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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. JetSet


    Rear wings, even huge ones the right shape and in the right position have little effect below 100 mph, The Bugatti Veryon doesn't engage its wing until it's doing 120 mph. Looking through pictures of sports cars on the track, for example the Porsche Supercup, it would seem that the wings are mounted just below roof level, presumably this is the best position. Pete
  2. Looks really good. Did you wire it up to the steering wheel controls? Pete
  3. I just removed the https prefix Pete
  4. I think someone might have done a hood down while moving mod on a 350Z. MartinMac maybe?? Pete
  5. JetSet

    My Z32 SWB

    Nice Zed Lexx and I love those wheels Pete
  6. I like them, but I bet they'd be a bitch to clean . Pete
  7. Expect a slightly rougher ride as the sidewalls will have less flex. This is something I've noticed with 35 profile tyres on 20" rims. Pete
  8. Was the Pulsar GTI-R ever sold in The U.K? I just did a check on "How Many Left" and non are listed, in fact there are only a total of 95 Pulsars left (+ 50 SORNed), numbers have dropped substantially in the last couple of years. Pete
  9. That makes Colin 4th mbs May 28, 1946 ? Pete
  10. Why isn't there a 'dislike' button I was wrong, Yankeesitter is at least 68, possibly even older than Hugh. Posted in Feb 2011 Pete
  11. Colin is the oldest current owner I know of at 65, I may well be next at 64. Caroline is probably the oldest female owner at 61. Pete
  12. JetSet

    Jap meets American

    Now that's what I call a bulge bonnet . Pete
  13. Never hit the heated seat switch but some for reason when I'm getting out of the car I frequently hit the hazard switch. Pete
  14. Silver BMW would do do the job too, pretty well any model as they all look the same Pete
  15. Not at all surprised, he was seen having a seat fitting in Stuttgart back in April but it's a shame to lose him from F1 as I think he had 2 or 3 more years left at the top. His replacement, hmm, not Kimi , more likely one of the Torro Rosso drivers. Pete
  16. They can and do seize vehicles and then auction them off, it's a kind of legalised theft. They don't need your log book as new documentation will be provided, the council will have a procedure for dealing with this. It's more often used for non payment of council tax than for parking offences though. Pete
  17. Those wheels are stunning. £1200 sounds about right but Bullet is correct, they'll be destroyed in the winter and they'll be expensive to repair too. I've already had to replace 2 sets of polished rims . I'll be using these as winter wheels from now on. Pete
  18. I kept accurate records when I had my Capri 2.8i. Over the 18,000 miles I had the car (from new) I averaged 24 mpg. It would probably have been 25-26 but I towed a fairly heavy caravan down to the Portmadoc area several times each year. Never bothered with records on any other car I owned but The Celica T-Sport had a computer that showed 29.1 after 17,000 miles, not that much better than the 26.1 The Zed gets. Pete
  19. One of the reasons they leave the speed limits on at night is that some loonies take great delight in deliberately scattering cones all over the road . Just recently Scottish power dug half a mile of road up close to me and every morning there were squashed cones everywhere....but none were damaged in daylight. Pete
  20. I imagine that's why they moved them forward for the revised 'face lift' interior. Yes, a common problem with the prefacelifts. Pete
  21. Just read this after I posted. Do you know if theres a link to this? I always presumed a glow underneath the car was still illegal, visible bulb or not I don't know the law about under lighting but I watched one of those traffic cop TV shows and some young guy was pulled up by the police for exhibiting some blue lights under his car. The cops said that blue lights are reserved for emergency vehicles only. Pete
  22. Google bailiffadviceonline. They look to be the experts on this. Pete
  23. Smoothline make the Zed Hardtop. costs $1800 although shipping would be horrendous. Weighs about 20kgs. The Targa conversion costs around $3000 in The U.S. Pete
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