Deceiving is just one of the things you have to look out for, while the road past Brenig is super smooth and the A5 is a busy trunk road, the third part of the triangle (the one on which that crash occurred) is the most challenging. Parts of it are wide open with long sweeping bends but with a very uneven surface that can easily catch you out. If anyone saw Chris's recent photos then you'll see that it get's pretty rough up there in the winter and road damage often gets neglected.
There's one section, a mile or two past The Sportman's pub, that is dead straight for a mile or so then drops fairly sharply to a tightening left followed straight away by a right that scares the hell out of me in the dry, never mind the wet. There's always a chance that a car will pull out of the concealed entrance leading to a lake or worse still a kamikaze sheep will leap out in front of you. I've driven parts of The EVO at night too, pitch black and quite scary!