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Everything posted by Hollowman

  1. Hello guys. I've owned a RX8 for 2 years now and loved pretty much every second in it, touch wood it's never had any problems which have cost me to fork out stupid amounts of money to fix. I'm ready for a change now and been tempted by the 350z for sometime now. I just have a few questions - 1. My budget is around 9k, ideally I'd want something under 40k mileage and prefer to buy from a dealer, what's the best thing to look out. 2. Differences from the standard pack to the GT pack? 3. Anything I should be looking out for in terms of wear and tear on certain parts/areas? 4.. Has anybody on here jumped from an RX8 to 350z, what were the main differences in terms of performances, I'm expecting a lot more torque lower down Cheers. Lee.
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