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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. HaydnH


    and/or Abbey Motorsport (think they're still breaking a car)
  2. I agree, to survive listening to that song really takes hard work and training!
  3. This works for most vehicles, unfortunately lorries would get absolutely hammered so something needs to be done there along the lines of rebates etc unless we want to cripple our shops/economy.
  4. I found this out on my 350 in a rather embarrasing fashion at the Wales meet last year.
  5. What do you mean old Z badge? Think I have the OEM badges from the back of my car still but doubt that's what you're after?
  6. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/74920-lol/
  7. They were never going to hit each other , Di Resta knew exactly where JV was ..look at his head in the cockpit...a fag papers gap is enough.. Looks like there's about 4-5 feet between them which in F1 terms is about 7 million times further away and 18 million times safer than Bennett or Octet following you in Wales.
  8. Pretty sure the soft top doesn't have gullwings It's 3 grand extra AFAIK Errr, don't think the gull wings are optional on the convertible... unless the moleskin roof comes from radioactive moles with the strength of the hulk?
  9. Says £14.99?! The seller has changed, I guess since I bought them earlier the seller I got them from for £19.99 with free UK shipping (SupermarketSurplusUK) ran out and they've moved to the next cheapest seller (Cobalt Innovations) who sell them for £14.99 + £5.10 shipping. Still stupidly cheap for an upgrade that according to the Smurf is worth it.
  10. What? No name sign in the photo's? How do we know this guy isn't trying to rip us off?
  11. Not exactly CAD, but if you're looking for 3D stuff Blender is awesome, not sure if it's on mac but on Linux it's great when you learn to use it.
  12. I've tried a mac, too GUI orientated for my liking (yes I know it has a command line as well).
  13. I've had exactly this happen too. Every now and again you must just get the gull that's been out for 10 pints and ruby the night before. I've got this on my bonnet as well after leaving the car with a garage for 6 weeks... clay bar and hand polishing with menz didn't touch it! I've also got bug splatter on my front bumper from 11 days driving through Europe in blistering heat which is similar. Just ordered a DA which arrived today so I'll have a go on Saturday if I have time before Sunday's Grasshopper meet - don't be suprised if I turn up in a grey/silver car!
  14. Oh, there appears to be a few bugs relating to running Linux on the 2013 macbook air (e.g: no internal speaker), might wait or use a PC laptop: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=989582 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=989555
  15. I love Linux on the desktop... then again I still use WindowMaker rather than Gnome or KDE.
  16. Christ, they're only £19.99 on Amazon! It's rude not to buy a couple of pairs! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alpine-SXE-1725-Car-Loudspeaker/dp/B0000WS0NC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376491486&sr=8-1&keywords=alpine+sxe+1725s
  17. I bet its chipped too The go faster stripes could be a bit more contrasting though, they seem to blend in a little too much for my liking.
  18. Shame I can't get the speakers delivered before the Grasshopper meet. We can send your Zed home in bits if you like Never played with a roadster, is the layout the same i.e. rears & sub? God knows! I've never played with a roadster either, at least not in that sense. You would've thought they'd be fairly similar though. Graham, did you chance the 1" tweeters as well or just leave them OEM due to the tweaters in the Alpines?
  19. Shame I can't get the speakers delivered before the Grasshopper meet.
  20. Yep, Ubuntu, etc You can run Mac OS X 10.9, Windows 8 and Ubuntu on the same Mac, either booting through EFI or in virtual machines: Parallels, VMWare Ugh, virtualization? Why bother on a desktop unless you're actually planning on using the underlying OS as well, or if you have to run a crappy OS (Windows) and would prefer it to run on top aof a good OS. Via EFI means native though right? Will have to read up on that.
  21. How easy wast it to do the rear speakers? From the look of this guide a lot of panels need to be removed: http://www.350z-tech.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rear_Panel_Removal
  22. See here for pairing the key: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/15186-how-do-you-program-the-key-fob-to-the-car/
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