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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. Am I mistaken? I thought running rich kept an engine cool and running lean made it hot?
  2. I'm a similar age etc, NO NCB (not had a car for a while), no points, live in SW London and pay around £800 for a roadster.
  3. Yes, uprev removes the 155 limit. Also, the electronic throttle in 1st-3rd is smoothed out which feels unresponsive as standard, Mark@Abbey described it to me like having an elastic throttle cable (others describe it as a restriction on the amount of throttle you can use in those gears) - these restrictions are also removed.
  4. Camskill was more expensive than tyremen and tyrexpress last time I checked.
  5. I had the roof down and was listening to the exhaust all the way home - not many CDs compare to that.
  6. Why do people seem to rate true duals so highly? I though X and Y pipes were created to improve performance over a true dual?
  7. I'd get a plenum spacer first, you'd want a remap after that anyway so pointless doing it twice.
  8. Make sure you don't turn the wheel too much or you may break the spiral cable, see: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=45636
  9. Actually I bought a sound meter ages ago... then realised I couldn't find any guidelines relating to what dBA/dBC is acceptable at what times - apparently even quiet noise can still be a "nuisance" - I have been upstairs when my music has been "loud" though and I couldn't actually hear anything! (Well maybe the tiniest faint warble of something which was barely audible over the noise of SW London).
  10. Where's this negative first thing come from? Everywhere I look agrees with what I thought, start with red dead: http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/br ... leads.html http://www.carbuyingtips.com/jumpstart.htm http://www.wikihow.com/Jump-Start-a-Car http://www.carbasics.co.uk/how_to_jump_start.htm http://autorepair.about.com/od/roadside ... bles_2.htm
  11. Ours were built with wood floors I believe - having said that solid hard wood floors are much quieter than laminates and I always walk around bare feet when I'm at home and walk very softly. I'm more concerned about being blamed for noise I'm not even making (i.e: when I'm asleep or on holiday!). I wish I hadn;t checked my post last night, had to be up at 6:30 this morning for work and couldn't sleep worrying about it.
  12. Negative first?!? I was always taught red dead, red good, black good, black dead (to the engine/chassis not to the actual battery terminal as that can cause sparks, not good around a charging battery full of acid).
  13. Thanks Husky, but this is West London not the east end!
  14. I don't know to be honest - but considering I do have noise problems with the flat above me (I can hear her walking around due to the laminate etc, but it's only ever her that complains from that side, i.e: I put up with it) I'm concerned that if I'm investigated I'll get the blame anyway!
  15. Looks good - can't see the air intake though... I'll have a think (get my bonus on Friday )
  16. No - because I'm not sure who put the note through the door. However, I did say that when she woke me up in January - it obviously didn't help.
  17. Yes matey, Smoothed out badge and air intake Any photo's? I'm kind of looking for Nismo N1 front bumper & sides (looking for a different rear than the spats though) - can't quite decide though.
  18. No I haven't fitted a K1! I'm wondering if anyone has got any experience with noise complaints as it's making my life uncomfortable to say the least. I've had a few visits from my neighbours complaining about the noise in the past, mainly from the lady upstairs with the laminate floor which I can hear every foot step on! When she's complained I've sometimes had a friend or 2 around and they all seem shocked when it happens as they don't feel the music is anywhere near loud, we've been talking quietly over the top of it for a start. She's even asked me to turn it down before and when I've hit the volume down button the music's switched off! When this lady's complained she's always been polite and we've talked about it - she's even said voices are better than music so I try to listen to the TV instead of music if I'm working from home on a night shift. However, recently the neighbour downstairs has started complaining - she's complained twice. The first of these was Saturday 4thd of December: I'd worked a late shift and then gone for a few beers as it was my birthday on the 5th, got home about 3am, pressed play, passed out on the sofa before it began and then her boyfriend knocked complaining - fair enough this was my fault... I apologised, explained it was my birthday and went to bed. The second time was Sunday 9th January: I went to sleep at 21:30 as I was up at 5am for an early shift to be woken up at 23:10 asking for me to turn the music down, I would have thought that answering the door in my boxer shorts, with no music in the background an explaining I was asleep might warrant an apology - she threatened to call the police! There may be a third time the lady downstairs complained: I received a scribbled note through my letter box in May 2010 saying that I was inconsiderate for playing my music so loud... this was while I was on holiday in Santorini!! My music must've been extremely loud to hear it all the way from a Greek island! Now I can't even watch TV at 3 in the afternoon on a weekday without holding the remote in my hand and muting it at the first sign of any volume (shouting/gun shots/adverts) etc in fear of annoying my neighbours! What's made it worse, and hence this post, is that I've just checked my post to find a formal letter from the council advising me that they've received a complaint about alleged noise nuisance with regards to playing loud music! As a bit of background info, we live in fairly nice purpose built flats in a nice suburb of London, they were built in 2000 so should have good insulation with concrete walls and floors - my flat did have a laminate floor when I moved in but I changed it to solid wood stuck to the floor for added sound proofing and quality. You can see it here - I'm the middle flat of the 3. I'm beginning to think that either my neighbours are crazy or there's some sort of problem with the building. To be honest, if they're that sensitive to noise I don't know why they live on a road that's a main bus route and 200m away from the main line rail to Waterloo - which they always seem to be doing noisy late night maintenance on! I'd love to move out but I own the property so it's not as easy as if I rented, I'm also half tempted to raise a harassment charge against the woman downstairs, although that would count as a formal dispute that would have to be disclosed when I sold the property affecting my house price. Even if I rented this place out and went somewhere else I'd have to deal with it as a landlord. So now I have no idea what to do! I'm obviously going to reply to council explaining my point of view and welcoming any sound level meter tests etc they wish to perform - guess I'll do that in a letter/e-mail so that it's on record rather than a phone call. Any ideas?!? Haydn.
  19. Apparently there was something from Nissan to do this (I found a TSB a while ago) but I don't think anyone followed it up, see this thread (page 2): viewtopic.php?f=9&t=41375&start=15
  20. I'd take in to account what car your buying when considering a private vs dealer purchase. I doubt there's going to be too much mechanically wrong with an '07/08 350z, something like a TVR T350 I'd probably want to buy from a dealer though! If the private sale is much cheaper you could consider a 3rd party warranty though.
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