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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Less than an hour to go and really looking forwards to this. BTW, let's hope we don't get a start like this, Fridays GP2 race. Pete
  2. My word, I'd forgotten just how long the bonnet was on the 280Z!! Pete
  3. Yeah, I can see how you'd miss that massive yellow thing sticking out on a pole Here's the view from side it's approached from, ouch. Note though the lack of road markings in both pics. Pete
  4. You need to read this. http://www.acpo.poli... Compliant_.pdf Page 9 Section 2.11.1 under PNC Pete
  5. I don't know how it's done in other areas but North Wales Police require that you send the form to their central ticketing office and it has to be signed. You can only start the online process once you've received the offer from the police. I would imagine that all speeding offences are recorded on The PNC and that North Wales Police will check any previous convictions or speed awareness courses attended before they decide how to handle your case. Of course, I'm presuming that SAC's are recorded on the PNC and not just locally. Pete
  6. Welcome . Nice Cayman S, I've always liked those. Wrapped Zed looks familiar but can't remember who owned it. Pete
  7. Yes, as long as you attend the course you'll get no points. Once you've filled the forms in and sent them back you'll get an offer to attend a course. Pete
  8. That'll be this one, 3rd busiest camera in Flintshire apparently. You'll almost certainly get the offer of a speed awareness course if you have a clean license. I believe the triggering point for points on your license in North Wales is 42. At one time you had to come to North Wales to "serve" your course but I'm pretty sure you can do them locally now. Pete
  9. Well like most things in life it probably started out by accident and then it just snowballed from there. Initially it started by popping down to Wales for an ice cream! http://www.350z-uk.c...?showtopic=1402 Gee, what a bunch of amateurs . Pete
  10. +1, Haven't seen a complete kit for sale in years. The only way to get one is to scan EBay or this forum and pick it up piece by piece over a period of time. Pete
  11. Just the pair of trainers I was wearing. Pete
  12. It was a member of the publics, they had a chat with us let Bennet sit in it. And he stole it right? Well, they were Scousers . Pete
  13. I convoyed with them all the way from The Country Cooks to Chirk, I'll swear he never went over 45 even when the road was clear .
  14. I had the honour of piloting Natalie around on the Saturday run and thoroughly enjoyed the experience . Best part of what was a great weekend for me! Pete
  15. Country Cooks rest stop - the most number of ZEDS ever on the Saturday Would have been 2 more if I'd read my pace notes correctly . Pete
  16. Let's see, a digital tyre pump, a £20 note for emergencies, a neat rechargeable torch, a battery charger for my camera, a spare set of reading glasses, a pen, some plastic shopping bags, wheel nut key, torque wrench and a mini 12v hoover . Pete
  17. Well, I guess people will tell you what you want to hear, I've been to dozens of countries and apart from Wales and Scotland have never encountered any hostility. I have to say I don't go around making an issue of my nationality, it's just a lump of land I happened to be born on. Pete
  18. Great weekend, the only downside was that it was all over too quickly. Ian's photo of the Zedless car park that had been buzzing all weekend brought it home. Still there's always next year . Anyway, thanks to everyone who put so much work in to make this weekend a roaring success . Pete
  19. Hmm, did a random check on a 350Z Import, listed as Petrol but lower tax . You can check registration date at https://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/app/enquiry?execution=e1s1
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