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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. Have you been joining the Canadian homeless people cart racing again?? http://www.documentary24.com/homeless-men-bottle-picking-and-cart-racing--282/
  2. If that free 1 falls through, Argos do a new electric cooker for £169.99, I'd bung in £25 as a start.
  3. I thought some of you might like this combo of FreeFlying (a discipline of Skydiving) and BASE jumping:
  4. I'm sure we can per-suede someone to start looking on Google for more.
  5. I know, I couldn't think of much that had been said already... I was trying to find a "I'll get my coat" smiley but couldn't see 1.
  6. HaydnH

    Great car ad

    A friend of mine got stung by a scorpion in the desert so had one tattooed around the sting mark... sadly it was a he so it's irrelevant in comparison to the above.
  7. Angus when you though you'd seen it all!
  8. it might be possible to shroten the steering column with a bit of engineering, but not sure in the cost involved. or the time it would take. probably looking at a complete dash strip (not so bad in an elise, as there isn't much dash) dismantle the froot and the steering system, cut down the column and then rebuild. I'd need to move it upwards as when I squeeze in to the car my legs rest on the steering wheel so I can't turn it! I guess I could get a smaller after market wheel though.
  9. I reckon the drivers pint of lager probably broke that during the crash.
  10. It's a shame Elise's don't have an adjustable steering column so I could drive them, I quite like them.
  11. I love the way the auction is for the interior mirror only... in the photo that looks broken as well!
  12. If you read the article It was in Australia's Island Magic Enduro 2011 race, so pro's here not amateur track days.
  13. I just saw this Top Gear article, I haven't seen it before so I'm assuming it isn't a repost... but damn that's a small gap!
  14. YAY thank you guys! I'll give it ago from DeadOS (WebOS) at some point.
  15. I'm just down the road from Epsom... I really should get around to attending a meet!
  16. Don't forget they usually contain more than 1 disk. The most important thing about my NAS for me is that I can run it as RAID 1 where both disks automatically contain the same data - so if 1 dies I can just pop in another disk and they'll sync up again without me having to do anything or losing my data (unless 2 disks die at the same time).
  17. Personally, I'm steering clear of the sport. It's the complete opposite of what F1 has been fighting for since the 60's/70's and putting lives at risk purely for financial gain. If anyone missed it, "Grand Prix: The Killer Years" by the Beeb was a great program about the risks of F1 in the old days and how things improved.
  18. I'd consider buying a NAS box instead of an external HDD, google RAID 1.
  19. You might want to post a link to the auction - I can't see it above (or am I being blind?).
  20. Errr just after the guy says "You got that right?"... does the next guy say "My Car!!"??
  21. Not especially un-modified then!?! Walk on mate - buyers market and there are plenty around. +1
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