real breath of fresh air, a young and very polite guy but with every year becomes more and more arrogant. He should take some time reflect on this and realise how much damage this has done to morale at RB, I wouldn't like to be on the flight back home with that team tonight.
Mark Webber is a sort of adopted Brit, he's lived here for many years and is a pretty likeable guy so I wouldn't be at all surprised if Vettel was roundly booed at Silverstone this year.