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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. I didn't realise these sign makers had a sense of humour, nobodies welcome in Woking!
  2. HaydnH

    Invidia pic

    I was going to post a LMGTFY: http://images.lmgtfy.com/?q=invidia+true+dual+exhaut+350z
  3. HaydnH

    Invidia pic

    I believe MrGoogle has some photo's: https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=894&q=invidia+gemini+true+dual+350z&oq=invidia+gemini+true+dual+350z&gs_l=img.3...1144.4148.0.4334.
  4. I need to visit my parents for dinner that night (Mum's b-day) but may pop along if I fancy it instead of the Lions game.
  5. I really like this stuff as well... personally I'm not sure paying £10 per month is worth it to find the odd good product though... I've stopped doing it and will keep reading this thread for the gems. Actually, perhaps everyone could rate the products out of 10 and someone could keep a table of all the products with the columns "name, number of ratings, average rating" sorted by avg rating+num ratings in the OP? Could be useful!
  6. On the roadster there's a switch on the back of the passenger seat to stop it automatically tilting forward when you put the roof up/down.
  7. I know, it's so relaxing at the pace you guys drive.
  8. I must admit I did feel a little uncomfortable when you were chatting with Keyser and Buster and country cooks.
  9. Errr isn't it just cheaper to go buy some?
  10. I was lucky enough to get tickets to the Wales v England thrashing at the Millennium this year.
  11. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than the twin supercharger route... hmmmm....
  12. You should have invited some of us down, you could've left the ladies there while we went driving.
  13. Gorgeous!!!! Bet you don't get called that very often Bennet! Neither does his car.
  14. RT-P do a good replica.
  15. I think I was doing under 30 trying to avoid that guy... such a nice corner to have fun on as well.
  16. I was the innocent ginger guy trying not to laugh at the not so innocent conversation outside country cooks.
  17. I thought you had the Zeta-Rs not the Zeta-Ss as you say above?
  18. HaydnH

    Supercharger kit :D

    It depends on a lot of factors, new or used kit, who does the install/map, supporting mods like oil coolers/larger sumps etc etc. I doubt it will be 'big boys talking jive', but more like those who've spent the cash doing things safely.
  19. God I look grumpy in that photo, probably because of that red van coming around the corner on my side of the road and having to slow down to a crawl to let him through... maybe he was after an insurance claim?
  20. Life would be so boring without taking risks! Also, what better reason to have a fully rebuilt engine towards 650rwhp if not: "Sorry Leti, engine just gone bang, need a new one!" :lol: Funny that, I said only last night to Jayne I think my exhaust is blowing Jeeesh you've told Jayne you need a new engine and a new exhaust all in the same week? Balls of steel my friend, balls of steeeeel!
  21. This is 100% true, in the photo Taras is looking at my rear bumper (doubt it's edited mind) and asked me to drop the car in to sort it out, fair play! I'll hopefully post a more detailed post in the RT-P forum after the correction is done. Thanks Taras.
  22. "Sorry BBK I'm taken but you're a really nice bloke" Oh wait, this isn't the caption thread??
  23. When will this close? I just got back from Wales today so I'm 2 clues + the tiebreaker behind and doubt I'll get a chance to login before the weekend.
  24. Were you in the room next door? I'm struggling to figure out how you'd know otherwise!
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