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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. They did in some places, OK not with brooms... http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/video/2011 ... ots-london
  2. I found the clip of the Woman with the walking stick at last, love the "F*** Cameroon" in the background, god knows what the African nation has to do with this. Note: Contains bad language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ZLO83D41E&feature=player_embedded EDIT: MODS - I just noticed the still for this video! Is that word OK or should it be a link to youtube?
  3. Strange, I did exactly this in August.
  4. HaydnH

    Bonnet hinges

    [guess work]Are yours definitely bent?[/guess work] If the bonnet isn't straight it may be the 2 rubber adjusters along the front edge.
  5. ^^ Confusing I this you I find translation of this might be? Sorry, I meant I only caught a quick glimpse of the burnt out flat on Lavender Hill in Clapham on the news and I'm not sure if it was to the right or the left of the party shop. I knew someone that lived to the right of that shop. As I say I hope she doesn't still live there either way! Amazing response from the volunteers for the clean up though: You can see the burnt out flat in the background, looks like it was to the left of the party shop (white shop) but hard to see. p.s: That's not my photo btw - found it on the net.
  6. I hope you mean the image and not my writing?
  7. Another "How stupid can you be?" moment: BTW, I used to know someone that lived in the flat on Lavendar Hill in Clapham that was burnt out. I only got a quick glimpse of it on the news, was it to the right of the party shop? The burnt flat might have been to the left of the party shop in which case I knew someone who lived a few doors down the road - kind of brings the situation home for me. I hope she doesn't still live there! I LOVED the people of Clapham cheering the police afterwards and the older woman in Camden/Clapham standing on the street shouting at the rioters and waving her walking stick, proper British spirit! My boss got covered with "stuff" from the bus that got attacked at the 7/7 bombings and still went in to the office and did a days work - I bet none of these kids have any of the "get on with it no matter what" type attitude that makes me proud to work in London. Luckily I haven't had to go to work for late shifts the last few days as I've been on nights (from home)... although I did wonder who had died when I had 700 missed calls from relatives checking I was OK last night.
  8. The Z has a huge petrol tank as well which will make a difference.
  9. Also make sure you put your parents on there if they have a clean driving history, usually drops the quote a bit with people like Admiral/Elephant.
  10. +1, and Crosby Park Nissan in Liverpool if you wouldn't mind.
  11. Errr Ricey, do you have a left hand drive?
  12. My 07 has FNSH but never had a paint inspection, I always ask at service time and they always tell me that the paint inspection part of the service book is only used if the service isn't carried out by Nissan. i.e: if Nissan service your car then the inspection is covered as part of the service stamp.
  13. You sir have far too much time on your hands!
  14. Some say he wears a crash helmet to bed and eats spare parts for breakfast!
  15. Disabled link scanner in AVG and all is now fine... useful one for the knowledge base. Further reading mentions: "A serious bug in a component of the new AVG 2011 anti-malware products causes computers to flood websites with unnecessary HTTP requests and in many cases prevents users from properly using their browsers." Maybe this was actually something to do with the problems the site has been seeing and the recent fixes have pushed the issue out on to browsers rather than the server? (Which is a good thing!). Source: http://news.softpedia.com/news/AVG-2011 ... 0515.shtml
  16. I've found the cuplrit! Could someone tell me what this script does: http://350z-uk.com/A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom.js I got a java error message saying it was taking too long to load, added that script to my adblock and now everything works fine! Hmmm appears to be something to do with AVG... so maybe my end...
  17. I've found the cuplrit! Could someone tell me what this script does: http://350z-uk.com/A2EB891D63C8/avg_ls_dom.js I got a java error message saying it was taking too long to load, added that script to my adblock and now everything works fine!
  18. Hi Mods, I've just noticed that if you enter an announcement from the for sale section the mods have to approve the post. Would it be an idea to remove announcements from that section to save you guys some work with approvals? Just an idea. Haydn.
  19. From a reporting/database point of view that becomes a PITA, it's much easier and accurate to say "where column = 'value'", instead of "where column is like this, or maybe like that but definitely not like that and maybe wearing a wig".
  20. There's a slight difference between paying £270 for 115 football games vs about 10 F1 races a year!
  21. I'll take a look at it when I get a chance, I know php pretty well (although haven't done much recently) but I doubt there's much point in hacking our own copy as that would prevent upgrades.
  22. Any idea of the mileage prior to owning it? Alex may know I guess?
  23. So what else is needed to make this a full kit? Oh wait...
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