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Everything posted by tez162003

  1. why you asking us? i dont know what you already have, what style of 350z your going for? budget for next mod, reason for modding etc more info needed,
  2. bugger me! your last pic from the show (the Nissan S12?) I know the guy who owns that, he has owned it for about 4 years doing it up. And it seems today is the first time he has ever driven it!
  3. He couldnt do that detail on the same car more than once. He must remove a fair amount of clear with so many passes, regardless of how mild they are. Even if i were the best there was, 7k... you'd have to be hard pushed to show 7k worth of car cleaning on a car. I feel abit guilty asking for couple hundred or so for a full detail. End of the day, still alot of money for a clean car. regardless of corrections etc. Plus 8k waxes.. he only uses a small amount on a car, so only 200 worth of wax say. so £6800 profit.. plus those pots are refillable for life included in the 8k price (just has to be sent back to USA for refill. so you get hit with import charges on 8k product each time)
  4. anyone know what wheels he's running in this pic. or have any more pictures? i didnt realise he got rid of the DPE's
  5. As much as i wanted a Azure, i couldnt do it for 2 reasons. 1. Azure's seemed to fetch more than GM's, so i got a better spec'd GM for less than a basic Azure. 2. The misses TT is blue, so 2 blue cars would be a little sad. And neither would seem that special then
  6. ridiculous. looks no different to any other average joe who knows a few things about detailing. Thing that really pi**es me off is people who read a thing or 2 on a detailing forum, do half a car, and then think there the best pro out there, and try advertise for business. i know of a few couple of people who actually detail cars occasionally yet they get someone else to do there own? If your not confident enough to do your own car dont work on others. Anyway, if you want a good detail. avoid 7k washes, all a big con. just get well known company to do it for the usual going rate of 500 - 600
  7. not a fan im afraid, i can appreciate the work thats gone into them , but they belong in the focus, not a 350z.
  8. looks good to me just not a fan of polished inlets, they never look evenly polished, and dull quickly.
  9. i too for some reason bought the first one i saw. infact i got it off ebay. (low impulse bid which actually won) but went there knowing if its a dog im walking, sod him he can put bad feed back. Needed couple of little bits doing, but thats only due to me wanting it real clean. Even knocked him down abit too. Never wanted the GM to start with, always wanted the Azure, but i have to say, the GM when gleaming is gorgeous
  10. Not lower you say Before: After: Its not as low as other cars ive had but it will go lower soon enough.
  11. tez162003

