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Everything posted by uz123

  1. uz123

    fuel costs

    So my commute is 11 miles both ways, so 22 miles a day. Its from south london into central london. In the mornings, i do this commute around 530-6am, so i can hold a steady speed and theres no/little traffic meaning I can get about 21-23mpg MAX (been doing it for 4 months and 22.9mpg is my current record!) On the way back in the evenings there is a lot more traffic, and so a lot of stop start...best I ever get there is 19mpg. I've NEVER got higher than 22.9mpg!! :-D I pay about £50 a week in petrol, although that does include some weekend driving, but if its 'spirited' driving you do on weekends (like you should!), then whatever petrol is left by friday night will be gone by saturday morning! Hope that helps!
  2. Sorry for the newbie/sily question...but if I was to get this for my MY07 313....I take it I'd have to get two right?
  3. Thanks for that mate - v.useful! Unfortunately mine doesn't work still! When I press the number it beeps, then no matter what I say, it dials the number i mentioned above! Incoming calls seem to work fine, it rings and i pick up and speak normally. (although the speakers simply play my ringtone - is this normal?) Also - i have NOTHING in my menu which says "phone" etc and allows me to adjust settings. Finally - the module has a button on the side, should this be out or pressed in? I guess I might have to pop into my dealer on the weekend :-(
  4. I'm having a little problem with mine.... I managed to sync it fine, so if i get a phone call it rings through my speakers and then i can answer it and speak fine... However, when i try to make a phone call (by clicking on the speech button on steering wheel) it beeps, i say something, but it automatically dials "123567890" which is the BT number for finding out the exact time! I tried saying "Dial Number" after hearing the beep, but no matter what I do it just dials the above number! Also, I don't have the "Phone" option in my menu - so I cant do the settings or anything! Any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. Guys, PLEASE help me find a deal like this. I'm in the market for a 350z...Ideally I want the 07+ 313 GT model (in black or grey with sat nav)....but will also settle for a nice 06 plate (i.e. both have the updated interior). I was looking for one with between 20-30k miles on the clock...and wanted to pay around 14k-15k for the 313 or 13k(ish) for the 06 plate... If any of you know of any for sale that would fit my description PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE let me know! I am ACHING to join the Z owners club!!! Thanks in advance!
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