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Everything posted by noodlesom

  1. Eeeep thats quite a bit alright. The insurance on these are a rip too as far as i remember...but you have to get it just in case!
  2. that bill or prepay? bill is tied into an 18month contract ?
  3. Once u get hit by a police laser it's too late I thought? Works ok for radar though
  4. I'll put up more in the FS section when I get a chance!
  5. Heehe where will I put them? Putting her up for sale too soon cause I'm moving to Oz at the end of the year..
  6. noodlesom

    Fuming !!!!

    LOL, you'd maybe understand if someone crashed into her when she was parked up...
  7. Prodigy are always very good live and very entertaining. Seen them 3 times now and never disapointed! Enjoy!
  8. Campin in warm weather can be hell once the sun hits the tent in the morning!
  9. Hey Clarkie, What you end up paying for it?
  10. Hey Guys, Just signed up! Currently driving a 2004 350GT. Looking forward to chattin! -Ronan
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