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Everything posted by tez162003

  1. link? id be interested in a set too.
  2. Mark 1 Capri witha V8 Guy i know (old boy) who's spent his life as a mechanic built one few years ago. I remember when he bought the car, it was like swiss cheese! I said what the hell is that!.... lol 2 Years later, the whole car was completely rebuilt, New parts, reconditioned parts, Uprated parts, LSD, Wilwood brakes, fully restored and re sprayed, was absolutley mint, oh and a 5.0 Chevy V8, hand made headers, uprated this and that! The thing has done few trips up the strip, only running in the 13s but thats due to no being able to get the power down, just spins everywhere He just goes up straight roads sideways lol. If you want fun, thats a project!
  3. cheers for that advise, as ive said several times already, i'm not saying i think these programs are the be all and end all of fitness, only live by that etc. only mentioned them as it was maybe an intense start i need to get going with a sort of pre made workout to get me going while i research. Its something 'all in one' to follow to get me going, then after the 60/90 days, i can set about making my own routines and diets. I'm not a half arsed person, once i set my goal and have the motivation.. im doing it! its just getting the starting motiviation that seems to be hard right now, once i start and get into a routine and fit it in my daily life, then id be happy. Im not expecting to be mr perfect or be even close over night. I may try out a program, get me started and possibly work a tad , follow there diet plan to start. and while doing this, research the foods when and why you eat them, (i know basics but could learn a hell of alot more!) then plan done, move onto doing my own thing, introduce my riding and running while hitting the weights. My aim isnt to get big and muscly like some beefcake posser boy thinking he's gods gift to women. Just want to tone what i have really. Then maybe set about gaining abit of size later on (im sure thats along way off though)
  4. thanks for the quick replies, i know crash dieting works short term but not long term, which is why i didnt expect it to stay off forever lol. I lost nearly 4.5st in 4 months afterall! and only since put on just under 1st in a year and a bit. This time round i want to lose weight and get fit, but make it part of my life, not just 60 days then back on the burgers! I guess a good start for me is I dont drink alcohol, so dont miss that, pretty much just drnk water, (have done for years) dont eat cheese anymore (not done since that diet, so thats over a year and a half now) but im the sort of person who see's it as being so long without, why ruin it now, i get the odd craving when the misses orders domino's but i can easily resist. Im not looking for a crash diet, if im going to be doing alot more pysical exercise than last time i need the protein, fats and calories. Just like the idea of a definative program on dvd or something to follow for couple of months just to get me started then i can ease off and just make it part of the daily routine, (i actually envy the people who i see jogging, knowing they have it down in there routine and i dont) all i need is that push to get started, see some quick(ish) results to give me all the motivation i need to continue and develop further and never let it go.
  5. Fitness - I need some! Since hearing about that Insanity program on here few days ago, i have been thinking its time i sorted myself out. Story of me so far, im 24 (just ) and back when i was younger 15/16/17 i did alot of long distance running,, up there with county runners and also alot of bike riding, be in trials or distance. Since then I got a steady Girlfirend and 'got comfortable'. Big mistake, I hit at my heaviest just on 16st. Im 6ft tall but even so, I was a heffer! So back in December 2008 I decided enough was enough, Diet was started. Killer diet to start with, not much exercise involved but very low carories, No specific plan as im no dietition but chicken was alot of meals lol I then got down to 11st 8lbs in a space of 4 months, then mistakingly started to introduce a few things back into the diet, problem is i like my food... So I had to say hello to the mid 12st again Gutted as i could start to see my stomach getting real flat. not anymore. Anyway, that was just a big diet with few weights 3 times a week and a 25mile ride on a saturday morning. Im looking to start doing some training, I dont want to go to a gym as i work 2 jobs so will be hard to fit in driving to the gym, id rather just do it at home or at work (I work evening job and no ones there anyway so id have space there) My target is lose the weight i gained and some, and tone the hell up! Arms, chest, ab's. I wanna look like a surfer dude lol I just need the push to start, once i start seeing results again, i dont need motivation as seeing results is enough to keep me going. Anyway, looked at the 2 'common' fitness programs about on the web, Insanity (as talked about recently) and P90X. Reason I want a program, is i feel its a good starter for me getting back into fitness for good, As once i start something i am the sort of person who has to finish it. Where as if i just started doing few weights and a bike ride every week, id only go meh not bothered today. Insanity looks great due to only needing the video and a bit of space, no exquipment! but it looks mental! and im not mega fit at the mo, and this is aimed for fitness fanatics, and even they struggle. Is this still do-able for a newbie/bit fit person as there are no set reps required, just as many as you can do in the set times? But then i saw P90X, which seems to be a upper body workout designed to tone and rip. Exactly what i want but also wanting some fitness cardio etc too. (maybe do the P90X, then afterwards, incorporate some of the workouts into a routine as well as running, riding etc?) Basically any ideas, in put, tips and tricks and advise to help me out would be hugely appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and look forward to your responses. Thanks Terry
  6. no weights what so ever? Blimey, hows that work then. Id have thought it would have involved some weights/ and or running sessions between the videos?
  7. iso hunt - check bit comet -check will have a gander me thinks, ive been meaning to kick myself into shape again, maybe trying to follow a plan will give me the extra boost. If its as hard as people say, i may have to water it down abit as im not the fittest anymore.
  8. as long as its well lubed at all times, it should be fine I only use an aggressive clay if im about to machine someones car, as some marring marks dont matter then, as they will be corrected later on.
  9. it is good, i dont dispute that, but there are others that are just as good aswell. Some people just read a bit of banter on Detailing World and think they know everything. Everyones and expert nowdays
  10. afraid not, im only in Kings Langley mon-fri as i work there, i live in silsoe about 30 minutes or so away
  11. you bought aggressive clay! hope you have used clay before, becasue clay can damage the paintwork! Clay is bacically clay with abbrasives in. the more abbrassives the more aggressive it it, but also the more likely and easier it is to marr you paintowrk. (basically mark it) the best way to remove this marks is with a machine polisher... If you are going to use it, make sure you use loads of lube between the paint and the clay. From What knowledge of cleaning gear you seem to have, id start small. 2 Buckets 1 wash mitt A good quality shampoo Mild Clay Clay Lube/ Quick Detailer Wax Cleanser, (and why does everyone have to say Lime Prime, there's so much more abouut than that!) and finally a decent wax. Your choice, personally i prefer hard waxes. Then the usual tyre shine is you want it etc etc Start small, dont just jump in buying it all knowing what nothing does.
  12. loving the weave'ness' on that exhaust pipe work good luck with the sale, tempted but i already have a GM 350 now
  13. tez162003

