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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. If you could stretch another £1.5k: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/71209-nismo-v2-2008-313gt-25k-miles/
  2. Too far from me, but if it fits a HR consider me a sale.
  3. If it was for a HR engined car I'd be tempted.
  4. I'm suprised there isn't any love on this forum for the old ambulance, guess it is a van after all and not a sporty rwd.
  5. I tried Green Smoke, they were very good for cig-a-likes but still not quite enough to stop me smoking. The SmoeVesto kit I'm using is awesome though, averaged about 3-4 cigs a day since Friday, had 1 this morning and probably won't have another again... which considering I'm not actually quiting smoking seems pretty good! Loving this trip hammer rasberry ripple flavour, tastes just like the ice cream!
  6. No names? One of the BBC documentaries was called "Grand Prix: The killer Years" I think and was pretty good, is that one of the programmes you were thinking of?
  7. Yep, it doesn't make it 100% safe though as this Z found out: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/59803-poorly-ginger-bedford-autodrome/
  8. Extinction is pretty cool, I'm bored of that map though, completed it too many times even with 5 relics on.
  9. I really enjoyed it. BTW, the old ambulance in the movie is owned by the landlord of the pub round the corner, he even drove it in the movie, very cool: I was going to upload a photo but photobucket is down, you can see the ambulance on Google Street view though: http://goo.gl/maps/ue8vk
  10. Could be worth disconnecting the battery for a few minutes to check if the ECU has gotten confused for some reason, unlikely but it's worth a quick test.
  11. CHRIST! How's this been posted for over 2 weeks and nobody PMed me to let me know?!? Just booked the last split level room but it has twin beds... they'll try and push them together for me though. And no, I'm not sharing cos I'm a git! 1. glrnet+1 24th & 25th Drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th & 25th 2. Ken 24th & 25th Drives Hotel booked 23rd ,24th & 25th 3. Ebized +1 24th & 25th Drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th & 25th 4. Darren-B 24th & 25th Drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th & 25th 5. Will370z +1 24th & 25th Drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th & 25th 6. Paddy78 +1 24th & 25th Drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th & 25th 7. Buster + Mrs Buster 24h & 25h Drives..Hotel booked 23ed,24th & 25th 8. Wasso + Mrs Wasso 23rd, 24th & 25th for everything!! (Booked) 9. TheBountyBarKid +1 23rd-25th booked. 10. SpursMadDave +1 23rd, 24th & 25th. 11. octet + 28,999,999 RO and BG - 23rd - 25th - Hotel booked. Drives booked 12. Humpy +1 - 23rd, 24th & 25th for everything!! (Booked) 13. Grundy +1 - 23rd, 24th & 25th For every thing (Booked) 14. Mopedmark + Mrs Moped 24th,25th Drives, Hotel booked 23rd, 24th 15, 14N 24th,25th Drives, Hotel booked 23rd, 24th 16. Andyvvc +1 - 23rd, 24th, 25th. Quiet double-room booked! Everything! 17. Mr + Mrs Keyser - 23rd, 24th, 25th. Quiet double-room booked! Also Booked bumper repair kit, a reversing camera and ordered 1:1 scale map of Wales for Mr G 18. ioneabee - 23rd, 24th & 25th Drive - Hotel booked 23rd & 24th 19. Howee 350 +1 24th & 25th (no accommodation required). 20. JetSet + Caroline350Z 23rd and 24th (hotel booked 24th only) 21. Wizurd. 24th and 25th drives and 23rd,24th,25th hotel booked 22. davedutch +1, 24th,25th drives, hotel booked 23rd,24th 23. Ph7 and mrs ph7. 24th & 25th drives. Hotel booked for 24th. 24. Gudzy +1. 24th and 25th drives. Hotel booked for 23rd and 24th. 25. Atkin666 +1 23rd 24th 25th all booked 26. Mattross1313 - all drives and days (no accommodation needed) 27. chirag1988 + 1 - just booked for the 24th but will be arriving Saturday morning early for the drive and also for Sunday 28. Ragtopzed1 all booked for the 23rd,24th & 25th 29. Bockaarck + 1- 24th, 25th drives. Hotel booked 23rd, 24th, 25th 30. AmyZed- + 1- 24th, 25th drives, hotel 23rd, 24th and 25th 31. Lexx - 24th only (booked in Premier Inn) 32. Andy James - 24th + 25th Hotel Booked. 33. Screamer + 1 - 24th (possible) & 25th (definite) Drives. Hotel booked 24th 34. jjt - 24th and 25th Drives. No accommodation required 35. 350zedd + 1 24th & 25th drives, hotel booked 23rd, 24th, 25th 36. Rickdon + 1 24th & 25th drives, hotel booked 23rd, 24th, 25th. 37. Shire 24th & 25th drives, hotel booked 23rd, 24th, 25th. 38. Sharpen +1 24th & 25th drives, hotel booked 23rd 24th & 25th 39. GT4 Zed +1 24th & 25th drives. Hotel booked 23 & 24th 40. Nigel Barfoot & Clare. 24 and morning of 25 drives. Hotel booked 23 & 24 41. Leosille(Ryan) +1 24th & 25th Drives, Hotel booked 23rd ,24th & 25th 42. M13KYF 25th only 43.Spatt +1 24th & 25th Both Drives, Hotel booked for 23rd, 24th only 44. HaydnH, All of everything.
