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Everything posted by philb1965

  1. On a break in Brixham overlooking the harbour and spotted a 59 plate red 370z.. very rare colour and looks great. I think staying at the same b&b as me Harbour View.
  2. Good purchase, best colour. Pics never do it justice but looks great in the metal, enjoy.
  3. I don't have a problem with the engine conversion, it's the nasty body kit and wheels plus the tatty interior. Seems a bit overpriced to me. Needs a bit of tlc and it could be a very nice car.
  4. Welcome. There's a White GT edition 11 plate on pistonheads 1300 miles £23.5k If it's available it seems a bargain.
  5. Tait Telecom car park Huntingdon, I'm across the road at Nokia Siemens Networks.
  6. Oh go on then. I've promised myself I'll own a V8 at some stage so why not a GTR.
  7. When car companies make these sorts of updates, which I guess aren't cheap to implement, do they canvas the opinion of buyers or current owners? These changes don't look to be for the better.
  8. Prefer the original wheels, red calipers ok, exhaust should have been changed.
  9. Definitely the cold on the RE050s. I've got 6mm on my fronts and they scrub like a goodun when I first come out of the drive and my work car park. The 3mm comment is cobblers. The rubber is rock hard in the cold.
  10. Cool, my daily route same time most days so I'm sure you'll spot me again.
  11. That would have been me...I'm chuffed to have been spotted ta! My daily slog from Kettering to Huntingdon. The Z makes it less of a chore. You'd catch up on the way to work no problem I tootle in at 70. It would be more of a challenge the other direction that's for sure. Did you spot my wheels? Just had them done smoke black chrome so wondered if you noticed them.
  12. Silver 350 06 plate, heading past the hospital into town and a black 370 60 Plate at the roundabout by the hospital. I was in the blue 370.
  13. Well done mate....and the best colour
  14. Well done mate....and the best colour
  15. Drove the Lambo and 430 at Thruxton, much prefered the 430, the Lambo seemed a bit detached...dare I say dull. The 430 was fantastic in every way, sound handling acceleration...just over too quick. I'd pick GTR, 430 and R8.
  16. philb1965


    I'd like to know what % of the driving population that would put you in for ncb, bet it's the top 1%. I've breen driving since 84 and currently on 11 years ncb...well done!
  17. My mate used these last year on his R32 and he was mightily impressed. Traction was great and wear was fairly minimal, he had them on for 4 months and only used 1mm of tread in quite a few thousand miles as it was his company driver. He thoroughly recommends them.
  18. Had mine on for 10 months now....exclusivity gone, bugger I love the twin can look and the burnt tips. Sounds great especially with the syncro rev on downshifts. I haven't done a sound clip but there are loads on YouTube. Accoring to the exhaust centre it fitted like a glove. Deffo a good choice, I don't think you'll be disappointed. The only niggle which you might want to address is the bolts for the adjustable tips. I don't know if it's some metal reaction or if they are just poor quality but the threads rust so you end up with brown marks around the bolt heads. I've put copper ease on which has helped, but I'm going to replace them with titanium bolts. Hope this helps. Just noticed this is for a 350 sorry, but I expect the bolt issue wi be the same.
  19. philb1965

    Tyre help please

    Put your details in tyrequote website, they contact all your local fitters and they email you prices fitted. I was quoted £208 for a rear fitted RE050ASZ which is what's fitted as standard. Worth a try might save a few quid. Much cheaper than tinternet sites which surprised me.
  20. I'm getting a set of the 370 rays powdercoated smoke black chrome, I'll post a pic once they are done around the end of next week. Should look pretty good I hope.
  21. I drive my better half nuts with parking. Miles away from the any other cars normally. To be honest I couldn't care less if someone takes up two bays, there are so many inconsiderate tw@ts out there I don't blame them. Clarksonesk...door dingers should be taken out the back and shot.
  22. I like these a lot Incurve IC S5 20" though. http://wheelsworldwide.co.uk/wheels/inc ... /mattblack
  23. Just so people don't waste their time, I've agreed a price for these, picking them up at the weekend.
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