    URGENT !!

    whenever i do puncture repairs, i just go off as long as the base of the repair patch sits flat and doesnt go onto the curve into the side wall then all is good,
  14. http://www.importpartspro.com/st4vqloblni2.html
  15. have to be careful the cat doesnt claw the beads while climbing in there.
  16. am i right in saying Japspeeds manifolds have a decat sorta built on?
  17. i dont have a video camera. i have a 3g iphone which doesnt have video either... so vid is atouch one, but i shall try get one at some point
  18. definatly keeping this exhaust. now its been used for a couple of weeks, i love the noise. Gunna cost me a fortune now though, as i drive everywhere changing gears bit later just to hear that exhaust lol
  19. if you wasnt all the way in Ireland, and closer to me, then im sure we could have sorted something out. I did set up my little company a while back, but didnt chase the work due to lack of time to be honest.
  20. get a scan of the pages up then
  21. weight wise, about average really, well i guess for a 20" they were fairly light, but id rather have some weight/strength in them when its going to have the onslaught of an SLR. Weight were a bitch, had to do a sports fit, so less than 30g on each inner and outer of the wheel, luckily they all did without any need to rotate the tyre to move the heavy spot round a bit. Had to use OEM weights too. No 10/5/10/5 style weights, each weight is a single weight as you can see in the picture.
  22. oh i agree the price is mental, there not 5k a corner imo, there gorgeous wheels and well made, but HRE are just as good and third of the price. But its Brabus, special edition = prestigious. They will set the car off though, that why id love to see some pictures of them fitted to the New SLR.
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