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Everything posted by philb1965

  1. It's worth unplugging everything except the router to see if something else is causing the slow speed. Also worth doing a power on/off with only the router connected. These days they learn what quality of service and line speed you've got. If you've had something dragging the speed down then you'll be given a rubbish qos and get a crap line speed. I think speedtester.bt.com tells you your qos. It takes about 24hrs for the router to adapt, might be worth a go.
  2. philb1965


    My outlaws live in Fetihye, sold up from the UK. You are brave, I'd be having kittens every time I drove it out there. As you say scooters are crazy and let's not forget the dalmish buses who are nearly as bad. At least there will be less potholes over there.
  3. I really love it but I'd be crying into my steering wheel as bits broke off over the speed bumps around my way! Love the kit and the lowered look though.
  4. WLMG...I was close! There are no HPC's near me unfortunately. Slough is closer than Motorline (Tunbridge Wells), so it's good to know they are OK. Marshalls put me off when I wanted to get a wheel repaired. Got put through to the bodyshop and the bloke I spoke to didn't know what a 370z alloy looked like! I won't be going there. Anyone used West Way at Oxford? That would be the easiest and shortest distance (about 70 miles). Thanks for the replies so far.
  5. Yep I have his email, my friend dealt with Ian and had nothing but praise. Just a little far for me but not out of the question. They did some extra stuff like cleaning the injectors and flushing the engine oil through with mineral oil and then using semi-synthetic oil for the refill (at a cost) but come highly recommended.
  6. Due my first service around the end of March so I'm going to take it to a nissan HPC. I have the first 2 services free. Don't trust the local clowns. Closest to me is Marshalls at Cambridge but I think it's reputation isn't great. Next would be Oxford or WLMD's north london garages. My mate used Motorline who are top notch according to him, so if I have to I'll drive down there but it would be nice to go somewhere closer. Does anyone have any experience of these places? Cheers Phil
  7. I know what you mean. I binned Sky altogether but they gave me any subscription I wanted for half price for 12 months and a £50 tesco voucher. They've also given me HD free for 6 months. I'll probably do the same again and go back to freesat and wait for another offer. Their prices are a disgrace. What channels are they? Can watch pretty much all footy on the tinternet but quality isn't great.
  8. If you can find another job which gives similar or better benefits then take it and walk! If not, keep a diary and you may have a constructive dismissal case, but if you go down this route it will be very stressful for you and probably your family. You'd need to speak to an employment lawyer for some rational advice. Personally I think life is to short and not worth the stress and worry. If it's a small company then he probably doesn't realise how much he relies on the goodwill of his staff and it would serve the pr!ck right if you left him without skilled staff to fulfill his contracts. The bank may then end up owning his house with a bit of luck. Hope things get sorted for you.
  9. Cheap maybe was not a kind word Maybe some smalled sleeker bolts? It just makes the tips looked bolted on, which I know they are but you know what I mean I hope... No worries Dave, no offence taken mate. Be a boring old life if we all liked the same things!
  10. Cheap! How very dare you! I get where you are coming from Dave, price you pay for adjustable tips but they don't bother me. Worth it for the twin can look IMO. I'm a bit of a clean freak so my tips are nice and shiney normally! I nearly snow foamed the old exhaust today but wanted to get in and watch the footy. Next week maybe before I store it away!
  11. Just been out for a blast again Not sure what I was hearing this morning over a few miles but it is tons louder than stock thankfully and I'm still loving the downshifts. No louder than stock cruising...zero drone. I had a little bit of drone/tone around 3000rpm with the stock, nothing with this. Thankfully I have fuel card so mucho shifting is going to be happening Like most of the aftermarket exhausts I expect, the note is deep and rumbly if that makes sense. Definitely not as loud as I thought it might be, but that's probably a good thing. At least if I do find I want more noise I can add some more shiney bits. Need to get a few more miles under my belt I think.
  12. Nope no bungs, the exhaust tips slip over the pipes and are adjustable. Definitely a lot louder than stock. Might just be me, I'll take it for a blast tomorrow and see what I think.
  13. OK, finally got the thing fitted! Went on like a glove much to my relief. Thanks to Kettering Motor Centre for fitting it, they are a family run business and one of the owners John is a Zed fanatic. So much so, that he put a £500 deposit on a red 370 GT today! He used to own a JDM 350 with a few mods, 37K on the clock and chopped it in last year for a 3 series and got only 5K Part Ex I've told him he needs to join the forum. Initial impressions after only a few miles. The car seems a lot smoother in low rev's which is good, I've always found it a little jerky. Lovely burble although in cabin not as loud as I'd expected. Do they get louder when they carbon up? Window down and it is pretty loud though. Downshift - fantastic! Pops and burbles, thank you nissan for fitting Synchro Shift!! Sounds great in cabin. Looks, I love it, twin cans and burnt tips look great. Do I think it was money well spent?..too bloody right, an essential mod for the 370 even though pricey. Another exhaust option for 370 owners so quite a few now. Some quick crappy pics taken when I got home this morning, excuse the dirty car. I'll try and get some better ones once the cars been cleaned and hopefully a vid with the help of the lads at work.
  14. My mate has a red 147 GTA and it's a lovely car and sounds great. Not sure where you are located, but his dad runs an Alfa garage in North London which has Red Dot tuning attached. He had a couple of GTV's before that, one was a 3.0 he'd had some magic done to, coilovers and LSD, it was a rocket and felt really planted. If you are set on an Alfa I'm sure he'd give you some good advice.
  15. Bought mine Dec 2009, so it's been about for a while. Great bit of kit, brings driving games alive, you'd never go back to a controller. I'm sure the logitechs are good as well but never used one so can't say.
  16. +1 for fanatec, great bit of kit. Just watch out for their customer service, it's not the best. Think its the price you need to watch Do Fanatec wheels work with both Xbox and PS3? If one wheel did both with no mods, then I'd be tempted Yep the Porsche Turbo S wheel works on PS3 and Xbox, one of the main reasons I bought it. Hmm, well thats confusing, doesnt mention that on the site http://www.fanatec.de/html/index.php?id=210 Go on products...Prosche 911 Turbo S Wheel Multiplatform: Xbox 360 – PC – PlayStation® 3 Backwards compatible to existing games on the Xbox 360 – compatible to all racing games which support the Microsoft Wireless Wheel Wireless connection to Xbox360 and wireless connection through RF dongle to PC and PlayStation® 3 (new and improved technology) The dongle even comes with a nice porsche logo!
  17. +1 for fanatec, great bit of kit. Just watch out for their customer service, it's not the best. Think its the price you need to watch Do Fanatec wheels work with both Xbox and PS3? If one wheel did both with no mods, then I'd be tempted Yep the Porsche Turbo S wheel works on PS3 and Xbox, one of the main reasons I bought it.
  18. +1 for fanatec, great bit of kit. Just watch out for their customer service, it's not the best.
  19. Really pleased with it Tim. Credit where it's due great product at a great price. Thanks for recommending it!
  20. philb1965


