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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Side on view on a Red Roadster. To me this looks pretty good, better than a roadster with its hood up anyway . Pete
  2. Doesn't look too bad really. Pete Would look a million times better if the roof was the same silver as the body True, the fact that the boot and the bumper are also completely different shades of Silver doesn't help either. Pete
  3. Back in the day someone stole a Lambretta and put my number plates on it and pretended to be me. Although I didn't know the person involved, I did find out that number plates had been supplied to him by someone I did know. Backfired on him though when he got pulled up in Chester by a policeman who knew me...don't ask . Pete
  4. If I've got my decimal places right there less than 2 350Z's for every 10,000 cars in The U.K and that figure would be just over 2 if you combine 350's and 370's. I've driven to Cardiff and back many times, a round trip of 320 miles and can only ever recall seeing 3 . Another thing, you're even luckier if you spot a forum member, I guess I've reported at least 30 "spots" of which only 3 turned out to be definite forum members. Pete
  5. Depends what you mean by older guys I guess, if you're talking about 40-50 year olds well yeah, but we're talking about over 60's here. The facts are quite clear drivers of 60+ are far less likely to drink drive, I'll back this up with some Department of Transport figures from 2010. Here are the number of people who failed breath tests that year grouped by age. Less than 17 Men 9...........Women 1 17-19 Men 240.......Women 68 20-24 Men 674.......Women 165 25-29 Men 532.......Women 105 30-34 Men 413.......Women 99 35-39 Men 287.......Women 89 40-49 Men 439.......Women 168 50-59 Men 227.......Women 79 60-69 Men 104.......Women 27 Over 70 Men 50..........Women 13 And here's the number of drivers killed in Drink Drive Accidents Motorbikes 16-24.......20 Over 60...........0 Other vehicles 16-24.........210 Over 60.............................20 I will concede that years ago there was a tendency for those who were driving before the drink drive laws came in to not really take much notice of it but they're now long gone. I'm probably one of the youngest drivers who drove before that law came in and I'm 64 now . Pete
  6. Would save even more if we got drivers aged 17-30 off the road. Older drivers have less accidents are far less likely to drink and drive or use a mobile phone when driving. The only thing I would like to see is an eye test every 5 years from the age of 60-80 and then every 12 months after that. Pete
  7. JetSet

    HR bonnet

    Just curious, but did you leave it on when you sold it? Pete
  8. Yeah good idea, got a link to where I can buy one? I'm still trying to figure out if its a GT4 or 35th anniversary( they appear to be identical? ), I'll have a good look this weekend and figure it out. Thanks guys. The GT4 should have a numbered plaque, like this. If it doesn't have one then it's possible that it's been removed so it's best to check the documentation. EDIT, Anniversary edition only has 3 buttons on the steering wheel Pete
  9. You've got a rival then . Pete
  10. +1 , they brought them over around September 2008 so I guess several hung around until 2009. Lookers in Chester were selling them for 21.5k . Pete
  11. Spotted in Queensferry yesterday. Looked like a standard pre facelift from the distance I spotted it at. On a private plate ending SJC. Pete
  12. Back on line today. Much as I expected there was a break in the line where it passes through a clump of trees, in fact they found a couple more areas where the cable was damaged and replaced a whole section of line. According to the B.T engineer once the green box at the top of our lane is upgraded (whenever that'll be) I should get anything from 16-30mb . BTW, I don't know why my speed was being reported as a TalkTalk connection. I left them about 4 years ago. Pete
  13. Looks like I'm going to be offline for a while . Only have limited 3G access now. Pete
  14. Major problem, speed has dropped to next to nothing and bombs out every few minutes. Suspect a fault on the line, probably where the wire passes through some trees. Pete
  15. It might be asking you to put a disk into the SatNav CD Player (behind the drivers seat) but in any case the Jap SatNav won't work in the U.K even if you find a U.K map disk. Pete
  16. A one owner GT4 with a factory fitted Nismo kit and with that sort of mileage, easily 10k possibly as high as 12k if it's pristine. Pete
  17. You'd have to ask about the mapping on a U.S forum. There is a way that Zed owners can get 98 RON but more of that later. The reason that 95 RON is the highest available petrol in most parts of The States is quite simple, there isn't enough demand. There is a huge demand though for low grade gasoline, anyone who's been to say Colorado or Arizona won't have failed to notice that just about everyone runs around in a pick up truck, which requires somewhere around 87-91 RON (fuel that isn't available in The U.K). You can only make so much gasoline from crude oil and making most of it low grade means there isn't much leftover to make 98 RON. Now then, you can buy high grade fuel of around 100-102 RON at a few specialised gas stations, this is considered in The States to be "Racing fuel" and is very expensive $10.50 a U.S gallon, similar to what we pay but over double what Americans pay for 95 RON. The problem with the States is its huge size and varying geography, Wyoming with it's lowest elevation of over 4,000 feet and much of it well over 6,000 feet is completely different to say Florida which is at sea level. As the air gets thinner then RON's don't need to be so high, for some cars you would in effect need a different map for different regions and what happens to cars that move around the country? Pete
  18. Welcome along . Taunton, hmm, spent three hours there once...............stuck in a traffic jam . Pete
  19. Front spoiler on that Viper looks like an adjustable boomerang . Pete
  20. U.S Octane ratings are done in a different way to just about every other country in the world but their 91 is the same as our 95 RON fuel. In some parts of The States for example California and The Mountain States (Colorado, Wyoming,etc) you can't get anything better than 95 RON and the same goes for many rural areas in the mid west and the deep south. You can get the equivalent of 98 RON in most of the big cities and surrounding areas. I don't know if U.S Zed's use a different map, but the BHP quoted is the same as U.K cars so maybe not . Anyway, The most I've ever seen on my DTE is 402, I once filled it up to the brim (DTE 398), drove like a granny for the next 30 miles but it maxed out at 402. Pete
  21. I once saw a woman in The States with a fag in her mouth, texting using both hands and presumably steering with her knees . In the land of the gun texting while driving is still legal in most States . Pete
  22. Nice Zed, but it isn't a Nismo S-Tune GT. Pete
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