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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Here are the rules and regs, as I read them as long as the fonts and sizes are right then you can have plates with two lines on them, I'd forgotten that at one time number plates could have 3 lines but this is no longer allowed for vehicles made after 1974. http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/@motor/documents/digitalasset/dg_067666.pdf Pete
  2. Looking good Jonny .Liking those wheels! Pete
  3. Interesting, I'm wondering if the roadster is setup like this as you can alarm the car even with the hood down on a windy day without it going off. Does go off though if you drop something into the car.. Pete
  4. About 4:30 this afternoon on the A55 in Ewloe. Friendly chap, flashed me to pull in front of him as I came off the slip road then a wave as he undertook me on the next slip road along. Colour? GM or Blade, not sure as I was concentrating as traffic was really heavy . Pete
  5. I'd treat is as a Cat D car, you pay 25% less, you get 25% less for it when you sell it. If you're only going to clock up 2-3k a year then I don't see a problem really. The only thing I would consider is how long before it was recovered, weeks, months? Also it sounds like a 50k plus car when it was new so possibly stolen to order by pro's who can break in and get them started with minimal damage. Pete
  6. Deeside industrial estate? Not certain of accessibility rights, but there are plenty of old aircraft hangers, abandoned brick buildings plus the more modern industrial type buildings. Pete
  7. A JDM will have a VIN number that starts Z33 , UK and Euro Zed's have a VIN number that starts JN1 Pete
  8. £347 for mine, £367 for Caroline's roadster (which includes 500 miles business use), £250 Excess, probably be a bit less but I have a CH postcode. Pete
  9. Free to leave Wales though for some weird reason you have to pay to get back in again . Pete .
  10. Remove the wheels and check the offsets, they'll be stamped inside the wheel. Some wheel manufacturers make the same wheels but with varying offsets (to suit different cars I guess). Pete
  11. I understand that but last year I paid £480, Caroline £500. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had a huge price hike insuring their roadster recently. Anyway, Sky have come up with a sub £400 quote Pete
  12. 275 at the front is possibly too much. I'm aware of the concept of stretching the tyres on the rims, but I always thought that you fitted a narrower tyre in order to squeeze it under the arches, surely a 275 tyre on a 9.75 inch rim is going to be bulging outwards, ie stretched in the wrong direction? Pete
  13. Just had our multi car insurance renewal through. Difficult to understand why mine is £400, yet Caroline's is an eye watering £768. I know that roadsters are more expensive to insure , but almost twice as much? We both have zero points and more than 10 years NCB and do 3k a year. Pete
  14. They usually pop out in the cold weather, not the heat . Have you tried switching your headlights on then operating the screenwash ? Pete
  15. I saw a few Zed's in Las Vegas when the ambient temperatures was over 45 so I would imagine its a fan problem. Pete
  16. Good job!! Or at least put the plate on square to the holder. Those screws holding the plate on are not the correct ones and are in the wrong position too . Pete
  17. There was a 2006 facelift Sunset roadster for sale here in 2011. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/46011-2006-sunset-roadster-gt-42000/ Pete
  18. Was just thinking the same thing... Interesting. Some research shows that Sunset was in fact still available in some markets until the HR came out in 2007. Here's one I found on a U.S site Looks like at least one sneaked through to The U.K market, maybe a one off order? Pete
  19. What a day to own a roadster . Pete
  20. JetSet

    I'm a knob!

    It's quite possible to kerb wheels on deepish potholes, I'm pretty sure that's where mine picked up a bit of kerb rash. Pete
  21. You shouldn't have posted the photos as people will always express their opinion of them rather than answer the question . Yes, they'll fit with a 20mm adapter. Pete
  22. Ah, I can see where I went wrong now. Pete
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