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Everything posted by HaydnH

  1. I got to about 20 and got bored, maybe you should post screenshots of the last ones you're stuck on and see if we can help?
  2. Hey I just had an idea, instead of paying X amount per year repairing dings, how about someone starts a charity where X/4 or X/8 is paid annually to children's charities and in return we get stickers allowing us to park in parents bays?
  3. Hi All, Somewhere since waxing my car 2 weekends ago I have 3 separate dings on my passenger door! Does anybody know a good ding repair man near Surbiton? They're only small and I know as soon as I get them repaired I'll probably get 5 more... but I want them gone! I normally park miles away from people where possible but I'm polite enough to avoid wide parent bays etc, tbh parents can F off now, my paintwork is staying fresh! Thanks, Haydn.
  4. Would be a waste of money upgrading the amp and not the HU or speakers Pete Is it really worth worrying about the factory BT? Yes you lose the steering wheel function but all I need to do to answer a call is press a button on the touchscreen? I could understand if you were a rep travelling 1,000s of miles a week but do you really get that many calls on the move Yes:) HU change, then speakers and amp There's a thread somewhere on My350 saying they've had good results from just changing the speakers (maybe the amp as well, can't remember). I may be tempted to do that at some point as I can't stand after market HU fitments, they never look OEM enough.
  5. Have you tried the 2 suggestions above?
  6. My hexis vinyl box lol, i stuck it there while i took picture.... Should have moved it bit further away lol Don't worry, the big man that took your car pinched that before hand.
  7. 24 hour Tesco would probably have one if you're that desperate to get it done tonight.
  8. Got it: Sorry, I tried to remove the finger from the top left I failed.
  9. You need to get it from a Nissan dealer.
  10. Not all people in that age range cannot handle a fast car... Personally I think anyone that weaves on the motorway should have their arms cut off and steering wheel fixed forward. Christ, half of F1 racing drivers wouldn't be able to drive to the race and back!
  11. Well, if you can't find any but need some, just let me know. I was thinking pictures of your car now and how it sit. The most important thing is that you are enjoying the car. Clown took a good photo at the Graffiti tunnel meet, this is on a 15mm drop, you'll need to speak to Clown if you want to use the photo for anything as it's not mine:
  12. Damn I knew I did something wrong, I only installed coilovers as I needed an alignment!
  13. I believe you need the original car the stereo came from in order to un-pair it first. I don't know of any other way to do it.
  14. Good to hear that, any pictures. Did you get any stickers? I put a few in the box. Glad you are happy with them. I completely forgot you mentioned stickers! I'll have to check the boxes Abbey gave me with the old OEM stuff in. No photos I'm afraid, however Octet posted some on here of the fitting recently.
  15. You obviously haven't got to know us yet.
  16. From the comments I've seen the MPSS is an awesome road tyre, if you're after a summer only road/track semi slick hybrid try the Yoko AD08s.
  17. Right, where's the :intrigued: smiley??
  18. Well me & dad/bro are going to be flying around in the '2. If people really want to come along to drink crap coffee and almost acceptable bacon sarnies I'm happy with that... I think you're mad... but hey. Actually, brain going side ways here... but I wonder how much we could get a forum track Z going for? £200 x 25 people would be £5k... which would get a lower end basic Z, time share anyone?
  19. Hi Guys, I'll be at Brands on 1st Dec with my dad and possibly brother in the MR2, anybody fancy joining us? http://book.easytrack.co.uk/car-track-d ... 1221-p.asp Haydn.
  20. I think that is a sensible colour, you're just not imagining it in real life rather than a poor photoshop, in real life it would be more like the one on the right:
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeLiaRGKO7k
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