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Everything posted by tez162003

  1. thats the one thing i hate about driving a nice (flashy looking) car. People instantly assume its either all finance or i'm spoilt and parents bought it. Like i was saying to Josh yesterday while doing his tyres, for me to buy a 350z took alot of work! I worked hard for that car (same as Josh by the sounds of it), to be able to afford one outright, i dont earn mega money (far from it) which is why i could only get a 2004 (53reg) model. Id love to have had the extra few grand to buy newer but i just dont have that sort of money. They can look at me as though im a from a wealthy family (so so so not the case), but if they said it too my face id be mega annoyed.
  2. i had an orange jack to go with my orange car how sads that.
  3. glad to have been of service, same back, good to see another zed, (even if yours was in the blue i wanted and newer ) christ the bridgestones are a bitch of a tyre to remove though, i should have charged you double! but then again i get to nab you old fronts to keep me going till i get my new wheels. the new tyres looked mental, love that tread pattern
  4. I own a 350z and a 98 corsa lol I have had a couple of comments since i had my car (all of a couple of weeks) but nothing compaired to the amount i used to get with my old escort i had. When i used to take it out for a drive id get people looking on every road, be it because of the noise or the bloody annoying flames out the back (lol) Id get people every time come up and comment take pictures etc, sort of got use to just going cheers, thanks, she alright. At a show was good, as alot are really intrested to know what you have done etc, gives them ideas for there own car (with mine being an escort alot of young guys have them and got inspiration from my car) some even bought an escort after seeing mine Its abit awkward i guess when someone comments but hey, its a compliment, be chuffed that someone likes it
  5. something around that price, but its a bloddy good piece of kit for its money, you'd be easily looking at 3+ times that for the blue point one, and double that for any other old one. If you want one to keep for your garage say, its definately worth investing in,
  6. costco is a good bet, they currently have a very low reach steel heavy duty trolley jack for like £60-£70. its basically a copy of the blue point low reach but in red. Bit annoyed as i bought an alloy one from there and a week later they bought out this one which was more heavy duty and lower reaching
  7. the biggest restriction for noise is your mahooosive stock rear silencer. Removing the middle silencer will help but not a great deal as that big silencer will still shut it up fairly well. Plus £90 to cut out and weld a pipe of mild steel pipe in is actually in my book a tad expensive, i can get the same thing done with stainless for £60
  8. the ones you looked at are not proper locking wheel nuts, but they sort of act as a locker. only real locking nuts i know of in Small diameter fitment are Mcguard tuner nut lockers. but there silver. if you have to have SD nuts, best bet is what your link is.
  9. I dont think you'd lose any money, end of the day its been Nissan serviced for a few years, as long as its all up to date. Had a P2 done to mine today at Japex, I thought should i go Nissan but i hear there not that great anyway. And Japex is well known with 350z's on here. Seems like they did a good job. When it comes to servicing i begrudge spending all this money. As i can do everything they do, but all because of a stamp in a book i have to pay extra Half the cost of a service is the inspection, of which i knew everything that was possibly needed on my car. Which made that pointless too. Oh well. Just get it done at the garage, as long as there a good reputable garage i think you should be fine.
  10. f**king hate pr**ks that feel the need to key a nice car, just because they dont have one! Useless lazy waste of space w**kers
  11. answered your own question? there steel so they will be strong and wont crack like lightweight ones always do.
  12. how many pound notes did that cost if you dont mind me asking. Im abit of a traditionalist with bodywork, i think id rather get a car painted and pay the extra, but only because they paint the door shuts etc. Where as the idea of wrapping is great and fantastic being reversable is its big USP. But the though of opening the door and seeing a totally different colour, now that would bug the life out of me, only really works when a black car is wrapped white, black door shuts dont look so bad then.
  13. get it too a bodyshop and sorted before it becomes serious. once rust starts its wont stop unless you cut out or in mild cases ( just started) cleaned and sanded off completely. Trust me im an expert with rust, my last car was a Ford...
  14. cam skills have a offer on vredestein at the moment
  15. i guess so, in that case, i do my own fitting for free
  16. to be honest, trade isnt that much cheaper, there just isnt much profit in tyres as there are so many people out there knocking eachothers prices down. Id like to get trade at a massive company, they must get tyres pretty cheap with there buying power.
  17. someones got a little crush on you i think. lol Anna and Vale sitting in a tree...... lol
  18. try camskills, they always seem to be the cheapest, i get mine from my second job, as i get trade
  19. i had this myself also on the second time off filling up my 350z press - check press - check repeated this like 10 times, i looked like a right muppet, it eventually opened. and since then not been an issue, but i may have to do what was said above and just clean and grease it up.
  20. like i said, mine was mint underneath, not a scratch about. how are yours all scratched and where?
  21. i took mine off yesterday, had a couple of sticky pad under it? So cleaned that up, and the paintwork is pretty good under it, if it wasnt id just machine polish it. Just not convinced on a big UK plate bend around the bumper?
  22. bloody half arsed fitters. you will never have the same finish as oem, and it never seems to last as long, also if its powder coated they never have the shine oem has. If they were pretty mint to start with id say you down there, but if they were tatty, get in they can do mine too if they want, mine are in desperate need of a refurb
  23. Im in 2 minds whether to take mine off, not sure which looks better, with or without? Anyone got any pictures of your own zeds front number plate, holder of not? What do you reckons better: Plate holder No plate holder and standard size plate No plate holder and 3/4 sized plate
  24. why'd you get rid of the birdsview? it might be stuck simple with a sticky pad, mine has never been stuck down and still has the orginal sticky pad on
  25. if they have wax on them then you need to leave them in soak with something like washing up liquid, thats because washing up liquid can eat through the waxes unlike anything else,
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