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Everything posted by khanshirus

  1. Well if there are any London (ish) meets going on we can hook up there mate.. Otherwise, sure we can arrange something one weekend.. I will have to let you know. Cheers
  2. Hi ya mate I mailed you about the v2 wing but still waiting a reply. Can you pm me details please. I have just ordered a new one which is coming in 3 weeks so if yours is good rep then I will take your instead but I need to know asap. Can you send me some pics of it and where you got it from. Thanks
  3. Looking on there too .. seems like a lot of Rays .. but none of the other types.. It was just worth a try to see if any were on here.
  4. No its not the Ray's its these ones in my pic. Kinda £45 - £50 a wheel or cheaper .. if possible.
  5. I am after another set of the orginal wheels (I don't want to pay a lot for them) .. Just wondering if you have changed your wheels and you have your orginals sitting in the garage or shed collecting dust because you cba to sell them, then I could be after them I just want another set of wheels cause mine are needing a respray and it would be nice to have a spare set to spray aswell.. Not interested in tyres .. just wheels. Cheap please!! Thanks a lot.
  6. I am after a Bonnet Varis part number VBNI-102, just to finish it off.. but re-sprayed red
  7. Hello there, I have had my fifty for about 4 years now so I thought it was time to jump on here and say hi I have just dropped some pics in the media section too, you can click below if you want to see it.. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=38697&p=577743#p577743 Thxs
  8. Thanks, I wanted the real white Nismo's but couldn't really afford them, so thought .. why not just get the originals painted white and sticker them up
  9. I am After a price on this .. if anyone can help that would be great Bonnet Varis part number VBNI-102
  10. Just had the disc's, pads and hoses uprated so thought I would drop a couple of pics and a few of the motor .. Now for the ICE custom made speaker to fill that useless bit of back space.. amp is mounted inside the cubbie hole behind the passager chair
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