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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. As above. Very few countries now have the death penalty, countries like China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia...mainly dictatorships as far as I can tell. Only the good old USA of the western democracies still have the death penalty but things are changing there too. About 20 American States have abolished the death penalty, half of those since 2000, its only the hard core deep south states like Texas, Louisiana where public support remains very high. Pete
  2. I doubt it very much indeed, they will be protected, segregated and looked after. Look at the Woolwich murderers, prison officers have been suspended over an altercation I know you have inside knowledge Dave , but Ian Huntley has so far had boiling water poured on him and his throat slashed. The Yorkshire Ripper had one of his eyes gouged out. 30 years is a long time to completely protect people who will be hated by other prisoners. Pete
  3. Really nice. Had Nissan sold one in this colour I'd suggest that it would have been a real winner for them . . Pete
  4. Couldn't give a damn, bought it for me to admire, not them. Pete
  5. Yeah, but its different over there, depending on which state it is they can apply for parole after a few years, I believe it's a 1/12th of their sentence. That's why they have sentencing like life without the prospect of parole for murderers and huge unrealistic sentences for lesser offenders. Pete
  6. I thought I heard on the radio it was a minimum of 30 years? Yes, it is a minimum of 30 years. What I meant to say was they should serve out all of those 30 years here, we have agreements with some countries that they can serve out their sentences in their home countries after a certain length of time has elapsed. Pete
  7. Scum. I hope they make them serve out their full sentence in The U.K then deport them back to Poland. Pete
  8. Abbey Motorsport are in Surrey I think, as already stated only 3 companies in The U.K can do the uprev. Pete
  9. There's a few on here well over the 100k mark and on the U.S Zed forums there are several who've reported over 200k. Pete
  10. I think only about 6 on that list still have Zed's . Pete
  11. It's quite strange looking at the road death figures back then, around 8,000 a year despite as you say significantly less traffic. Of course there was no M.O.T back then so lots of death traps on the road, there was no minimum tyre tread depth, no seat belts or air bags, no crash helmets for motorcyclists. On the other hand though a fast car back then only did 90-95 and not that many would pull much more than 80 in the early 60's . If you had a car that'd do the ton then you were quite somebody .. The thing is that the government and previous governments don't want the bad press that'll come with any increase in road casualties, the road safety lobby will say "told you so", so as I read it don't hold your breath waiting for any changes. Pete
  12. They have those now on Motorways don't they? Pete
  13. The problem is that much of the motorway network is really busy till maybe midnight and then starts getting busy again around 7 in the morning, The M1 towards London is probably busy 24/7, I guess The M25 is the same, and some of the worst motorway accidents have been at night or very early in the morning. I would however concede that maybe a 12/24 month trial on a couple of designated motorways would be a good idea, one of them The M6 Toll, the other say a 40/50 mile stretch of the main M6 around Staffordshire/Cheshire. There are definitely problems though with high speed driving in the early hours of the morning (especially in unlit areas), you don't react as quickly, and distances are more difficult to judge. The other thing I would add was that 100mph would in reality be 110mph and the vast majority of U.K drivers will have very little experience of these sorts of speeds for any length of time. Just a thought . Pete
  14. JetSet

    Nismo GTR

    Well an F1 car with 750 bhp , wide sticky tyres and driven by the best drivers in the world do the 0-60 dash in anything from 2.1-2.9 seconds depending on temperature and road conditions. A MotoGP bike can do 0-60 in around 2.5 seconds. Pete
  15. Nope, ours are the safest by a country mile, 118 Motorway deaths in The U.K, 430 Autobahn deaths in 2010. U.K motorways are much busier than in Germany, even though Germany has many more miles of Autobahn we actually have 25% more motorway traffic. Germany actually ranks about number 3 or 4 in Europe .Figures for places like Spain, Portugal, Belgium even Ireland are horrendous compared to ours. I'm quite happy with the speed limits as they are, raising them will inevitably lead to more deaths and serious injuries. Pete
  16. Please explain to me why the death rate in Germany per 100,000 of the population is 25% higher than ours and even worse on Autobahns at 50%, if their roads and driving standards are that great and keep in mind than nowhere near all autobahns have unrestricted speed limits. Pete
  17. I'm pretty sure that it'd been before a magistrate quite soon after it happened and they have the power to impose an interim ban , just like they did in the case of Carlos Tevez. Also found this Pete
  18. I looked up the fastest speeding ticket for a car in The U.K. It's 172 mph, once again it wasn't the drivers own car, he had "borrowed" it from a dealership where he worked. He got 10 weeks in prison, although the circumstances were different, he was on a busy dual carriageway and he took the car without proper permission. The outright U.K record is 176 mph by a biker . Update on that in 2012 someone was caught doing 180 in a stolen Audi. Pete
  19. Making statements like that in a court will wind the police up no end. I would imagine he'll be closely watched from now on. Pete
  20. Welcome , I spotted an Azure today on an 07 plate at Lookers in Chester, a bit over your budget though at £9970. Pete
  21. Stone trapped in the brakes somehow? Pete
  22. Sad day today, one of my cats had to be put to sleep, a blood test revealed he had cancer of the kidney. He'd had a good life though considering he was a feral cat born in our garden some 13 and half years ago. Even though we've got 4 other cats the house feels kinda empty without him . Pete
  23. They also have cross road junctions that have red flashing lights in all directions, confused me the first time I saw one. You have to take it in turns to cross, one at a time, simply wouldn't work here. I've only seen 3 or 4 of this type and only in small towns. Some of the junctions in the big cities of The U.S.A are a complete nightmare they have double line turning lanes on both sides each with a filter light and in Colorado they often have traffic lights on the slip road leading onto the freeway. Pete
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