I fitted this (and the coolant one) back in August and the power steering was still whining and the fluid is coming out the top (like an oily residue), thinking that it was probably over filled we drained a little off but the fluid coming out is now worse (still whining too).
Yesterday the tank was drained and fresh fluid put in (just above the bracket which is apparently the required level) to see if this improved it, it's obviously whining as it has air in still but the fluid is coming out worse than ever. We took it for a drive and all was fine then about an hour later I was driving home and my engine management light came on (I noticed this after I had used by windscreen washers (about 5 mins into my journey) but could have been up before that). My main issue is the amount of fluid I'm now losing and whether any of you have ever had the same problem.
I have a cap that can go over the top which we mainly got because opening the bonnet after it had been raining the water in the bonnet rubbers would drip directly above the hole in the tank (thankfully none got in). We took this off because of the whining to see if it was air that needed to escape but it made no change, I'm tempted to put it back on as it stopped the fluid going everywhere but need to know if there is a problem causing the fluid to come out in the first place before I do this.
Any ideas what the leakage could be (its definitely coming out the hole in the lid and not anywhere else), its making a bit of a mess, and also why the EML has come on, the fluid level is not low, I have no other lights on and the steering is not any heavier than it has been previously.
Thanks in advance.
Apologies if this is not in the right place, please feel free to move.