  12. Well I had to let him pass somehow Where's the video of that? No damage I hope?
  13. Pretty much every smoker I know would like to not smoke and have the money instead, which unfortunately means it's not that simple.
  14. Thanks might do. Googled the Kayfun ~ look's good quality and from what I saw they are German made. Was your's expensive? does it have variable voltage? Just going to stick with my Kanger Tech T3S for now just to see how I get on with it but so far so good. Haven't had a cigarette since around 3:30pm this afternoon. Yes it's vv/vw. You can find prices for it plus the Semovar mod on cloud 9 vaping, although the v3 Kayfun is discontinued, v4 due in spring. About £180 for the Mod and £110 for the atty. Still, it's only 6 weeks or so of smoking.
  15. Try the triphammer.co.uk juices. I bought some kanger tech protank 2s before which I really didn't get on with, to get the right amount of flavour and vape I had to remove wicks and all sorts, got it perfect and it started leaking. Much appier with my Kayfun.
  16. My main concern is that currently the nicotine in most juices is pharamcutical grade and often has the name of the supplier available. Even if the government handle this badly vaping won't go away, it will just be a black market thing with god knows what grade ingredients. And I'd still vape as it would still most likely have less toxic crap in than cigs.
  17. The MHRA can't regulate it if it isn't a medicine: http://saveecigs.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/mhra-confirms-e-cigarettes-are-not-medicinal-products-but-they-still-face-a-ban/
  18. Awesome, I wish more drivers were like Kimi.
  19. I'm actually not keen on e-cigs being made a medicine, along with a lot of othere people. There are different kinds of e-cigs, from the ciagalikes you can buy at the corner shop to full blown mods like mine above. The cigalikes have varying success already, I've tried them and they didn't work for me, the PG content is too high and hurts my throat. Making them prescription will mean people have to take time off work to see a GP, probably multiple times as they do with other quiting smoking services to check lung function etc. For a lot of people this is a hassle in itself, why should I **** off my employer by missing a day of work when I can simply head to the corner shop and buy a real cig? And how many times can you go on these things with the NHS footing the bill? If the 'medicine' hasn't worked 3 times, can I still get a prescription for them? It's only going to reduce the probability of people using them succesfully to quit. The other kinds of e-cigs that require e-liquids (of which you can buy 0 nicotine types as well so you can aim to reduce to 0 over time) are far more succesful for helping people quit smoking. Unfortunately, as turning this in to a medicine would most likely require a measured delivery these types of liquids would most likely be illegal. Even if they aren't then they would require costly licenses etc and the competition would die out which only benefits the big Pharma's, we'd probably end up with cig, menthol and possibly a few fruit flavours if that happened, just like the cigalikes. As I mentioned above it's finding the right juices that will really help with the quiting, currently you can get so many flavours, from some lovely cuban cigar type flavours, Christmas pudding, Wham bar (remember them), jelly babies even Marmite! I read somewhere that during the ~10 year history of vaping there has only been 1 fatality which was caused by a young kind drinking an open bottle of e-liquid or possibly nicotine liquid used to make you own liquids, law and education around labelling and storing like we have with household bleaches etc seem to be the right solution, to me at least. Alternatively put real cigs on the prescription only list! Of course the BTs and government wouldn't let that happen...
