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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. How close is close? I had Christmas dinner with the family at Newbury Manor which was absolutely superb but was quite a few years ago, didn't stay but it was a nice hotel... 20-30 miles and ~40 minutes away though: http://goo.gl/maps/0HY9Y p.s: Thruxton's a fun track, been round there a few times, not particularly challenging but pretty fast... just watch out for Tiff flying past.
  2. I've heard original D1 Spec are fine but there's a ton of fakes on ebay which should be avoided. No first hand experience with them though.
  3. HaydnH

    Traction Issues

    If you're looking at MPSSs and either do track days or just want performance over noise/comfort then consider the Yoko AD08s as well.
  4. Back on the GTR though, being able to buy a brand new one for £65k or a second hand one for as low as ~£35k is pretty amazing considering what you get. I really wish it stirred some form of emotion in me, if it did I'd be out buying one tomorrow.
  5. Yep spotted you as well, I would've waved but I seemed to still be in French motorway mode as I was just getting back from Italy and shot past you... the fact that you seemed to be in Sunday driver mode didn't help. p.s: thanks for not mentioning how disgustingly dirty my car was after driving around Europe... can't wait for the weekends detailing, hopefully it won't be too hot!
  6. I feel exactly the same, if I had £65k to spend I think I'd buy something like a TVR Sag instead of a GTR and save the extra £20-25k for repairs and petrol.
  7. Once you've been bitten Anthisan is probably the best cream I've found to help soothe the itching, available at most chemists but not boots I don't believe. There seems to be a big increase in the number of mosquitos around the UK at the minute, they breed in stagnant water so if you have any sitting water around your house you'd be wise to try and get rid of it.
  8. I have a set of those I won't be using in red if you're interested, I went for Muteki's in the end, neither have been fitted yet.
  9. Tarmac supplied me with Muteki SR48s with locking nuts as well. I'll take some photo's when I get them fitted along with my new brakes, probably won't be for a few weeks though.
  10. At my service last year I was offered AC re-gassing for free so I accepted, at this years service I now apparently have a leaking AC condenser as there's UV dye visible. As my AC still works perfectly I'm not going to swap the condenser just yet, but could the dye be from overfilling?
  11. I think you just copied and pasted the map I posted above?
  12. Think I found it, Umbrailpass maybe? Much nicer road than Stelvio imho due to there being less traffic so you can get some speed up: http://goo.gl/maps/wbY6K
  13. Christ I just spent 11 days in Europe driving through France, travelling down just about every pass in Switzerland and then on to Treviso in Italy, got back last night... we could've probably met up! It would've been nice being stuck behind a slow Z rather than a slightly faster caravan during the twisties. BTW, any idea what that twisty road is called? It's the one down the other side of Stelvio pass right? I don't know whether it's still called Stelvio or not as it actually turns off Stelivo and I can't find it on google maps. I'll post my photo's in another thread when I've processed them.
  14. HaydnH


    Just put the full beams on and offer them up to see if the light stops dazzling the left lane. The factory 07 sat nag doesn't support cam warnings... If it does please let me know how!
  15. Yeah, if you could see there was nothing coming the other way and didn't mind falling a few thousand feet if you got it wrong.
  16. The Splugen pass is worth chrecking out, some nice open bits bust mostly hairpins every 5 meters or so, not so much a driving road, more a 'well I survived that' kind of road:
  17. Fine, another without the topless lady in the way:
  18. Better post one not of the Z I suppose:
  19. Figured it out! A few unprocessed teasers then:
  20. Not sure I can upload from my iPad as the photos are raw format... Will see what I can do...
  21. Sorry Ninja, missed your post. I thought of going back but the next exit was quite far and by the time I'd pulled over to check my car and got back to the other side of the motorway I would have stuck in traffic for ages, considering I didn't really see what happened and I'm not a doctor I didn't see what I could add to the situation apart from get my insurance involved. Having said that, I'm wondering if someone behind me was too close to the car in front and hit them now, I didn't see anything but maybe that could have been why the 2 cars flashed me? UGH happy holidays! p.s: the Tornados Rossini was lovely! Sitting in a nice plaza atm having a beer.
  22. Possibly, doubt the holes would be as perfect though and would expect cracks in the fiber glass... And I'm not driving now! I'm sitting outside a bar in the hotel overlooking the marina and lake/sea and having a pint... Lovvvveeelllyy!
  23. Just checked mine on the m25 roadworks this morning, immediately after the trip comp reset I got 54mpg! That quickly dropped to 30 ish though... And after filling up today I got 300+ miles left showing, can't remember the exact figure.
  24. About 450 miles in to France, driving along in the "fast lane" I suddenly see the roof of a car appear almost perpendicular to the ground on the carriageway heading in the other direction as it seriousiouly rear ends someone... My initial reaction was what the, followed by me slamming on my brakes and swerving towards the middle lane (after quickly checking it was clear) as a load of debris from the cars involved flies over the 3' high concrete central reservation right in front of me. then I had 2 cars flashing me afterwards so I thought I had part of my car falling off or something and pulled over to check, Nothing wrong! Don't even think they saw what happened and just thought I was mad for braking (a safe distance) in front of them... Either that or they were telling me to pull out and drive again... Luckily there doesn't appear to be any damage apart from the front bumper came loose from the offside (near side over here?) wing, looks like it wasn't refitted properly after the last respray tbh as the holes look about the same size as the bolts and there's no washers. There was quite a loud noise underneath but everything looks fine, guess the gt spec bracing took another 1 for the team... Even more luckily I passed a garage shortly after and they had it up on the ramps and fixed in 10 minutes for €22... I don't think there are many garages back home that would do that for the price... Back on the road baby! Sorry guys (and gals), no photos today, been a bit busy driving and getting hit by stuff. BTW, i never see roadsters in the UK, today i saw a 370 and a 350 roadster, guess they have the weather for it and both waved back. Now to see what the Neuchatel night life and food is like. Haydn. Haydn.
  25. 240 miles per £100 seems about right to me, think the highest I've seen is 33mpg doing 50 mph with cruise control on. Maybe roadsters are a little less efficient due to aero?
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