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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. It would be a great opportunity for midfield teams like Sauber, Williams and Force India to spring a surprise next season before things settle down in 2015. Caterham and Marrussia could even move up to the midfield.....we'll see. Pete
  2. Modern cars are difficult to steal, they're usually stolen by breaking in to your house and taking your keys and the very substantial steering lock I used on The MR2 had the key on the key ring So all I can say is don't leave your keys in the back door, on the work surface next to the back door or on a key ring holder. Pete
  3. Yeah, you could stick an M badge on and 99% of people either (1) wouldn't notice (me for one) or (2) wouldn't know the difference anyway.....most people just see another BMW . Pete
  4. There's nothing in the service manual about changing the oil, just an inspection at P1, P2 and P3 . The oil will eventually shear though so I'd say anywhere between 36 and 48k which is Nissan's recommendation for other models that they make. Pete
  5. There's a few of us in The Wrexham/Chester/Deeside area. Did you get your Zed from Lookers in Chester? They had an Azure for sale on their forecourt last time I went past there. Pete
  6. I've tried both ways of fitting the divider and without the thin carpet it works better. It's possible to get a good fit with both carpets in place but a bit of a struggle TBH. Pete
  7. Welcome along . Whereabouts in North Wales? I'm in the Buckley area. Pete
  8. Hmm, that's quite nice, well, some of it. Pete
  9. It does indeed, most of them rotted away very quickly. Pete
  10. This is one of the problems with HPI checks. If for example you have a 54 reg car and it gets 3k's worth of damage then it'll probably get written off as a Cat D, however if your 2012 car gets exactly the same damage it'll get repaired without anything going on the log book, that's how I read it anyway . Pete
  11. JetSet

    XKR.... Lovely

    Jaguar cars stayed in production for long periods firstly because they lacked the funds to develop new models and secondly because the marque attracts high loyalty from its customers. Pete
  12. Correct....Also, Blade Silver was discontinued in early 2006, so what we have here is a very late registered prefacelift , or most likely a 296 Facelift in Universal Silver. Pete
  13. It's actually a Sunset Red . Pete
  14. Just thinking back, I spent £2 on my first car on a second hand pair of spacers, nothing then till my 4th car in 1971 when I bought a set of gauges, about £25 from memory. So £27 over 40 years then about £5k on The Zed . EDIT, Almost forgot about the sun visors I bought for my Ausin Healey Sprite (can you believe they weren't fitted as standard or even as an option) !! Pete
  15. You were very sensible, you knew you wouldn't be keeping your Zed for very long, unlike some on here who spend a fortune then 6 months later are selling up. I never spent much on any of my previous cars because I knew I'd get the itch 12 months later but now I'm retired I know I can't afford to be changing my car every 12 -24 months. Pete
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