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Posts posted by daveparkin

  1. I don't know how the earlier engine feels, but I do know that my HR engine feels and sounds significantly different on different oils. Have you tried an oil change?


    However, I'd say that the Zed has been deliberately kept a little unrefined to suit its character - and for me its a better car because of it!



  2. If you go for the full kit, the only visual difference between your 2008 and an earlier car with the same kit will be the bonnet.


    Edit - forgot the front bumper is a very slightly different shape on your 2008 - the reflectors slope the opposite way, but still the differences are very minor.


    Might be easier to find some pics of an earlier car...


    1. Ebized+1.............sat & sun................18/19/20 May (Fri, Sat, Sun)

    2. Wasso+1.............Sat & Sun ...............Fri, Sat, Sun

    3. Maccaman...........(Sat & Sun)..............18/19/20 May

    4. ChrisS+1..............Sat & sun...............staying at own 5* accommodation

    5. Ken....................Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    6. Chesterfield+2......Sat & Sun...............18/19/20 May

    7. glrnet+1..............sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    8. Bockaaarck+1.......Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    9. JetSet...........}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation needed

    10. 350ZCaroline.}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation and Sunday drive only

    11. Will 350z+1 ........Sat & sun...............18/19/20 May

    12. Blacky+ 1...........Sun.......................19th May

    13. Andyvvc+1.........Sat & Sun...............18,19 and 20th May

    14. Madmarky...........Sat & Sun ..............Fri, Sat, Sun

    15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun..............18/19/20 May

    16. octet(+Leti)........Sat, Sun................18/19/20 May

    17. choptop+1..........Sat & Sun...............Booking still to be confirmed

    18. Darren-b.. .........Sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    19. Shire350z........... Sat & Sun ............. 18/19/20 may

    20. Ricey & Carla........Sat..................Chez Moi

    21. M13KYF................Sat........................No Accom required

    22. Marzman...............Sat........................No Accom required

    23. RC182+1...............Sat........................ 18/19/20 May

    24. R35LEE +1...........Sat & Sun................ 19th May Booked

    25. daveparkin+1.......Sat & Sun................ 18/19/20 May


    Colin, you convinced me to do this at the breakfast meet on Sunday - regretted not going last year, and really looking forward to it!


    I've booked all 3 nights in the hotel, but may have to change that and head home late on the Sunday if Mrs P can't get Monday off work - hope that's ok.

  4. When I was 17, my old man bought a Nova 1.2i saloon for me to learn in - it was 3 years old and bought from a driving instructor. It had 160k on it then at 3 years old, and the instructor claimed it had never had a new clutch - proof that it had so little torque that even learners couldn't toast it!


    We took it up to 193k in the next couple of years, and the only problem it gave was a rear wheel bearing due to a bent stub axle - presumably caused by a learner 'parking' it on a kerb.


    It was terrible to drive, but a remarkably robust little car.

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