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Everything posted by philb1965

  1. I nearly had the Berks off of you as I'm just down the road but couldn't make my mind up as usual! Deffo getting some HFCs now and hopefully a remap if Admiral come up trumps. Should know in the next day or so but the HFCs will be getting bought and fitted!
  2. Christ I'm old. A) Freddie Jackson, Hammersmith, 1988 Adele 21
  3. Try and put it on as an "engine chip + 10%". sounds good, I'll give it a try ta.
  4. I'll give Admiral a call again and see what they say, they may have changed you never know.
  5. Can't go for the remap as I don't think Admiral will accept it. I guess I should be ok running the HKS zorst and HFCs until November when my insurance is up for renewal. I can look at getting the remap done then provided I can get a decent insurance quote. It would be nice to get it done in one hit but doesn't seem to be an option for me at the moment. Can you let me know when they are in please Mark, cheers.
  6. Are the prices without fitment delivered? I'll be interested if they are.
  7. Taken from wikipedia. Width 72.8 in (1,850 mm) and mirrors do auto fold.
  8. A degree in a subject where there is a need for the skills yes. A half arsed degree in some over subscribed subject offering no career path no. Too many people go to Uni now, we need to get back to skills based qualifications and apprenticeships. I'm ex military and don't have a degree but I work for a global Telecom equipment supplier. The majority of technical support engineers are ex services as uni's don't seem to provide the right training to be honest. When we do take graduates on their only mindset is 'I have to become a manager' and they rarely stay in the role past 3 or 4 years ( which is just when they are getting to grips with the role normally). Maybe a fault if the company but that's how it is. So our jobs adds always say 'degree or equivalent experience'. I know though that the hiring managers would take experience over a graduate any day. It all depends on the path you want to take. A degree should be relevant to the role being applied for not some random subject.
  9. Cambridge don't have a good rep and are quite pricey I believe. I just ended up taking mine to my local dealer and they were fine. If you've had good service in the past from Ipswich then perosnally I'd stick with them.
  10. Not really. Make sure the boot release works first time with one press and the hatch doesn't catch. There are some uprated springs to ensure this happens. Worst in cold weather so not the best time to check. Make sure there are no marks on any alloys as colour matching is a nightmare. I'd try and get some OEM mudflaps thrown in/fitted as the tyres do chuck up some stones towards the rear of the car. Depends if you like the look or not. Other than that nothing that I can think of, it's seem pretty bullet proof so far. Just the normal checks you'd do for any car.
  11. Please stop posting stuff like this, I'm trying to resist the urge to buy some of these and this isn't helping . Sounds nice and meaty.
  12. Do a search for Arcan Jacks, you can get them for about £110, but hopefully costco will be a bit cheaper.
  13. Right, looks a top bit of kit, I'll phone costco mk tomorrow to see what the price is currently and if they have them in stock. I'll update the thread in case anyone else is interested.
  14. Ta, I'll have a search for the spec of these.
  15. I want to buy a new trolley jack to replace the one I bought from Halfords over 20 years ago! I don't have a lot of faith in it anymore. I mainly want it for taking my wheels off and satisfying my OCD cleaning needs since joining detailing world, but also general jobs like pad changes. I will also be using axle stands. So which jack to buy? It's got to be lightweight so aluminium, low entry and quick lift. I've seen this one on amazon so does anyone have any views on it or recommendations for others? Max price around £150. I am a costco member so I might see if they have any in. Fire away with suggestions. http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews ... ewpoints=1
  16. I haven't noticed it myself, definitely no bearing noise. I'll have a check again later today.
  17. Not used them but CS a trader on here are in Leicester and seem to get nothing but positive reviews. Failing that, Kettering Motorist Center are good, they fitted my HKS and the owner now has a lovely red 370. Before that he owned a 350 so treats the car like it's his own. http://www.ketteringmotoristcentre.co.uk/main/
  18. Pull up a sandbag. I used to be in 85sqn Bloodhounds at West Raynham surface to air missiles. We used to get all sorts of planes 'attack' but the craziest bar none were the Americans in F1-11's. The perimeter fence was about 12 feet high and they used to fly between the radar dishes and skim the fence...terrifying yet amazing! Many moons ago now sadly.
  19. Have a search on youtube, there are a few vids for stock 370z + HFC's This sounds pretty good to me. This one is quite comprehensive.
  20. The engine note is quite harsh at revs but not that bad. It sounds much better when you get rid of the standard exhaust. The tyre noise isn't that bad. It's not whisper quiet but not intrusive. The 370 is a great car, looks brilliant, handles well and goes like stink. It is a pefect tourer if you can fit enough luggage in. Go for it, you won't regret it.
  21. Not on this week anyway, it's been bumped for cricket.
  22. It's a rip off. There must be mrrp for this product and they are both Nissan dealerships, so regardless of what the product is, if it is supplied by Nissan then it should be the same price where ever you go. That is unless the second dealer discounted from mrrp. Then that's life. I suspect they charge what they think they can get away with which is why we all hate stealers. You can make a profit but still treat your customers with decency and honesty, then maybe people would be more trusting of dealerships.
  23. Not grounded mine yet and I go over plenty of speedbumps. Seems a bit odd for a standard car??
  24. Tesco 99 for me normally but any super unleaded if I can't get to them. Have run my old 350 on 95 in the past and if I'm honest I couldn't tell the difference. Whether it would be the same for my 370 I don't know but I'm guessing it would.
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