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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. How many miles? (can't see a link to the advert) My 2004's only just gone over 20k. 8k of it being me in the last year. Bought it for 12 with 11 and a bit k on the clock.
  2. On the flip side, my car is wounded at the moment. And the same people that complimented it are now really sorry for me. I almost had to supply one of them with a tissue!
  3. I also mentioned I put out a cry for help on here and that I'd never heard about his place until you guy's told me, so hopefully he'll sling you a discount for your next work
  4. I tell you what those his yard's a bit of a arse to get out of when its busy (especially when you're as sensitive as I am right now).. Was going to reverse out but thought better of it and 6 pointed it
  5. I think with the list I've already got I'm not likely to add to it atm Its not booked in yet, I'm waiting for the quote in the post. I avoided pushing him for a ballpark figure. Should be able to get my folks to sort me out with lifts if they are'nt on holiday. But if he is booked up till July I'll give you a PM cheers
  6. I actually grabbed the bull by the horns and went up there today.. He can repair it but there might be a small chance that it won't be perfect where the hole/cut is I think he said.. but he'll give it a good go. He's got an eagle eye, spotted a couple of collision areas that i'd not spotted myself. I've actually got 3 other problems he's going to quote me for to. Some bugger hit me in my work car park some months back and never owned up and i've got a scrape/small dent on the door just under the central raised lip (he spotted that the area above it was slightly raised because of the impact).. He said oooo thats a bad one (bracing myself) but should be sortable no problem. They also did the same to my wheel arch so thats going on the quote too.. Ohh and I've got a 10cm bit of paint missing from the front left due to curbing.... He seems like a good guy, I'm hoping his quotes are too!! PS: I work in berkhamsted, so you'll mainly spot me on the A41 08:30-08:50 and whenever i finally leave work! PPS: I often see a gunmetal z on there in the evening, given me a wave occasionally, is it either of you 2?
  7. Yep defo going to give him a try. I'm in Wendover!
  8. That place looks a good tip, thanks! I'll see if I can get a quote from them, only 20 mins drive from me.
  9. Hang on.. now you've edited.... does that say 2115 euros and 49 cent's ??!! If I had to pay that from a UK dealer it would be an insurance claim for sure!
  10. Thanks, I think I'll do that definitely, just need to find one round here that won't pull my pant's down. I need to establish whether it can be repaired 'at a reasonable price' before I do anything for sure.
  11. ohh that's not as bad as I imagined it could be Thomas fair enough
  12. 34 hours or 3-4 hours ? Thirty-Four At how much an hour? .. goodness gracious!
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