  20. Actually Nicotine has nothing to do with them starting to be banned. There's probably been more research in to nicotine than any other recreational drug and it's fairly commonly know that it's pretty harmless but mildy addictive, although it can cause skin irratation in it;s pure form. Most people will think the word mildly is wrong there, but actually it's not that addictive on it's own. It's the 'nicotine delivery' chemicals in normal cigarettes that make it so addictive, and compared to something like Heroin, well. A 'juice' for vaping contains, at most, 5 ingredients: - Propylene Glycol - Vegetable Glycerine - Nicotine - Flavourings - Water The first 2 are registered as safe by the FDA, don't know about the UK equivelant. Nicotine has plenty of research basically saying it's not harmful in any quantity a smoker/vaper/e-cig user would encounter. The flavourings you'll find in any fairy cake (although admitedly there are some where the E numbers shouldn't be consumed in vapour form). And water... not gonna bother saying anything about that. The research is a bit complicated at the minute, mainly due to big tabacco companies (BTs), pharm' companies or politics. The BTs don't want this stuff coming in for obvious reasons, the pharm's create all those profitible NRTs (gum, patches etc etc) and the politicians, to be fair, are getting fed shitty information left right and centre based on the research funded by the first 2. There's a lovely post to the Euro MPs from various scientists basically complaing that the research they'd done had been taken completely out of context with regards to the new european policies coming in and saying that they actually support e-cigs, you can find that on ukvapers.org if you're interested along with plenty of other material. It's signed by about 30 leading health experts. To explain the confusion the ploticians must be in, personally I like Baroness Hayters comment, purely because it isn't even in a discussion about e-cigs, it's about transparency and it was an example she gave: Source: http://www.theyworkf...cigarette#g13.2 And before anyone argues (for the sake of it as usual), I'm not saying e-cigs or vaping is healthy, even with the research by Drexel university among others (again look that up if you're interested) it's not clear whether it is or not yet. However what is clear is that it's many many times healthier than smoking tabacco and there is no evidence that, as one of the governments arguments, it is a gateway to tobacco use - quite the opposite, it's a gateway off tabacco use. Also I'm not an activist for this stuff, on ukvapers.org there's a thread asking people to go to a different website to answer a poll 'Is it OK for a celeb/role model to advertise e-cigs' and answer yes for the 'cause', **** that! I don't want kids vaping because some celeb has advertsised it, regardless of whether it'll help the Euro MPs take notice of some cause or not.
  21. I've been smoking since about 1992 on at least 20 a day now, I'm the kind of smoker who if I wake up in the middle of the night has to get out of bed for a smoke or I won't sleep for the rest of the night. I've tried just about everything to quit, gum, patches, you name it. My most succesful quiting experience so far was using Champix, a lot of friends quit using it so I asked the NHS nurse for it. I was warned about vivid dreams before taking it and to me that sounded great! And it was! For someone that doesn't think they dream, having nightmares about giant spiders etc was pretty ****ing awesome, I'd wake up knowing it was a dream and that was that. That was until the dreams started to get vivid but about mundane things, it started with dreaming about work. Do you know how awkward it is asking a member of your staff how the work you discussed with them is going just to find out they have no idea what you're going on about? The amount of odd looks I got in meetings with Exec board members... I'm suprised I still have a job! It came to a head when I ordered a Yeti's fist, that's a car wash mit if you don't know, aptly enough for this forum! Here's what they should look like: ...it arrived mid week before work, I opened the packaging, looked at it and thought well that's rather dissapointing, it's nothing like the photos! Put it to one side and went to work. Saturday came and I thought sod it, I'll use it anyway. I spent over an hour searching my one bedroom flat for the god damn wash mit only to realise I'd dreamt it arriving and it hadn't really happened! Time to get off those ****in' tablets! Back to smoking. Since then I tried e-cigs, green smoke brand were the best I found, mainly because I borrowed a friends on a flight to a stag do and they worked for the duration of the flight. They have a good reputation in the field and the amount of vapour you get is pretty good... but it wasn't enough to get me off the cigs. However, my brother has been 'vaping' for the last 12 months and at Christmas he bought me a vaporizer, and MVP2 model which costs fairly little (£30 ish maybe), here's one: Unfortunately it was a bit big to carry around to work etc, however after vaping on this thing I didn't want to smoke, why bother? I can get more smoke/vapor from a machine than a regular cig, I don't wake up every morning with a cough and a runny nose plus the taste is SOOO much nicer! So since Christmas I've been buying vaping bits and bobs and have ended up with this: This is a top end model, at 20 marlboro's a day you're talking 6 weeks ish of smoking cost wise. However I've seen people with hundreds of 'mods' because they've started small and worked there way up. I figure it's better just to hit the top end and use it rather than buying a new step up every month or so. I'll make my money back soon enough anyway. The one bit of advice I'd give anybody getting in to vaping, even as a very new vaper myself, is get good juices! I strongly recommend triphammer.co.uk down in bournemotuh, the juice will make all the difference to quiting the 'analogs' or not. Seriously that guys like a Willy Wonka of the vaping world.
  22. HaydnH

    HR Engine Cover

    Hi Lee, Are you back? Haydn.
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