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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. I find them great for bottles of water/iced tea when on long journeys.
  2. Either my car will be back at Abbey or I'll probably be picking it up that day, I might pop along on the way home unless I manage to pick it up on Friday, won't book a slot on the day though just in case.
  3. I love the Sag but I don't normally like cars pretending to be something they're not, all those Ferrari MR2's spring to mind! However, taking a TVR Tuscan and converting it to a Convertible Sagaris actually seems to have resulted in a rather nice motor, a little expensive maybe considering a '04 Tuscan with 9k miles is probably worth about £20k but I suppose all those Sag panels and work possibly make it about the right price: http://www.autotrade...age/1?logcode=p BTW, wish I'd bought a Sag instead of the Z now, they were about £40k 3 years ago and now they're all about £50k.
  4. You know you can get stick on headlight things for driving in Europe right?
  5. You can do a search by image on google.
  6. I live in Surbiton, Kingston town center isn't bad to drive through, there's even plenty of non multistorey parking which is good.
  7. Hmmm maybe Ascari made a copy of the Penta? http://www.ststyresandwheels.co.uk/home/alloywheels/category/13-.html
  8. Jeeesh did you guys get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?
  9. Looks like an axis penta to me: http://www.axiswheels.com/view-wheel/axis-penta Maybe contact Axis direct to ask? Doing a "search by image" on Google has come up with "Algernon Intelesse II" which also look very similar:
  10. Don't worry, replacements are cheap!
  11. Meister-Rs are worth considering as well.
  12. KL11 NGE, awesome! £25445 though! FU 2, doubt they really have that, and at £475000?!?
  13. Just wait a month or so for the Calendar Competition to kick off again . . you will be spoilt for choice Think I need a pre-calendar competition to decide which photos of mine I like most.
  14. Feel free to use these from my recent trip, will post them in post about the trip at some point.
  15. I don't understand what you need the photos for?
  16. There's a risk of powder creating dust on your microfibers, have you ever seen white marks on clothes after washing?
  17. Looks like the orange is a better match:
  18. NON-bio LIQUID! https://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy-ab&q=detailing+world+washing+microfiber&oq=detailing+world+wash+micro&gs_l=hp.3.0.0i22i10i30.1187.5807.0.8177.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49784469,d.d2k&fp=218a7a2868eb63cb&biw=1211&bih=652
  19. Tylney Hall Hotel, Ridge Lane, Rotherwick is only 30-40 mins away as well, very posh, a regular place for us for birthday meals etc... and they have a olf course if you play golf.
  20. Muteki SR48s, Tarmac can supply them: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=muteki+sr48+gold&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mJnzUYe-FM2HhQfdzYC4DA&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=1211&bih=652
  21. If it's been upreved it may have multiple maps, can't remember how to switch though, something to do with the cruise control button so that might let you know.
  22. It's a 350Z... all of the gearboxes are a little... errr... mechanical.
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