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Everything posted by philb1965

  1. Difficult info to find, on some tyre sites it comes up as Nissan. Read off of the tyres RE050ASZ. I've been trawling the web to confirm it and struggling.
  2. Definitely SZ variant oem fit on the 370. It's a pain all the different types. The Sz seems to be the most expensive and least available which is typical.
  3. Blackcircle £298 a tyre
  4. This is me being lazy! All local places should get the details and quote hopefully, only did it late last night and one in so far from Northants Mobile Tyres but a good price
  5. This may be old news for some, but I've given tyrquote a go and the first one in is pretty good. The website just sends the tyre details through to all the local garages in your area and sit back and wait for prices. 2 x 275/35/19 re050a sz £416 fully fitted. That's from a mobile fitter as well. Quite impressed as the cheapest I've seen these supply only is £248. Tried camskill and they don't sell the variant sz. Hopefully I'll get some more decent quotes through. Seems worth a try.
  6. Any comments on the new boots? I've got to make my mind up in the next couple of weeks what to go for and these seem to tick all the boxes.
  7. Agreed Nokia did drop the ball big time. I can remember in 2000 seeing a prototype tablet...another missed opportunity. A lot of the work is going to China ( most of our r&d now) and India (remote support). Still need reactive people on the ground though. Our problem is we merged with Siemens going from about 20000 to 70000 people!!! I may well be ok as I work in a profitable part of the company, but there are a lot who don't and are very worried poor buggers. I'm also at a point where I wouldn't be bothered if I were to be paid off. It's the youngsters and people who have a lot of financial responsibilities I feel for. It's the scale of it I find amazing 23% of the workforce and probably more to come. Never mind, onwards and upwards, I'm sure it will all become clear over the next few months. Probably natural attrition will account for a fair amount of it.
  8. Its a good price, i thought i saw your Zed at last years Megs meet Yep that was me. I've mailed it to myself just need to make my mind up.
  9. I agree, but we aren't the same company as Nokia. We make all the network equipment, base stations, switches etc......the infrastructure for all the calls and data....which we support and maintain. Nokia and Siemens are parent companies. It's modern work life unfortunately. Just shows that all companies are affected in this day and age. In my group we have more contractors than permanent staff so it will be I interesting to see where the cuts fall.
  10. Nope 10 plate. Suppose it's obvious but still sh!te. Dunno whether to buy it and just keep it ready?
  11. Bugger! Just went to buy it and it can only be put on a car registerd after 1st march 2011, mines a 2010. Adds a few quid to the £610.
  12. Crikey! You are a genius and I have £610 burning a hole in my pocket. Sorely tempted.
  13. Here we go again. 23% of Nokia Siemens workforce globally to get the push by the end of 2013. I've seen it coming so no shock for me and believe it or not the numbers are lower than I'd suspected. I'm just glad I'm not in my twenties just starting out. There doesn't seem to be many industries that you have any job security these days. Ho hum, my days in telecoms may be numbered, maybe a blessing? I'll be keeping the Z either way
  14. Great plate. Saw FA57 RAY ( looked like fast ray how the plate was) on a 335i Beemer. Never found a good plate for Phil unfortunately
  15. Welcome, in Kettering so not a million miles away, mines a manual. Just coming up to 17k with no major issues to worry about, I love my car and it's the first that I think of as a keeper. I normally change between 1 and 2 years but no plans to yet.
  16. Pictures never do the colour justice to be honest. I took a mate out in mine and he bought a blue one as well which I wasn't to chuffed about but he liked the colour. You need to see it in the flesh, polished up the pearl paint really pops. I am biased though I guess! In all honesty I've liked all the colours I've seen it in so it's down to personal choice. It's a good looking car in any colour.
  17. Blimey! Those vids are mental. I think I'd stick to our small stuff thanks. Bass, doggies and flatties would do for me. Roll on moving.
  18. I'm uber jealous. Used to live in Norfolk and Weston Super Mud. I went fishing once a week without fail, I love sea fishing!!! Now I'm stuck in Kettering which is about as central as you can get to the water, in any direction. Hoping to move to Torbay / Plymouth / St Austell area end of next year if I can sell up. Had a few days in Torquay and said to SWMBO that I'm getting a kayak for fishing when we move. Loads of great little bays to fish in. Used to do mainly beach / rock fishing, with the odd boat trip. Get some picks posted up with some fish catches, if I can't catch them myself it would be nice to see someone the sport. What have you been getting, baits sizes etc.... Need to get a roofrack for the zed though.
  19. I've found the comparison sites are more expensive than if you go on the insurers sites. Put my details in to moneysupermarket and the zed comes up at £765 fromAdmiral. I'm paying that on the multicar for the two cars! I know it's on multicar for the £540, but go on Admirals site and see if it gets even cheaper.
  20. I'm hoping to move to devon or cornwall next year...buy my house and you'll have an NN15 postcode... £240k and it's yours.. Don't put the car in the garage though or it's £50 more...mental.
  21. Just had my renewal through from Admiral 540 for the zed and 200 for the Yaris, 70 more than last year but some of that is due to the exhaust being added. I'm 45, 11 years ncb, insured for 14k business miles. Might shop about and try the forum insurers if I can be bothered, the quotes not terrible though.
  22. Nismo's, 2.5k on eBay, nice wheels but pricey.
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