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  1. Ah ok fair enough Yeh that's the problem for me, finding something to replace it that's still interesting and eye catching as even though it's 14 years old, my MR2 still manages that
  2. There's a v cheap and quick fix for that tbar problem you know. Nevermind.
  3. Really?! Did it leak? I love mine, off all the time in the summer (or winter with numerous layers!)
  4. Yeh Rev4 TBar Nice 2-will you let me know what the 350Z is like when it arrives (kind of a comparison with the 2?) EDIT-If you've already driven many...how does it compare??
  5. Thanks guys, not seen a 350Z in Yarm will have to keep an eye out!
  6. Thanks for welcomings everyone Japspeed? I havea Japspeed system on my MR2, if yours is anything like mine I'm sure it'll be seriously loud! I'll be watching a lot of the games too so don't worry about that! Is it best if you PM me when would be best to meet up? I'm on hols after finishing my degree too so am pretty free at the minute really.
  7. That'd be brilliant thanks Matt Had a quick look at your sig but what mods in terms of performance etc has yours had? Thanks!
  8. Hi everyone, I'm Chris from near Yarm in the North East. I'm 20 and drive a 1996 2.0 Toyota MR2. I'm looking to change my car after summer (when I'll be 21) maybe Sep time once I have started my first real job and the money comes in. The 350Z's have always appealed, especially as I want my next car to still look great and drive well but to have some serious grunt at lowish revs rather than having to thrash it all the time like with my MR2. I have yet to drive or even be a passenger in a 350Z, so I know that's my next step really, but wondered what running costs were like? I know they're a serious performance car, but in terms of reliability, fuel, servicing costs etc? I have looked at insurance and as I will be 21 when I get the car it's reasonable, more so than I expected! I will only be doing 500-600 miles a month when I start the job so low MPG isn't a huge issue, within reason! I will be spending £10-£12k on the car, and from looking on autotrader I gather that's enough for an early example with reasonable miles. I would want a Uk one not import as the insurance is more. Thanks for any info, it's appreciated
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