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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yes, I used to play. A few of us would finish nights in the summer at 5:30 and go for a round on our local municipal in Flint, before anyone else arrived . My next door neighbor's Dad was very high up at Vicar's Cross Golf Club in Chester so I used to play there once a week as well for free. Didn't keep it up for long, less than a year I guess and was never a member of a club so I never had an H/C, but my neighbor had an H/C of 10 and I was around his level. Pete
  2. Spot on, it's all about control and power and in some cases, mainly The U.S.A it's about money too. Just search on youtube for The Genesis song "Jesus he knows me" and you'll get the picture. Pete
  3. Since I first became interested in astronomy the theories behind its eventual fate have changed several times. At one time it was thought that eventually the universe would stop expanding and contract again forming a gigantic mass which would once again explode, creating a new universe. Since then though it's clear that this no longer holds up, the rate of expansion is speeding up and there doesn't appear to be enough mass to stop the expansion. There's also dark matter, which we know little about, where does that come in? One thing I find very interesting is the fact that the universe is expanding in every direction at the same rate from our standpoint. This would mean that our Galaxy would have to be slap in the middle of the universe and the chances of that are pretty well zero. This would indicate that the universe is a lot bigger than we think (we can't see the far edge because it's receding faster than the speed of light relative to us) and therefore a lot older too. Eventually though the universe will use up all it's hydrogen gas so no new stars will be able to form, at least that's the way I see it. Not to worry though there's enough hydrogen to last for many trillions of years. Pete
  4. I know a Taxi driver, all he does is drive from here to Manchester Airport (35 miles) and back 3 or 4 times a day with the occasional run down to Liverpool/Heathrow/Gatwick/etc. It's a very safe job, much better than picking drunks up late at night, the only downside is that he's up most mornings around 5 o'clock. Pete
  5. Centrifugal force pushing the oil away from the sensor. Pete I'm no expert, but that shouldn't happen at road speeds with a full sump? That's right but once the oil drops below a certain level then centrifugal force on hard cornering can be enough to expose the sensor to fresh air. For some cars this can happen when you go up steep hills (I have experience of this ) and I would imagine it can happen when going down a steep hill, just depends there the sensor is mounted. Hard braking (yes, been there too) can also trigger the warning light if there isn't enough oil . Pete
  6. I would imagine that a satnav clock would be getting constant time updates from a satellite while a dash clock only gets updates from a human when the time drifts. Pete
  7. JetSet

    what wheels???

    I like the Dotz wheels, I've seen them on a silver Zed and they look quite good. Pete
  8. Centrifugal force pushing the oil away from the sensor. Pete
  9. Annoyed? I'd be bloody furious. +1 Pete
  10. Yeah, a big discount . Pete
  11. Wow!!! Reminds me of The Tour De France, just needs a few bikes. Are those a couple of patches snow at the bottom right? Pete
  12. Anyone who cant see a car in Daylight needs to seriously get their eyesight checked IMO. Full-stop. In the video above, lighting was fine, the junction was very clear - The driver who pulled out is just a full on dumbass IMO. You've obviously didn't read my post properly, I clearly stated that in this case poor light wasn't to blame . Here's an experiment, next time it's piddling down with rain take a look in your rear view mirror and see how difficult it is to spot a black car without its lights on through the gloom, its really quite striking. Anyway, here's an interesting piece about black cars. http://www.dailymail...-accidents.html Pete
  13. I drove all the way from Chester to Brands Hatch in Kent with the roof down in mid summer in my Triumph Spitfire eons ago. Set off at twilight and by the time I reached the outskirts of London it was light again. Memories . Pete
  14. Its considered bad practice to "daisy chain" Ethernet switches. But not that ive ever seen any issues with it in my experience. Yes, in large networks daisy chaining switches can lead to problems but 2 switches should be O.K. You can also run into difficulty if you chain in too many hubs, I have 7 hubs and a switch and that seems to be the limit with cat 5 cabling. Pete
  15. Yes, mid 2006 was the turning point for Zed's (and for a few other marques as well). It's not unusual to see a pre facelift on an 06 plate but to see one on an 07 plate is quite unusual. Nissan stopped making the 03-55 plate models in November 2005 so there's obviously a story behind this one. At best it could have been on display in a showroom or at worst it could have been sitting around exposed to the elements at the back of a garage...we'll never know. Pete
  16. Like this. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3Com-3C16751B-OfficeConnect-16-Port-Dual-Speed-Hub-/251306242575?pt=UK_Computing_Other_Computing_Networking&hash=item3a8304f20f Pete
  17. I use a series of 16 or 8 port 3com 10/100 hubs. I got it them EBay a while ago for next to nothing. Pete
  18. Although it isn't the case on this occasion, black cars are indeed difficult to see when the light is poor or fading. Most people these days switch their lights on when its raining but there are always a few that are either ignorant or just too lazy to switch them on. Worse still are those who drive around in twilight without lights when it's much more difficult to judge distances. Worst offenders seem to be black BMW Chelsea tractors driven by women and boy racers. What people don't seem to realize is that lights aren't just to see by but for others to see you.... Pete
  19. Good job you were alert and keeping a decent distance. Pete
  20. Welcome, my daughter in law lives in Sandbach so you might see me there now and again. Pete
  21. Good idea, a lot of forums do something similar. Pete
  22. For sure mate. Ive only had a 350z in march 2011, new e90 in jan 2012, new e92 in oct 2012, z4 in april 2013 and now the z4 coupe aug 2013. Oh and our new mini cooper in feb 2012! Lol. I once had 6 cars, 4 of them brand new in a 3 year period but in the last 24 years have owned just 4 cars. One of the cars I owned was a brand new Triumph Spitfire MK4 which I had on order for 6 months, picked it up in July, sold it in October . Pete
  23. Caroline has had a few negative sarcastic comments but these are far outweighed by positive ones. Pete
  24. Looks O.K to me. Pete
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