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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. O.K, says 2005, but on a 52 plate which could be a private one, so what year is it? Also, I don't know what that rear spoiler is but it doesn't look like a Nismo to me, so not a full Nismo kit. Pete
  2. Don't think that part of the tyre actually contacts the road . Pete
  3. Indeed, but MOT testers can use discretion. My washers were frozen when I took mine for MOT in January but told me they wouldn't fail it. While it was in the garage the windscreen washers thawed out but the headlight washers were still frozen when I picked it up. I use about 25% washer anti-freeze during the winter as well. Pete
  4. Also need to make sure there's plenty of water in the washer bottle, don't assume that because your windscreen washers are working there's enough water to fire up the headlight jets. Pete
  5. Agreed.................I'd still have one though . Pete
  6. Oh dear, those wheels are so boring and look more like halfords wheel trims. Pete
  7. Remove device, see if there's any writing on it . BS number /Manufacturers name/Model number/Serial number, etc then do a Google search. It's what I do when trying to identify unknown computer parts that I get presented with from time to time. Pete
  8. I'm not a teacher but in the days before political correctness I once attended a children's camp in deepest Wales (actually within The EVO Triangle). I was roped in by my ex-wife as there weren't enough teachers to supervise the children on the outdoor activities. I guess the children were 8 or 9 and they were really well behaved but this was in the days before mobile phones. The centre did have a phone but the children weren't allowed to use it except in emergencies. Every thing was fine until it got dark and then the sobbing began, it was only a small number maybe 5 or 6 out of 30 but quite distressing. The thing is, most of these kids had never been away from home before but at the end of the day they all survived. Pete
  9. Yes all 55 reg's will be lower tax rate as the higher tax rate didn't start until a couple of weeks into 06 reg's. Pete
  10. Wow just goes to show that high millage ones can last has any one on the forum gone over 200k yet ??? Not on this forum, the highest mileage I've seen posted here is around 180k but on The U.S forums there are a small number over the 200k mark. Pete
  11. Out on The EVO Triangle today . About 2 minutes after I took this pic a Red Kite swooped about 20 feet above us, only the second one I've ever seen! Pete
  12. Definitely very busy, the shelter ours came from must have 40 kittens and 10 adult cats, not to mention 20/30 dogs, half a dozen ponies, etc. Our second kitten will be with us on the 7th September, it's not from the same litter and must be a couple of weeks younger than our ginger female. Got them from here. http://www.ncar.org.uk/ Pete
  13. JetSet

    Penta's Refurbed

    Yes, complete acid strip, blast and paint. Decided against having them polished again, they'll be much easier to maintain just painted I hope. Pete
  14. JetSet

    Penta's Refurbed

    North West Enamellers , just up the road from me. http://www.northwestenamellers.co.uk/ Pete
  15. JetSet

    new rims

    Right up my street . Pete
  16. JetSet

    Penta's Refurbed

    Cheers, cost £190 + VAT for a full refurb . Another £40 to have the tyres removed, put back on and balanced. The company that did the refurb don't have tyre removal facilities. Pete
  17. Funny you should say that. If you go to the far side of the room, blur your eyes then it does look a bit Veryon like . Strange, but I don't dislike it really other than the black wheels. Pete
  18. JetSet

    Penta's Refurbed

    I meant to include a "before" photo . Pete
  19. JetSet

    Penta's Refurbed

    Well. they look a lot better than when they came off Caroline's car. Pete
  20. We brought home the first of our kittens today. As you can see it settled down pretty quickly . Pete
  21. I've just had one of these from Tarmac too. It's currently in the body shop being sprayed Silver, should be fitted sometime next week . Pete
  22. There's a guy up the road from me who always seems to be playing about with MGTF's. He nearly always has 3 or 4 and I once counted 6 on his land. They're a pretty looking car IMHO and for sure there'll be online community. Pete
  23. Not directly, but in The 80's and 90's I owned a number of what were considered to be hot hatches at the time (XR3i, RS Turbo). Pete
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