    Arches Rolled

    i'll be needing this soon. i too plan on pushing the limits of stance. nice to see a recommendation. How much did i cost if you dont mind me asking? But saying that, whats wrong with the good old fashioned scaffold pole between the arch and wheel lol
  12. As i said before, i had a dent removed from the rear quarter, (see previous post regarding who i used, He has alot of Nissan contracts) Anyway, if it is not possible to get at from the back due to the double skin, then some guys have a glue method, where they glue onto your panel to pull the dent out. then they will iron/ tap it back. The guy i used managed to do mine from the back as it was near the door. but last resort was the glue method. (not a problem on standard paintwork) if the guy you use can get it out, move onto someone else! The guy i used id highly recommend. Did a couple on the misses TT aswell why he was there free of charge. (1 on each door)
  13. since i fitted the buddy club the floor above the Y pipe gets nice and warm lol sat in london the other night in traffic and thats when i noticed it. since then i was like how on earth did i not notice this before.
  14. I Used a Hard Polishing Spot pad and Menzerna IP, 2 passes, then moved down to a white Hex Polishing Pad and Menzerna FF, then used a finishing spot pad and Menzerna Seal. Mine are still not perfect as it had a really bad cloudy bit on it about 20cm long right next to the bonnet on the drivers light. managed to get most of it (about 4 passes to do though), amazing when i had done 1 you could compare the 2, and what a difference, before the orange repeater bulbs didnt bother me due to the dullness of the lenses but now there mega clear you can see the orange bulbs so clearly. Need to refine the finish of the car this weekend if the weather is good enough. still not to my standard. (although i am ignoring the stone chips etc right now in my standards as they will eventually be repainted or new bumper) Think i may have to crack out the Zymol Concourse for it this time. Supernaural is only so good
  15. Mines a 2004 UK, and mine auto locks, i know, i locked my keys in my car last weekend. Luckily i have a second key, so just ran upstairs grabbed it and beeped it out the window, went down and got my original key. (i swear there hasnt been a car ive locked my keys in before lol) As soon as it happened i instantly thought of this thread lol
  16. i have noticed the seat isnt quite in line with the pedals. so you almost sit on the bolster to sit straight. (may just be me and wonky legs?)
  17. yep, defo doing the same job twice, but i wasnt going to just leave them off the car until i get the wheels lol. I just have to have them n the car ASAP The 350z i thought sat nice at the front but to high at the rear. So lowered front a tad and rear bit more than a tad lol. I dont mind doing the setting up twice, bit of fun on a sunday afternoon.
  18. agreed, stubby is on the list, shall prob grab one this week sometime. thinking s2000 one?
  19. i know that im not 7 years old why would i fit them and not set them up for now. Guess i worded my title wrong. I just meant got coilovers on. Will re adjust once i get the new wheels. You obviously havnt been in a stock 350z for a while. Trust me its lower. not massive amounts, (thats for later on ) more the rear than the front. But the rear is showing the typical stupid camber already lol
  20. hey, sorry i didnt stay around too long saturday. Everyone seemed real busy and felt like a spare part so thought id just leave you too it. Who was the guy who you said designed the zed? Good thing i did leave quickly as im sure i would have found more things to spend money i currently dont have on parts off Nurrishes car (like those mental brakes! )
  21. by that i mean lowered. The 4 mods i wanted to do for my 350z were - Induction kit (got but think i may actually go back to standard box) - Exhaust (buddy club pro spec III) - Lowered (done this Sunday, BC Coilovers) - Wheels. (last main purchase before i get bored and feel the urge to do more) Wheels im seriously considering are the 57s Pros, but cant find the best fitment as i want aggressive. Best thing ive done so far is machine polish the headlights as they were horrid, so much better now! Still need to refine the paintwork after my 1.5 day detail. Then it should be clean. Anyway few pics as it stands today. And no one say spacers! I would space them out if i planned to keep these wheels on the car. Well as it stands now is a lie. The front bumper currently has some remains or something due to me flattening a rabbit on the way home. Hope it hasnt damaged the bumper, (to dark to really look now) but i actullay feel really bad and guilty, never run anything over before lets hope all is okay.
  22. Agreed, chavs have ruined the best Europeon ford ever built IMO (how do they all afford them! I say europeon as i do have a soft spot for the american ford market I did the cossie kit on an escort but i did mine on a mark 6 with differnt rear bumper, bright paint, jap style wheels and abit more poke than a 1.1 poplar. lol So it was cossie kitted but tried to get away from that alittle too. (i'll pic whore and await slating)
  23. escort cosworth is a legend. love the Monte Carlo edition. im bias with cossies, (well escorts in general) as i have been in ford escort world for last 5 years. (never had a cossie though) just tuned 2.0 zetec's. problem is there become a very rare collectable car and cannot be a daily driver as thats what id guess the VXR was before? (god knows why someone would want to preserve a VXR as a weekend car only) Either way if the spare cash is there for a sunday toy and willing to either splash the cash for a good one, or buy cheap and spend the extra fixing her up. id say go for it. everyone needs to aim to own there childhood dream car. Shame mines a little more expensive than a cossie which means i have no hope! (ferrari F40)
  24. best episode in a long time! for the first time ever i even enjoyed the star in the reasonably priced car. (only due to the gorgeous Cameron Diaz) that Bugatti is immense! Makes the normal one look crap. All the oil billionaires will be selling there Veyrons now and fighting for one of the few SS Versions. Also that Senna piece was brilliant. Brings back memories of me as a kid watching some of those races with my dad on a sunday afternoon.
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