    Great looking car! How have you found it so far? Any positives/negatives. Always wanted an Aston along with many other marques so would be nice to know what they are like in the real world.
  21. On Tim from Envy's advice I bought some Espuma Revolution wheel cleaner. Just thought I'd post up my findings. It's great value about £16 for 5 litres and dilutes 10:1, so about 30p a litre diluted. Now bare in mind I used to use Megs Hot wheels at roughly £6 for 740ml!!! For the same amount of Megs I'd pay about £400. As far as use and cleaning go, not much smell to it, foams up really well when agitated and cleans the wheels really well. I do agitate it a bit with brushes but the Hot Wheels used to need this to. It's equally as good if not better than the Megs at a fraction of the price. I'm sure there are other good cleaners out there but this is worth a look. If you use a ready mixed wheel cleaner do yourself and your wallet a favour and buy some of this..bargain!
  22. Personally I'd ask them to show me a contract, which I had signed, that states in writing that I have to give some sort of notice or pay some financial penalty. If they haven't got that forget about it. They are just trying to scare you IMO.
  23. Footman James did it for my MGC a few years back, might be worth trying them.
  24. thought it might not be just me. If your boot doesn't release with one press of the button I've got that one to! I think heavier duty hatch springs sort it out. Another fix for service time.
  25. It's looking all shiney sat in my study at the moment waiting to get fitted, but I'm that busy at work at the minute I'm not getting the chance to get it done....it's torture! Hopefully get it done this week or early next week and post some pics/vids, but I said that last week!
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